
Friday, May 06, 2011

Garibaldi Lake

Today I'm in the art studio with Heather.  She's making a beautiful Mother's Day card.  Since I finished making my Mother's Day cards a while ago, I decided to play with my Stampscapes stamps.  I had an idea to have snowy mountains off in the distance.  That was all I had in my head before I started and didn't have an overall plan ... not the best way to make a scenic card.  The problem was I didn't decide to add the lakeside cabin until after I had done the water (brayering), so it had to be quite dark to cover over the blue of the water.  If I had thought ahead, I could have added the lakeside cabin with lighter colors and embossed before doing the brayering ... I'm always learning new things!

Because the cabin was so dark, I decided to add snow to the roof and in the trees to lighten up the image.  It turned out really well!  Heather told me it looked just like a photo she had taken at Garibaldi Lake.  Hope you like.

"Garibaldi Lake"
Stamps:  Lakeside Cabin, Rocky Peaks, Water Pattern (Stampscapes)
Paper:  Always Artichoke, Basic Black, Whisper White (SU!)
Ink:  Baja Breeze, Pacific Point, Craft Black; Stampin' Write Markers:  Old Olive, Soft Suede, Early Espresso, Sahara Sand (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Rubber brayer, sponges, white embossing powder, heat tool, white gel pen, Versamark, post-it notes for masking, three pewter brads, adhesives and dimensionals

* * * * *

I stamped the Rocky Peaks in Versamark and then heat embossed with white.  I stamped the same image onto a scrap of paper in a dark ink color (any color) and then cut out and used it to mask the sky.  I placed another mask across the paper at the bottom of the mountains.  I then sponged the mountains with Baja Breeze.  I removed the masks and then rubbed the image with paper towel to remove any excess ink (ink will not stick to the embossed areas of the mountains).

I masked the mountains and sky above and brayered the water with Baja Breeze and Pacific Point.  I removed the mask.

I stamped the Lakeside Cabin in Craft Black ink and heat set.  Using the Stampin' write markers, I inked in the cabin, ground, rocks and trees.  To lighten the image, I added snow to the roof of the cabin, along the ground and in the trees with the white gel pen.  I let it dry and went over the roof of the cabin with the gel pen again to make the snow "whiter".

I used Pacific Point and the Water Pattern stamp to add ripples in the water ... next time I'd try using the Baja Breeze ink for a more subtle look.

I cropped the main image to 3 3/4" square and mounted it onto a frame of Basic Black cardstock and popped it up with dimensionals.

I added a brad to the center of each small, black square and mounted them onto the card with dimensionals.

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