
Sunday, October 09, 2011

Christmas Poinsettias

Today I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner for my family (this is the Thanksgiving weekend in Canada).  At least I will start now that I've made a card for today :)  Priorities, priorities ... :)  Luckily, I decided that I was going to cook a ham instead of the traditional turkey which means I had time this morning to hang out in the art studio.  Somehow the time just flies when I'm in there and I can't believe three hours have gone by.  I was experimenting with some new Christmas wrapping paper I picked up from Costco the other day and it turns out it made beautiful background paper for my card!  I also put together some Christmas ornaments with the same paper and will be using those in the next couple of days.  All I did was cover white cardstock with my glue stick and then top with the wrapping paper to make it sturdy enough to use on a card.  I used my rubber brayer to smooth out all the glue - it worked perfectly!
Hope you like.

"Christmas Poinsettias"

Stamps:  Bells & Boughs (SU!)
Paper:  Old Olive, Whisper White (SU!); Christmas wrapping paper
Ink:  Early Espresso, Real Red, Old Olive (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Mistletoe ribbon from SU!, glue stick, sticky strips and dimensionals

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I stamped the poinsettia in Early Espresso ink onto Whisper White cardstock and colored it with the Stampin' Write markers.  I cut the image (that took a bit of time).

I glued the wrapping paper onto Whisper White cardstock and cut to size.  I attached it to a large piece of Whisper White cardstock and wrapped the Mistletoe ribbon around where the papers met.

I mounted the panel onto a card base of Old Olive.

I mounted the poinsettias onto the card, popping it up with dimensionals to add depth.

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