
Friday, November 25, 2011

Lone Winter Tree

I haven't made a brayered card for a while ... so yesterday afternoon I went surfing the 'net for inspiration.  There are wonderful photography sites that have hundreds of pictures of nature scenes, some of which would translate nicely into a brayered card.  I found a picture of a lone winter tree in a snow-covered field.  The coloring of the sky turned out very close to the picture ... and definitely conveys a cold, winter day.  Stampscapes has incredible stamps and I used two for the card below (Leafless Limb & Old Fence).  Hope you like.

"Lone Winter Tree"

Stamps:  Leafless Limb, Old Fence (Stampscapes)
Paper:  Basic Gray, Whisper White (SU!)
Ink:  Sahara Sand, Basic Gray, River Rock, Basic Black (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Speedball Rubber Brayer, post-it notes for masking, sponge, Stamp-a-ma-jig, and adhesives

* * * * *

I ripped a mask from the post-it note and used it to cover the snow area.  I inked my brayer with Sahara Sand and brayered from the post-it note edge, upwards ... creating a gray haze above the snowline.
Next I brayered in River Rock, starting at the top of the sky and moving downwards until it reached the gray area.  I used a small sponge dauber to add Basic Gray ink along the horizon line.

I removed the mask (keep for later use) and stamped the leafless limb tree in Basic Gray ink just off-center.
Using the Stamp-a-ma-jig for placement, I inked the Old Fence stamp in Basic Black and stamped it a couple of times.

I placed the post-it note mask from earlier along the bottom of the fence and sponged more Basic Gray ink to create a shadow under the fence.  I also sponged a little at the bottom of the tree.

To finish, I sponged more Basic Gray ink along the bottom, top and sides of my main panel.  I mounted the panel onto a card base of Basic Gray cardstock.

1 comment:

  1. I love your card and the colours you have used... I know it a long time ago that you posted but its not long since I found Pinterest! :)


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