
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Enchanting Florets

It's been a very laid-back day.  Took it easy this morning, sipping on coffee for a couple of hours before getting busy.  My MIL had a good night's rest last night and is feeling pretty good today, so I'm happy about that!

I wanted to participate in the sketch challenge from SCS today (SC365) because it has several layers, which I rarely do ... so it is definitely a challenge for me.  I got several stamping supplies for Christmas, one of which was a pack of the Everyday Enchantment Designer Paper and I thought this sketch would work beautifully with this vintage-style DP.

Here's the SCS Sketch365:

I flipped it vertically.  Hope you like.

"Enchanting Florets"

Stamps:  Fabulous Florets (SU!)
Paper:  Real Red, Everyday Enchantment DP, watercolor paper (SU!)
Ink:  Real Red, Basic Black
Accessories & Tools: clear embossing powder, heat tool, water mister, Aqua Painter, bone folder, Cuttlebug "Textile" embossing folder, Big Shot, sponge, sticky strips and dimensionals

* * * * *

I stamped the flower in Basic Black ink onto watercolor paper and heat embossed in clear.  I spritzed the flower with lots of water and added Real Red re-inker to the center of the flower ... the pooled water on top of the watercolor paper spread the re-inker over the petals.  I let the flower dry thoroughly and then cut it out.  I used my bone folder to slightly curl the ends of the petals upwards.

I ran both a large piece and small piece of Real Red cardstock through my Big Shot with the Textile embossing folder.  I cut them to size and sponged with Real Red ink to highlight the embossing.  I cut the other pieces of the Everyday Enchantment DP to size.

I mounted all the pieces as shown in the picture above, popping up the flower with dimensionals to add depth.

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