
Monday, August 27, 2012

Pinwheel for You

Today's card is for the SCS CAS Challenge (CAS185 - summer treats).  Originally I was going to do a card with either watermelon or ice cream cones.  But I decided to go a different way and make a card that shows one of the fun treats (or toys) that we get to enjoy in the summer --- pinwheels!  I've seen a few dies available to make pinwheels, but it is so simple to do I decided to make my own.  I've included the construction steps below.  Hope you like.

"Pinwheel for You"

Stamps:  All About You sentiments (Amy R)
Paper:  White; Yellow Gingham (Making Memories); Just Eat Cake DP, Pumpkin Pie (SU!)
Ink:  Black (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Green glitter brad, Stamp-a-ma-jig

To construct pinwheel:

Cut a square from double-sided DP (mine is 2" square).  Using pencil, draw diagonal lines to form an "X".  Cut from each corner towards the middle 1"; erase pencil marks.

Add small square of sticky strip over center of pinwheel (approx 1/4").  Gently curl every-other point towards center and adhere point to sticky square.  Punch hole in middle of pinwheel large enough to feed brad.

Cut square support for back of post (mine is 1/2" square).  Punch hole in middle of support square and glue post (mine is 3/16" wide) onto support square, making sure to not cover the hole.

Assembly:  Place brad through pinwheel, then through support square with post attached.  Using my scissors as spacers, I added space between the brad and pinwheel ... as well as space between the pinwheel and post.  I bent the prongs of the brad and then removed my scissors.  This way the pinwheel freely turns on the post.  I know this sounds  a bit confusing, but it's actually very easy if you just take it step by step.


So I've been thinking about my blog and decided that I'm going to change it up a bit.  When I first started this, I was holding classes for my friends (and friends of friends), to show them how to construct cards and use different techniques.  Since most of them were beginners, I'd give them step-by-step instructions to take home with them for the cards we made in class ... and I continued that when I started my blog so that they could follow my instructions on-line.

Moving forward I will only include the recipe for the card (stamps, papers, inks, accessories and tools), plus any tips that I've learned along the way, or instructions on new-to-this-blog techniques or construction (example:  how to make the pinwheel above).  I hope that my detailed instructions for the 500+ cards in previous posts will guide those of you that are wanting help.  Thank you.


  1. Adorable pinwheel! Love your fun DPs and happy color palette! Yes, pinwheels makes me think of summer too!

    My goodness, 500+ cards with DETAILED instructions!!! I am glad you are cutting back, that is just so much work! I am sure you would respond to an email if need be : )

    Always a pleasure to visit your wonderful blog, Loll!

  2. Such a happy card! Love it!!

  3. Thanks for the directions on the pinwheel, Loll. I've always wanted to try one. Now I feel confident I can do it. I'm amazed that you've managed the step by step for over 500 cards! Wow! What a lot of love to share. I find that people will email me if they have questions about how I did something and I enjoy knowing that someone is interested enough to ask.

  4. I love the paper you've used for the pinwheel, and that big sentiment. I don't blame you for trimming back on posting full instructions, that's quite a commitment. Just think, it will give you more time to make cards!

  5. I love the pinwheels, Loll! I even got some pinwheel stamps from SU, but haven't really gotten the hang of it. Thank you SO much for the instructions!!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)