
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Joyeux Noel

Hi everyone.  Quick post today with a very CAS card for this week's Color Challenge from SCS (CC403 - real red, basic gray, gumball green).  Still working on Christmas cards ... have lots made ... actually more than I need, but they are my favorite to make, so will be taking advantage of the next month to make some more and give my Christmas die-cuts and stamps a good work-out before putting them away for several months. :)

Stamps:  En Francais (SU!); Handy Christmas Greetings (Amy R)
Paper:  White (Neenah); Gumball Green, Real Red (SU!)
Ink:  Basic Gray, Gumball Green (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Nestabilities Label Two (Spellbinders), Holly Vine (Memory Box), 1/16" hole punch, white gel pen, sponge, Stamp-a-ma-jig, glue, and dimensionals

The main panel was stamped with En Francais in Basic Gray.  I die-cut the holly vine and punched out red berries and attached a partial vine across the main panel, tacking it down with a couple of dots of glue.  Using the gel pen, I added a white dot to each berry to highlight.  The main panel is popped up for added dimension.


Another quick note, my Trio of Ornaments card was mentioned as one of the favorites for last week's Color Throwdown Challenge.  Thanks Tammy!!


  1. This is lovely, Loll! I like how the holly branch extends beyond the panel.

  2. Fantastic card! Love the text behind the leaves. It is so dramatic.

  3. Very pretty, Loll! I like the delicate holly branch and great design. Sue x

  4. Yet another beautiful CAS card Loll - it's so pretty; I love it.


    Karen x

  5. Fabulous CAS card Loll love your design


  6. Loll, what an enjoyable morning, browsing your lovely blog! Such pretty artwork, and elegant techniques. I have become your most recent follower! ((hugs))

  7. Hi Loll, You had some kind words for me and checked out my simple blog. It gives me a great boost. Thank you! I love your latest card. It's uncluttered and classy. I hope you continue posting such beautiful cards.

  8. Good gracious - this is gorgeous!! Love that panel behind the leaves - very creative.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)