
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Purple Tulips for Andrea

Hi everyone.  This card is for two challenges at SCS:  Featured Stamper (FS316 - stampinandrea) and Ways To Use It (WT416 - Birthday Celebration).

StampinAndrea is the owner of Annabelle Stamps (a recent stamp company for me) ... I love her CAS and elegant style of cards and found several in her SCS gallery that I wanted to CASE in her honor.

In the end, I didn't CASE one particular card.  Instead, I tried to capture her style, along with using one of her stamp sets ... and using a technique that Andrea uses a lot, but I have never tried before - watercoloring with pencils.  Congratulations Andrea ... I loved looking through your gallery and I hope you like the card I made in your honor!!

The Ways to Use it challenge is a celebration of the eighth year since the challenge started ... make a celebration card and include purple.

Stamps:  Mother's Day Bouquet (Annabelle Stamps); Sincere Salutations (SU!)
Paper:  Watercolor; Elegant Eggplant (SU!)
Ink:  Black, Derwent watercolor pencils
Accessories & Tools:  Aqua Painter, Stamp-a-ma-jig, mauve mini half-pearls, adhesives, and dimensionals

I have never used the watercolor pencils before ... and I definitely need more practice ... but it is a fun technique.  It makes me feel like a watercolor ar-TEEST! :)  The only problem I had was the black ink outline ran on me.  I tried several different versions (Memento, SU!, Staz-on) ... and it turns out the Staz-on was the best of these on watercolor paper - but none of them was perfect.  I think next time I need to embossed the image so I don't have any color running.

Here's a close-up of the tulips:


  1. Loll I think your card is beautiful such a lovely stamp and love your water colouring perfect colours and lovely style


  2. Lovely card. You did a wonderful job with the watercolor.

  3. This is just beautiful Loll - can't tell that you haven't used water color pencils before!!

  4. Gorgeous card Loll, the watercolour effect is beautiful, so soft.

  5. What a lovely image and beautiful card, Loll! I love tulips and I love purple; therefore, I instantly loved your card. Your water coloring with the pencils looks really good. I usually use Gamsol and stumps with water color pencils to prevent the bleeding with the black ink. Thanks for swinging by my blog today!

  6. What a beautiful bouquet of tulips! This definitely looks done by an ar- TIST!

  7. Thanks to you and Andrea for such a beautiful card!! I think I'll pull out my pencils and give this technique a try. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. I have never heard of Annabelle stamps until I saw this card. I've been checking them out. Thanks for the tip. Great stamps!

  9. Great card Loll. Your watercolouring is lovely! Great stamp from Annabelle Stamps!! xx

  10. Love this card Loll - the texture of the watercolour paper with the use of watercolour pencils is absolutely lovely.........and beautifully CAS.

    Karen x

  11. Hi Loll, this is gorgeous! I love tulips and your watercolouring is lovely. I found if I use Black Archival before stamping and let it dry thoroughly it doesn't run. Sue x

  12. Your watercolomring looks pretty darn good to me Loll! This is BEAUTIFUL!

  13. Hi Loll - I think you did a fabulous job on this! Doesn't seem that you need much practice to me :o) Thanks for the tip on the inks - embossing is the way to go when I try this. Hugs D

  14. I am mouth-agape over this one, Lolly! I have watercolor pencils, watercolor paper, and I love watercoloring, but I've never tried this. I can't image why you say you need more practice! This looks perfect to me!! xo Dolly

  15. LOVE your water coloring...beautifully done. I need to practice my water coloring skills a bit work never turns out this pretty!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)