
Friday, February 22, 2013

Stargazer Happiness

Hi everyone.  Quick post today as I'm off to see my DSIL at the hospital.  I'm way behind on making  a card to honor Mary (Octoberbabe at SCS).  Mary was chosen as Queen for the Day last Friday (QFTD152) and I wanted to make a card to celebrate.  Mary has a gallery full of inspiring cards ... and I chose this card to CASE in her honor - love the simplicity and CAS style.  Congrats Mary!!  I hope you enjoyed your special week!

Stamps:  Fifth Avenue (SU!); Be Happy Sentiments (Amy R)
Paper:  White, watercolor
Ink:  Black, Pretty in Pink, Regal Rose, Rose Red, Certainly Celery, Cajun Craze (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  water mister, aqua painter, Stamp-a-ma-jig, and dimensionals

I used a watercolored lily that I made a while back and had in my stash so I'm not exactly sure how I made it :)   The image is stamped in black ink onto watercolor paper and then I believe I used a combination of an aqua painter, water mister and ink to color it.  I used Stampin' Write markers to color in the stems, stamens and add more dark pink to the center of each petal (and the dots).

Here's a couple of more pictures of the card:

... and a close-up:


  1. I love that you popped the white rectangle off of the white card base.

  2. Gorgeous flower and a wonderful CASE of Mary's card!

  3. Oh, my! This is gorgeous! Wonderful job of painting this beauty and letting the white space give it the glory it deserves!

  4. Beautiful card Loll! The colouring is fantastic, I've actually been working on some of the same lillies! My hubby said I needed to look at some real flowers to get the shading right, your's is perfect :)

  5. Another gorgeous card Loll - I just love it - hugs xx

  6. Love our pretty flower Loll and a great CAS card..


  7. Gorgeous card Loll - that Stargazer lilly is stunning.

    Karen x

  8. Obviously Karen B is a gardener ! what a fabulous card, the lilly is so beautifully coloured and against all of that white it reigns supreme !


  9. That's a shame you don't remember how you did the lily, Lolly. (Ha, Lilly Lolly!) You absolutely captured the EXACT look of one of those. Dang. Although I've no doubt that you could recreate it perfectly!! The card is CASlicious!!

    I hope your day isn't too exhaustipating, my friend. xxoo Dolly

  10. What a beautiful card Loll. Love that pop of colour on a lovely white background. Just beaut.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)