
Monday, March 18, 2013

Thankful for Nancy

Hi everyone.  This card is for a couple of challenges.  First, the SCS Featured Stamper (FS319) this week is my good friend, Nancy Littrell.  Congrats Nancy!!

Nancy and I met while on the CAS Design Team for SCS just over a year ago and we've been friends ever since.  We have so much in common, and share a passion for CAS cards.  I have been inspired by Nancy for many of my cards that I have made and I know that she has inspired many others as well.  Today it's all about her ... and she will know that I really worked hard to make this card for her :)  She has made several beautiful cards using the two-step bird punch from SU! and I mentioned to her that I had the same punch, but just couldn't seem to get it to work for me on any of my cards ... I had tried several times and they always looked terrible and I would ditch them and start with something else.  I think I ended up with some sort of complex about using this punch!! :)  Today I used this beautiful card from Nancy's gallery to get me over my phobia!!  I'm so happy with how this turned out ... thank you, thank you, thank you Nancy!  I appreciate you for all your wonderful cards and inspiration you provide, but most of all, I appreciate you for you.  Enjoy your special week, my friend!!

I'm also entering this into the Less Is More challenge (LIM#111 - frame it).  I used piercing to frame my label punch.

Stamps:  Be Happy Sentiments (AmyR)
Paper:  White, watercolor
Ink:  Certainly Celery, Tempting Turquoise, Not Quite Navy (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  2-Step bird punch, Label punch; Piercing tool, template and mat, Stamp-a-ma-jig, water mister, glue, and dimensionals

I dropped some watered-down re-inkers (Certainly Celery, Tempting Turquoise, Not Quite Navy), onto a piece of wet watercolor paper.  The ink spreads across the water to create a large piece of multi-colored watercolor paper, which I let dry and then punched out the bird and branch.  I punched a second branch which is attached to the inside of the card.

Here's a close-up of the main image:


  1. WOW! You rocked this card! I love the bird and just recently got the bird punch. You have certainly inspired me! Pinning to CASE you!

  2. I love this card Loll, that's my favourite punch but I seem to use it just to embellish something whereas you have made it the focal point. Stunning colours;)
    Val x

  3. Beautiful, Loll! You have used so many techniques on this deceptively simple card!

  4. You made me laugh with your recounting of a phobia about the bird punch! I'm okay with the bird punch but I have a couple of stamps that I have a complex about using!

    Your beautiful card is a wonderful tribute to Nancy who inspires me as well - I'm having trouble picking one of her cards as I love so many of them. And thank you for explaining how you got the lovely colour shading on the bird - I'll be trying that for sure.

  5. Super beautiful, Lolly! I'd say you are well and truly over your bird punch phobia! This is brilliant and a total tribute to the awesome Nancy! Thank you so much for the watercolor blending tip, too. It looks like sponging without all the sponging! Love it!!

  6. Stunning card Loll, the colouring is gorgeous. Think I need that punch!! Cathy x

  7. Hi Loll, the colors on your bird and branch look amazing and so does the pieced frame. I hope I'll get to see this cute little birdie in your cards more often now! :)

  8. Well you've certainly got over your phobia now Loll! This is stunning, especially with the watercoloured bird - the graduated colours are gorgeous.

    Karen x

  9. This is so lovely. The hues are fascinating.

  10. Gorgeous card Loll and love your beautifully coloured bird ......


  11. Beautiful card, brilliant watercolor technique. I love the 2 step bird punch, I use it mostly for wedding cards...white on white. I'm now inspired to color my birds. Thanks :)

  12. Adore this card, have the punch! tra la la...:-)which I use quite often...

    Love the detail of the frame which really makes your card..
    Hugs denmo x

  13. Thank you so much Loll for honoring me with your gorgeous watercolored bird. I am thrilled you used one of my all time favorite punches. Now you have inspired me to do a watercolor piece to use for my owl punch that has been negleted. We sure do inspire each other :-) I Treasure our instant friendship my friend!

  14. what beautiful coloring on your bird Loll! the piercing really accents the die cut framing!

  15. This is beautiful, Loll! You and Nancy are both such inspiration to a lot of people. I'm one of them. Your bird is beautiful and I love the piercing around the label!

  16. Hi Loll,this is beautiful!! I just starting following your blog and got sooo much inspiration from you. So much that I just recently have your blog on my side bar, so now I can never miss a post. TFS

  17. This is super Loll, I love the piercing!
    Thanks so much
    Less is More

  18. What a lovely card... love how you used the frame theme. Thanks for joining us this week
    "Less Is More"


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)