
Thursday, June 20, 2013

You are my Sunshine!

Hi everyone.  Today's card was fun to make using my sunflower die from C.C. Designs.  I love this die ... and have used it a few times, including this yellow gingham sunflower card I made last week.

Stamps:  Sunny Skies (Lawn Fawn)
Paper:  White (C.C. Designs); Tangerine Tango, Pear Pizzazz, Early Espresso (SU!)
Ink:  Old Olive, Cajun Craze, Early Espresso (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Big Shot, Sunflower die (C.C. Designs); Tender Leaves die (Memory box), Mandarin Twine (The Twinery), sponges, stylus and mat, Stamp-a-ma-jig, glue, and dimensionals

Here's a close-up of the sunflower:


I have been seeing some of my card candy popping up on cards around blogland ... it makes me happy!! :)

Thanks to everyone that commented on my latest Card Candy Giveaway - #4 (Fun in the Sun).  I used the True Random Number Generator to pick the winner of the Card Candy:

True Random Number Generator       3 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Mary H

Congrats Mary ... please email your mailing address to me (click on the "Email Me" in the right-hand column near the top), and I'll send you the Card Candy.


  1. Cute Card Loll, like that die, it is so cute, and since I got your email, I have been singing that TUNE, You are my sunshine, that will now stick with me all day!!!
    Wonderful card.
    Thanks for sharing,
    yesterday was a good day, today not so good, have not made anything yet, going to try now. Only thing I accomplished was organizing my dies in drawers, there was 1 die I swore I had, but can not find, so I must have thought it instead of ordering it. I hate when I spend more time looking for something than I do creating!!
    Thanks for all your inspiration.

  2. Scrolled down to see your pretty Sunshine card, and then started doing a Happy Dance! Ohmy goodness....what a lovely surprise. Have sent you my info. Loved your sunflower die, and the colors used were gorgeous. I had to chuckle at Donna's comment. I do the same thing all the time (looking for stuff I thought I had, can't find it). Thanks so much for both the lovely card and the lovely candy!!!! Many hugs

  3. Another gorgeous card Loll. Love that sunflower die - stunning. Not surprised your wonderful card candy is popping up everywhere...just need some time to sit and play with mine.....hopefully next week when things have calmed down a bit! Had to laugh at both Donna and Mary's comments (BTW congrats to Mary on winning the card candy).......the time you should both start worrying is when you buy dies and then realise you've already got them!!! Serious senior moment(s)! lol

    Karen x

  4. This is so cheery and CAS - love it!

  5. Gorgeous flower Loll, love it Cathy x

  6. I love this sunflower too! And the sentiment is wonderful! Makes me want to put in an order. Love the way you've knotted the twine.

  7. Wonderful sunflower Loll! I am now singing that song in my head too. I used to sing it to my daughter every night when she was little. Need to start doing it again before she grows up too much. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration. Hugs D


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)