
Thursday, August 01, 2013

Hello Sunshine!

Hi everyone.  I had such a fun day in the studio with Heather today!!  Thanks for coming over and spending the afternoon Heather ... and thank you for the delicious Zucchini Bread!

Today I made a card using a new technique (Sunburst) that I found on "Stamp & Scrap with Frenchie".  I thought it was such a fantastic technique, but I did change it up from the way Frenchie made her Sunburst.  Instead of adding scraps for all the rays, I used a whole piece of plain yellow card stock for the background and then added  polka-dot rays with spaces in-between.  I also raised the polka-dot rays and the sun for added dimension.

I had so much fun making this card and I was smiling the whole time ... don't you just love when that happens!!! :)

This card is for four of the Dare to Get Dirty Challenges that are currently running on Splitcoast Stampers (you need to be a Fan Club member to join in).  As I mentioned earlier in the week, there will be 42 challenges in total over the week, ending tomorrow.  I know I'm not going to make them all, but I have managed to cover off twelve so far.  Hope you like this sunny card!!

Here's a close-up:

Stamps:  Sunny sentiments (Amy R)
Paper:  White (Neenah); Daffodil Delight, Daffodil Delight polka-dot (SU!); Hello Sunshine DP (Bo Bunny)
Ink:  Early Espresso (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Big Shot, Rectangle nestie and Circle nestie (Spellbinders), glue, adhesives, and dimensionals


  1. Hi Loll, I've spent the afternoon trying to catchup my woefully behind visiting. Just about to get up from the pc, when your notice popped into my email, and I zipped out to see your bright & cheery sunshine card. It _does_ make you smile indeed. I love watching Frenchie, she does some lovely cards. I'll have to follow your link (later!) and see what her version looked like. I'm lovin' yours. Great idea & probably easier than using strips to create the effect. TFS & Happy evening. Hugs

  2. Your sun is perfect - it makes me smile too. It is very appropriate given our wonderful weather!

  3. Well, I'm with the girls above - it made me smile as well. Such a happy card and a great sentiment. Will pop over to catch the video in a minute.

    Karen x

  4. Such a fun card Loll and it would certainly cheer anyone up....just popping over to watch the video


  5. Makes me smile, so sunny and bright! Love it.

  6. Your card is lovely, Loll! I love how you changed the technique to your own version and the sentiment is really beautiful too. How funny coincidence that I just yesterday read tutorials on this technique! Hugs and greetings from your friend in Finland xx

  7. Love this sunny, happy card, Loll! Thanks for the link. I think I'll give this a try!

  8. Lovin' this bright and cheery card Loll. I definitely will have to give this a try. Thanks for the lovely inspiration.

  9. Your card really made me smile too Loll - it's gorgeous! Hugs xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)