
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Card Candy Giveaway #7

Hi everyone.  Time for my next card candy.  I made more "Christmas Candy" :)

This time it's Christmas trees.  You might recognize the set of three on the bottom left ... I have made these folded trees a few times.  You start with a half circle and just make three easy folds and voila ... a beautiful tree!  The rest of the trees are dies ... my latest purchase is the stitched tree on the bottom right ... love it!  I added stars to half the trees and left the others plain.

Here's a close-up:


Would you like some of the card candy above??

I'm offering the above to one person that leaves a comment on this posting before Sept. 18.  I will use the "True Random Number Generator" to determine which comment will receive the candy.

Thanks.   :)


  1. Ooh, Ooh, I'm first in line to try for your lovely candy. These trees are just gorgeous, and I want to try that folded one. Thanks for the opportunity to get some of the lovely goodies that you make and so generously give away. Hope you're having a wonderful afternoon. Hugs

  2. You make the best card candy, Loll! And you're so generous! Love these trees! The winner is going to be very happy!

  3. You are sooo clever Loll, these trees are gorgeous!
    Val x

  4. I would love to win your trees. I've made the folded ones in a larger size - don't know why I never tried them in this cute smaller size!
    Laura Holt

  5. Cute trees. . . I would love to win them.

  6. I saw your folded tree card the other day and had to look up the tutorial on SCS (I think that's where it was!) How nice it would be to win some of yours plus the other trees!!! I also saw you use the Hero Arts die cut trees recently and loved those dies! And that stitched one is new to me. What a wonderful card candy treat!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!!!

  7. These are really adorable. Thanks for your generosity in offering these as a giveaway and for the chance to win them:)

  8. These are SO sweet! All your card candy is wonderful and inspiring. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win some!
    Cheers, Karen

  9. This was the first email since I signed up. These trees caught my attention since I am planning my Christmas cards for this year! I have admired your talent for a while and look forward to more inspriation from you. Keep up your beautiful work!

  10. Fabulous trees, Loll! I love the stitched one,'s so charming!
    Thank you so much for a chance to win!

  11. love all your little trees - especially the glitter ones. thanks for the giveaway chance!

  12. these look like they would be so much fun to play with!

  13. Love your Christmas tree Candy Loll..another clever idea and just love the folded ones


  14. how cute!!! thanks for a chance to win it!!

  15. Great Forest you got going Loll, they are all so cute!!! Just love your candy, always so yummy looking, and they do wonders on the cards they are used on.
    Thanks for all you do,

  16. Would I like to win this card candy? Why, of course. I've seen your cards with the folded circle trees and loved them.

  17. The trees are awesome? Each is so unique.

  18. So stinking cute! Would love to win this! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win an awesome giveaway!

  19. Everyone that sees your new Christmas tree card candy is going to want it Loll. So creative and fun way to make a cute easy CAS Christmas card. TFS

  20. Oh, love your trees! Thx for the chance to win.

  21. Thanks for the tutorial for making these cute little trees.
    They will look great on a child's Christmas card , too..

  22. Would love this candy, did I miss the tutorial on the folder tree? Can you point me in the right direction for this. Thanks for the chance to win this candy x

  23. Thanks for the tutorial Loll, these trees are so gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win some of your candy :) Cathy x

  24. Gorgeous trees! Thanks for offering them up to a lucky crafter!! :)

  25. Again you bring us awesome ideas and fun. Yes, I would love to have some of your creative candy! Sarah

  26. Love your trees-a good choice of paper for the circle trees-want to make some of those and I have always loved skinny trees. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Your little selection of trees are so cute Loll, such a sweet giveaway.

  28. A forest of cuteness! Love these Loll! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  29. My goodness...they are precious. Thanks for sharing and a chance to win!

  30. What a fun selection of cute trees! I love the folded ones. Have tried that on a larger scale and they look so pretty! Love the little size!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  31. Your trees are perfect for the Christmas season. Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. Cute Christmas tress, Loll! Thanks for the chance to win.. :)

  33. just had to come back and look at your wonderful trees, I think I will give the folding tree a go, I am sure I can figure it out, great candy as usual, you always have such wonderful and creative Ideas.
    Thanks Loll,


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)