
Friday, January 10, 2014

Bokeh Heart

Hi everyone.  I don't know how many of you read the title and wondered why I would make a broken heart card :)  Nope, it's bokeh (pronounced BOH-KAY) ... and it's something new for me.  This is a technique that is used by photographers.  I saw a tutorial by Lydia on Splitcoaststampers and wanted to give it a try.

Here's an example of bokeh in photography ... a filter is used to blur lights ...

Lots of fun and easy to do ... you just ink up round sponges (I used the small sponge daubers for this card) and randomly stamp them to create a background.  I thought this was perfect for the current challenge at CAS-ology.

This is also a CASE of a card by Irene (DandI93 at Splitcoaststampers).  I LOVE Irene's design and it inspired me to make the card today.  Thanks Irene! :)

I die-cut the heart and placed my sponged paper in-behind.  I stamped the "LOVE" and then colored in the lettering with Melon Mambo ink.  The SU! inks are much darker when used to color on white paper that is not Whisper White, so I was disappointed about how dark the sentiment ended up.  I decided to coat it with dazzling diamonds and it did lighten it a bit and made it sparkly - all good! :)

Another cloudy day here with lots of rain forecasted for this afternoon and evening (and the next day, and the next day .... you get the idea).  Hubby and I did all our errands this morning (six places) and it only took an hour - so proud of us ... now we have the rest of the day to relax, play, etc.  Friday is sandwich night at our house so pretty easy dinner which gives me even more time to play this afternoon.  Gotta love that! :)

Hope you're all having a great day!

Stamps:  Word Salad (Paper Smooches); You (Simon Says)
Paper:  White
Ink:  Tuxedo Black (Memento); Crushed Curry, Tangerine Tango, Melon Mambo (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Big Shot, Large Hearts die set (Simon Says), sponge daubers, dazzling diamonds

CAS-ology (#77 - Bubbly)


  1. Great take on bubbly (and I think I have that same photo on my Pinterest inspiration board!) Thanks for joining us at CASology this week!

  2. Wow (that's my usual reaction when I see your cards!) ... totally gorgeous, Loll ... the bokeh bubbles are fantastic as a background to the heart ... and that sentiment is so beautifully glittery and glisteny! Anita :)

  3. Love how your bokeh effect turned out, Loll...beautiful mix of colors! Really like the sparkle on your pretty!

  4. Love you bokeh heart card, Loll! And the dazzling diamonds looks fab on the sentiment. Enjoy your playtime!

  5. Fab effect your bokey heart makes Loll. Makes me want to sing about my okeh,bokey heart??? Lol

    Karen x

  6. Fabulous Bokeh effect you created :) love the fun colors too :)

  7. I love the idea of sandwich night! Love the heart card too!

  8. Thanks for providing the pronunciation of this word. I see the word occasionally on the 'net, but didn't understand what it meant. This is lovely, and you did a fab job (as usual!). I'm off to find that looks like a neat technique to try. TFS & Hugs

  9. I love these bright, happy colors! So refreshing on a dreary day!

  10. Lovely effect, Loll. I've always liked photographs that were done with bokeh.

  11. Lovely card...I like the technique. I must look up Lydia's tutorial on Split Coast!

  12. Stunning use of the bokeh technique as a pattern behind the die cut heart, Lolly! And thank you for letting us know how to pronounce it! I've got a card started now using this technique and it's nice to know how to say it, LOL! You've mastered it with this gorgeous Valentine!

    Have a wonderful weekend, in spite of the rain! I wish we could get some of it down here where we are dying of drought. The ski areas are already closing down. It's really scary because of the potential for fires, too. Anyway, didn't mean to end on that note. There is nothing short of prayer that can be done about the weather! So enjoy the weekend! Hugs, Dolly

  13. amazing technique love the way your card turned out.

  14. This is truly wonderful !!!! Broken beautiful!
    Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog!!!!!

    So glad you could join us this week at CASology!

  15. I love the pretty colors you chose to create your bokeh effect, and how fab it looks with the heart! Another really pretty card, Loll!

  16. Love your gorgeous card Loll and that looks like such a cool technique - I may have to give that a try too:) I hope your having a great week - hugs xx

  17. Oooh looks fab Loll-what a great technique :)
    Hugs,Nessa xx

  18. This is such a funky look Loll. I like the look of this technique and the dazzling diamons look great. Sandwich night sounds a good idea to me!!

  19. Gorgeous bokeh effect and I love the touch of sparkle on the sentiment! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  20. Lovely Loll. I am so fascinated with this technique...will be trying my hand at this in the near future!

  21. Love how your mind worked on this one Loll. great use of the cue word.

  22. Love the bokeh look, Loll, especially peeking through your heart. Love sandwich nite too, we do it often! Gorgeous CAS card!

  23. Loll, this is perfectly trendy and lovely! I adore that glittered sentiment, too...such fun! Thanks for playing along at CASology this week!

  24. This is so very pretty. I love how you did the bokeh. Would you believe that I considered doing something similar for my DT card, but did not think to use the negative die cut, which is a brilliant idea. I could not figure out how to make the bokeh shaped like a heart. Thank you so much for playing along at CASology this week.

  25. Hi Loll what a great technique and very effective too. I think the glittered sentiment is fantastic and a great contrast to the stamping.


  26. Gorgeous!! I can see my songe Daubers working overtime now Loll.
    Love the selection of colours you used.
    Hugs Mau xx

  27. Beautiful effect! I've got to try this. Thank you for the inspiration! Very fun take on the CASology challenge too. xxx

  28. This is so very pretty Lol!!! Love the heart :)

  29. Love this card Lol, have to try this bokhen look

  30. Have to learn to spell too 😃

  31. Love your Bokeh Loll. It looks so lovely tucked in behind the die cut heart shape. :)

  32. Good Morning Loll...first of all can I compliment you on your wonderful inspiring cards. This is my first visit to your blog and won't be the last. I am wondering could you spare a little time to tell me what embossing folder is used in the card called 'Framed Flowers'. I have long been admiring that frame and your card is the best use I've seen of it. There is no particular hurry at all...just when you have a moment.
    Keep up the wonderful work, you are enjoying creating and giving and that is so satisfying in our lives...we are always happy when we give, aren't we.
    Greetings from Northern Ireland. Should say that we had Canadian airmen stationed over here during WWII and we since visited one of them in Snook (or Sook?) on Vancouver Island...oh, and I've got to say have you been to The Paper Ya on Granville Island?...I bet you have...I'm still using paper I bought there many, many years ago. such a wonderful I am rambling on again as we

  33. Not surprisingly I'm back to congratulate you on the shout out from CASology for this incredible card, Lolly! Yippee!! Hugs, Dolly

  34. Oh, I do love this, Loll! Love the technique (which I've never tried) and love the way you've used the die with it! Thanks so much for your recent visit to my blog for my ATCAS card and for all your lovely inspiration!!!

  35. I just love this card - had to come tell you. Hearts, bokeh. And glitter! Congrats on your shout-out. I also love your snowman above - great snow PP and I love Pink Petticoat sentiments too.

  36. This is awesome! Perfect CAS design!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)