
Friday, May 16, 2014

Monoprint Birthday for Sandie

Hi everyone.

First of all ... Happy Birthday to my friend and fellow DT member Sandie (London Days).  Sandie, I hope you are having a wonderful birthday.  I know there's some special events for you today and I wanted to join in.  I hope that you have already received the birthday card I mailed about two weeks ago, but if you haven't ... here's another one for you!  Have a great day Sandie!!!

Today is the last day of the on-line watercolor class that I'm taking (although the write up today said there will be some bonus techniques tomorrow - yay!).

There were four different, fun techniques shown today ... the first one is called "monoprint".  Tim Holtz demonstrated this fun and easy technique using stencils ... LOVE IT!  I haven't yet received my Distress Inks that I've ordered, so I used Stampin' Up! inks, and a sponge dauber to add them to the stencil - worked great.  I love the bright colors of the background and didn't want to cover it up, so I added a simple stamped sentiment along with a thin word die (layered), which is coated with Wink of Stella for some added shimmer.  I'm entering this into the Simon Says Wednesday Challenge - Die Crazy!

I had fun experimenting and below are two more backgrounds I made with the monoprint technique.  I made one that didn't turn out (not sharing), but I think I just didn't add enough ink or water.  This technique needs lots of both.

Here's the other samples I made with stencils ...

I like how they both turned out, especially the harlequin and will make it into a card at a later date.

The weather has been lovely all week here in B.C. and I've been working on cleaning out my greenhouse that has been neglected for two years.  It became a dumping ground for pots, dead plants, etc.  I've now emptied it out and today I'm going to start washing it down.  I know it's late to get started for this year, but it's the first chance I've had, so I'll do it now while the weather isn't too hot, and then be ready for bulb planting in the fall.  It's nice to have some time to putter ... and being outside getting fresh air is even better.

Hope you all have a wonderful day  too!  :)

Stamps:  Handwritten Notes (Avery Elle)
Paper:  Watercolor (Arches 140 lb. cold press); Black (SU!); White (Neenah)
Ink:  Daffodil Delight, Tangerine Tango, Tempting Turquoise, Melon Mambo, Pacific Point (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Big Shot, Happy die (Simon Says), Stencil (cut with Cameo and cut file Polka-dot Lace), sponge daubers, water mister, Fiskars Stamp press, Wink of Stella pen

Simon Says - Die Crazy!


  1. Awesome! You've really done a great job with the lessons today. I am envious of your greenhouse! If I were there with you, I'd help you clean it out! I used to garden all the way around my house, but then had to sell it. I miss it so bad!

  2. These are gorgeous !! Love the beautiful water colors :)

  3. Love your mono print card, great stuff!!!

  4. Gorgeous card for Sandie Loll......striking. Love your other two samples as well. Sounds like you really loved this class - certainly shows.

    Karen x

  5. This is a very cool looking card Loll! I love this mono print technique, I also love your bright colors you used on this card. You only need that beautiful sentiment to finish it off. Love, love it! Hugs

  6. Great interpretation of today's techniques! Great job.

  7. I love these Loll - great work!!

  8. Love these colors on all three! And the sentiment is all that they need! Glad you got a chance to putter outside! It had been really hot and humid here the past few days but today the humidity is lower and so are the temps! Love it!

  9. Whoa, I had no idea our class was getting into something this extraordinary! I admire you so much for jumping in and doing such an awesome job, Lolly! These are stunning! I'm glad you are enjoying some lovely weather! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Dolly

  10. Oh my...what a work of art! This is simply one stunning card.

  11. What a gorgeous work of art, this Birthday card will put a smile on anyone's face. :)

  12. Love the softness of your multicoloured background.

  13. Yes I have my card, it arrived right on the day and I love the bright green colours in it, your water colouring is wonderful, you have learnt so much and it shines through. I am so pleased you joined the party, thank Loll xx

  14. Love the beautiful background Loll and I bet sandie will love it! I am loving class....I still haven't done any homework yet LOL - hugs xx

  15. What a fun, creative and trendy bakground! I'll have to give this style a go too. Thanks for the inspiration! xxx

  16. That moonprint technique is awesome..great card!

  17. Wow, what a fabulous background for Sandie's card, Loll ... gorgeous multicolours and such a cool look! Love the other two backgrounds too, especially the harlequin one! Anita :)

  18. Love this background!! Very cool looking!!

  19. Awesome design! I love these backgrounds. The harlequin bg will make a gorgeous card in your hands :)

  20. A beautiful card Loll, a wonderful background - fabulous stencils and colour scheme.

    Thanks so much for joining Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Heather xx

  21. Beautifully creative & colourful. Hugs Bev x

  22. Love how your monoprints turned out, Loll! All so pretty with such depth!

  23. Loll, I just have been catching up on visiting blogs, and think that all your watercolour cards are gorgeous! I am interested in finding out more about the online watercolour class that you took, if you are willing to share the information.

    Deb H.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)