
Friday, October 17, 2014

Thank you Julia

Hi everyone.  Here's another watercoloured card ... this one was sent to my friend Julia.  She has now received the card, so I'm sharing it with you.  :)  I think I'm about half way done in posting the twelve thank you cards that I sent to friends, so lots more to come. :)  Hope you're not sick of seeing watercolouring ...

Here's a different way to use stencils.  I had this metal stencil that I bought years ago and don't think it's ever been used.  I traced the design onto watercolor paper in light pencil; then took a permanent marker to draw in the flowers, joining up the petals so there was no break between them (the stencil has gaps).  I erased the light pencil markings, watercoloured the flowers and splattered the background.  I then fussy-cut along the bottom of the image and mounted the panel onto a white card base.

Here's the stencil I used ...

Stamps:  Lots of Thanks (Simon Says
Paper:  White card base (Neenah); Watercolor paper (Arches 140 lb. cold press)
Ink:  Antique Linen, Spiced Marmalade, Worn Lipstick, Mustard Seed, Crushed Olive, Peeled Paint; Black (Memento)
Accessories & Tools:  Hibiscus stencil (Dreamweaver), pencil, eraser, permanant fine tip black pen (Sharpie), water brush, water mister, paint brush for splattering, heat tool, white gel pen


  1. Beautiful, Loll ... and as for getting sick of seeing your watercolour cards ... completely impossible! Anita :)

  2. Gosh I think I have some of these somewhere and hadn't realised they were stencils!! I was given them and they are at the bottom of a drawer! We could never be sick of your water colouring and this card is another and inspiring way to use water colours. Think I will hunt those stencils out x

  3. That is a "True" Out of the Box technique with your gorgeous watercolored flowers fussy cut. Your flowers are so beautiful with your amazing background Loll. I am sure Julia Loved her special card. TFS my friend.

  4. This is sooooo very beautiful, Loll, and such a clever way to use that stencil!!! No way I would become sick of looking at your stunning watercoloured cards!!!! I love your unique style and your cards are always such a pleasure to see!!
    Have a great weekend!!!

  5. Clever use of a stencil Loll, You have been busy with all these thank you cards.:)

  6. You are really on a roll with your water coloured cards Loll another gorgeous creation


  7. Wonderful idea for getting more use out of those brass stencils!! You are truly the master of this watercolour technique!

  8. I am loving all of your water coloring of lat Loll! This one especially speaks to me...Love the flowers and cut out edges. I really want to try this!

  9. Genius idea for the use of the stencil - and a brilliantly beautiful outcome! I love your watercoloring; with that background and the image of a couple of flowers popping over the wall to be admired up close is my far! Keep 'em coming!

  10. Wow! I think I still have some of those metal stencils. I think I need to dig them out! This is another gorgeous watercolor! I don't think I will ever tire of seeing them!

  11. Fab card Loll. So effective with the fussy cutting of the bottoms of the flowers. Well done for finding a new way to use brass stencils.

    Karen x

  12. Another stunner Loll! Love the half panel background and the watercolouring is gorgeous as usual! You are a rock star! big hugs :)

  13. Clever girl...what a great way to use the metal stencils :) Love this!!!

  14. I am enjoying ur water color creations so please keep it coming. This is fab!!

  15. Very inventive, Loll! I love the "rusty" colors. xxx

  16. Oh my...what an ingenious way to use the stencil, with stellar results! Gorgeous! "Sick of seeing your water-colouring"? NEVER!! Keep those works of art coming!

  17. I will never grow tired of your water coloring, Loll! I'm so impressed that you used a stencil for these flowers...they're so pretty, and your design is gorgeous!

  18. This card is gorgeous here and even more so in real life! and I now have a "Loll' original in my home!!! thanks for sharing how you made it! and thanks for sending it!

  19. Good golly Miss Molly, what a creative way to use these metal stencils!!! I am loving these beautiful Hawaiian flowers all water colored up! And the back drop is just perfect for them. Hugs, Brenda


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)