
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thank you Susan

Hi everyone.  Here's a watercoloured card I sent to my good friend, Susan.   She has already received the card, so I'm sharing with you. :)

This card uses the Stampin' Up! inks again.  Love the variety of shades of pink for coloring the roses.  Had lots of fun moving the ink around the background with my fingers. :) 

Stamps: Roses (Rubber-Art Stamps); Lots of Thanks (Simon Says)
Paper:  White card base (Neenah); Watercolor (Arches 140 lb. cold press)
Ink:  Archival Black - waterproof (Ranger); Crumb Cake, Old Olive, Always Artichoke, Regal Rose, Primrose Petals, Raspberry Ripple (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  waterbrush, water mister, heat tool, paint brush for splattering


  1. another gorgeous card, Loll - wish i could do watercoloring like you do - lucky Susan to get such a beautiful birthday card!

  2. Absolutely stunning Loll you create the most amazing backgrounds I am sure Susan was thrilled with it


  3. Love your water colour background and that's a beautiful rose, lovely card

  4. Having received this card from Loll, I now know why others have said that Loll's watercoloured cards are even better in real life - it is so vibrant and has such lovely blending of colours! It's sitting on my mantelpiece being admired every time I go by - thank you, Loll!!

  5. Wow wow! this is SO gorgeous Loll, Love it.. :)

  6. Beautiful roses and background! I know that Susan loves it! Mine is getting lots of oohs and aahs.

  7. Gorgeous watercolored flowers and background Loll. Watercoloring Finger fun :-) TFS Loll. I am sure Susan Loved her card filled with Love!

  8. Loll your card is very beautiful - if only I could watch you work your magic!
    Sandy xx

  9. I just love this stunning card Loll - your watercolouring is truly amazing and the flowers are so beautiful:) Hugs xx

  10. What a beauty Loll. I love your watercoloring.

  11. Loll, your roses are absolutely stunning! Lucky gal to get such a gorgeous card! big hugs :)

  12. Adding my voice to the others: gorgeous! Your backgrounds are the perfect canvases for the stunning flowers you've been showcasing. I want to watercolour like you when I grow up *grin*

  13. WOW...I am in love with those roses, Loll! Your coloring is amazing and your watercolor background makes the roses pop so beautifully!

  14. Another gorgeous water colored card, Loll! I love how you use your finger to move the inks around on your background, and your roses are so pretty! I'm sure it's stunning IRL, too!

  15. You made that background by using your fingers?!!! I'm amazed even more by your talents Loll! I think that background is amazing looking and the roses, oh my the roses are simply stunning! They are so real looking that I think I could reach out and get a thorn in my finger. Love this card! Hugs, Brenda

  16. wow! Loll, this is a stunner! Those flowers are amazing!! xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)