
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Two Sparkly Poinsettias

Hi everyone.  More watercolours :) ... and more fun using supplies from my friend Susan ... thanks Susan!! :)  I borrowed her beautiful poinsettia stamp, inked it in versamark and heat embossed in white (twice).  I then watercoloured it using distress inks.  I splattered on top to give this a bit of visual texture.  Gold stickles were added to the center for some sparkle.  And I used my clear Wink of Stella pen to add glitter to the frame and also down the center of each petal (I'll show you a close-up below with the second version of this card).

The second poinsettia is watercoloured in shades of pink (again using distress inks).  I didn't splatter the background of this one ... leaving it smoother ... and also did the background inside the frame the same way.  Gives it a different look, don't you think??!!

Clear Dazzling details (clear glitter glue from SU!) were added to the center for some sparkle and dimension.  And as with the above card, I added clear Wink of Stella to the frame and also down the center of each petal.  I think it makes it really interesting rather than coating the whole flower.

Here's a close-up so you can see the shimmer a bit better (it's so sparkly IRL) ...

I'm entering these into Virginia's View Challenge #8 - CAS (third entry) ... and the pink one into the Jingle Belles - It's a Pink Christmas.

Just saw that the latest challenge at CAS on Sunday #44 is "Emboss it"!.  So I'm entering the above cards!

Stamps:  Poinsettia (Stamp Oasis); Joy sentiment (from the $1 bin at Michael's ... no manufacturer listed)
Paper:  White card base (Neenah); Watercolour (Arches 140 lb. cold press)
Ink:  Antique Linen, Brushed Corduroy +  (Red Poinsettia:  Barn Door, Fired Brick, Aged Mahogany), (Pink Poinsettia:  Spun Sugar, Worn Lipstick, Aged Mahogany); versamark
Accessories & Tools:  White embossing powder, heat tool, water mister, water brushes, paint brush for splattering, gold stickles, dazzling details, clear Wink of Stella

Virginia's View #8
Jingle Belles - Pink Christmas
CAS on Sunday #44


  1. Oooh, pretty, pretty!! :) love all the sparkle! :) gorgeous cards, Loll! Xx

  2. More fabulous cards. I am loving the pink know I like the non trad colours and I also like the no splatter on this one x

  3. both are gorgeous but especially love the pink one!

  4. Beautiful sparkly poinsettia's and backgrounds Loll. I love both versions and both watercolor techniques. So CAS, yet so dimensional and creative. You are amazing my friend. TFS
    P.S. I can't wait to try my new clear Wink of Stella brush because of...YOU I just had to get one!

  5. oh wow, what a great post, it's so dramatic to see how different the two cards are, just based on changing the colors... and yet, obviously, both are equally gorgeous--the watercoloring makes them even more unique and artistic! but of course you know i'm bound to say the ♥PINK♥ one is my fave! ;) thanks very much for "thinking pink" with us at JINGLE BELLES for an awesome cause! ♥

  6. Lovely, Loll ... gorgeous watercolouring and the WOS looks fabulous taken down the petal centres ... adds so much dimension! Anita :)

  7. Beautiful, beautiful! Love how you did the petals with the WOS! Brilliant idea!

  8. Wow, Loll - you turned my stamp into two glorious works of art - your colour tones and sparkly details are fabulous!!

  9. wow, both of these are stunning.

  10. Very nice. That Joy stamp is lovely!

  11. These are both stunning Loll. so well put together, could not choose a favourite.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  12. Two gorgeous cards Loll both totally different but equally stunning


  13. Loll, these are just stunning!

  14. These poinsettia cards are stunning. I love the pink one especially. Your watercoloured creations are so gorgeous. Thank you for sharing them.

  15. Beautiful christmas cards Loll, love the depth of colour in each and the WOS down the centre is a brilliant touch. That Joy stamp is awesome too, beautiful font, what a bargain too!, Cathy x

  16. Absolutely gorgeous ... the way you positioned your glittery sparkle really brings the bloom to life ... so glad you went PINK with us at Jingle Belles.

  17. Two really gorgeous Poinsettia's, Loll! I love how they sparkle, and your sentiment is so elegant! Beautiful water coloring too, as always!

  18. Geesh, does it get any more stunning than this?

  19. Two gorgeous poinsettia cards Loll - can't decide on a favourite as they are both lovely. Gorgeous sentiment.

    Karen x

  20. Hi Loll, sorry I've been MIA, such a busy week! This poinsettia is a real beauty! Loving the glitter on the petals and the fancy script sentiment is so elegant! Wonderful Christmas cards, both the bold and the soft! hugs :)

  21. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Love them both...

  22. Lovely! Thanks for helping to highlight such an important issue for women. The pink really works!

  23. The sparkle and shine are amazing! LOVE!

  24. These are so stunning, I like the shimmer :)

  25. Wow, your water-coloring is SUPERB, Loll! Your card is such a stand-out! So glad that you join the fun over Virginia’s View Clean and Simple Challenge!

  26. These sparkly poinsettia are gorgeous!!

  27. Wow these cards are so sparkling I just love them. Thanks for joining us over at CAS on sunday

  28. OMGosh, these are so beautiful Lol!!! I love that poinsettia stamp and I loved how you have water colored both of them. You so amaze me with your skills on water coloring!! The wink of stella gives such shimmer and shine, stunning! Hugs, Brenda


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)