
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Christmas Critter

Hi everyone.  I'm just squeaking in at the last minute for the Merry Monday Challenge (#141 - Critters). :)

I bought this fun digi from Birdie Brown (no longer available).  But, I believe some of her wonderful designs are now sold as clear stamps at My Favorite Things.  :)

The sentiment is from Pink Petticoat (also digital), so I spent a bit of time on the computer getting this ready to print.  Then I paper pieced it, cutting it out of white for a sturdy background and piecing on top with the two shades of brown.  I sponged around each of the pieces to give it some dimension.  I coated the nose with my white gel pen and once dry, squeezed red glitter glue on top.  Love how it adds a bit of sparkle to the card, along with the shiny metal jingle bells.

That's it ... fun and easy card to make that had me smiling the whole time I was working on it! :)

Edited to Add:  My friend Susan mentioned a new-to-me challenge - 52 Christmas Card Throwdown, where their current challenge is bells.  So I'm entering there too! :)

Stamps:  Happy Santa (Birdie Brown); Signature Christmas Sentiments 2 (Pink Petticoat)
Paper:  White (Neenah); Baked Brown Sugar, Early Espresso (SU!)
Ink:  Baked Brown Sugar, Early Espresso (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  sponges, silver wired cording (thanks Bonnie!); two small green jingle bells, white gel pen, red glitter glue

Merry Monday #141
52 Christmas Card Throwdown


  1. Such a fun card Loll, he's so cute. Carol x

  2. Loll, Rudolf is exceptionally CUTE!

  3. Hi Loll,
    I love this little guy .... and the words too. Fab card! xx

  4. so sympathetic red reindeer that gladly I would invite him to my house and my cats:-). Wonderful, joyful holiday card.

  5. What a fun image and wonderful cas card. Those bells add such a nice touch.

  6. Oh, what a sweet little reindeer!! Beautiful, fun card! Thanks so much for playing with us at Merry Monday!

  7. I have this little reindeer only the smaller stamp version and almost used him for this challenge! Great job on a very sweet card! Angela

  8. Cute as a button Loll. What a shame he's not available now............that would definitely merit a CAS(e)!😊

    Karen x

  9. This so sweet Loll, love Rudolph's sparkly red nose. :)

  10. Oh good grief, is this little guy adorable or what!! Love it Loll! hugs :)

  11. Okay, that's've added a new definition to cute with this reindeer! And his jingle bell necklace? Seriously A-DOR-A-BLE! Now I want that stamp!! Love this immensely!

  12. This is just SO stinkin cute, Loll!!! That reindeer with jingle bells just steals the show! Thanks for playing along with us this week over at Merry Monday! :)

  13. Such an adorable Christmas card Loll...a great pity he's not available any his 'jingle bells'...


  14. How delightful, Loll! Love the paper pieced reindeer with the sparkly red nose and jingle bell collar! I'm so glad you shared with us at Merry Monday this week!

  15. He is so cute! I love the little jingle bells around his neck :D

  16. Simply adorable, Loll! Love the bells around your sweet reindeer's neck and the sentiment is so pretty x

  17. Oh, this is soooooo super cute, Loll!!! Love it!!!!

  18. Always love seeing your perfect paper piecing! Sure wish my eyesight was good enough to do such detailed work. That reindeer is definitely a cute one!

  19. OMGosh what an adorable card Loll! I am so loving that cute reindeer! And I just love his bells too. lol He is definitely working those bells! Hugs, Brenda

  20. Gorgeous card Loll, love the way you've paper pieced this cute reindeer and his bells! Cathy x

  21. Such an adorable reindeer all dressed up with sparkly bells. Love the font on your perfect sentiment too. TFS Loll.

  22. Adorable your reindeer is so so cute. Thank you for joining us for Merry Monday.

  23. This is so so cute Loll. love it!

  24. Adorable! And real jingle bells too!

  25. Oh Loll, such an adorable image! Love this the bells.

  26. love the cute little image, the green bells and the glittery nose - so adorable - thanks for playing along with us at the 52CCT

  27. Gorgeous - I love it! Thanks for playing along this week at 52CCT - Jacqueline xx

  28. Oh how I love that sentiment! I have some Pink Petticoat items and always forget to use them. Not that sentiment though. Such fun!

  29. Hi Loll - this is a super combination of challenges! Love that cute Rudolf and his little green jingle bells! Thanks so much for playing along with 52CCT this week!

  30. What a cute fun card Loll, Love that sweet image.
    Hugs xx

  31. Oh my - how adorable is this!?! I love Rudolph's sparkling nose and cheery jingle bells! Thanks so much for sharing your card with us at 52CCT. I hope you'll join us again soon for another challenge! :)

  32. Jingle bells around the neck is such a fun idea :)

  33. No wonder you were smiling -this is adorable!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)