
Monday, March 23, 2015

Sponging with Stencils

Hi everyone.  Back with the final reminder for the March CAS Challenge - Sponging. We are thrilled to again have a phenomenal amount of creative entries this month - YAY! So much beautiful eye candy in the gallery! :)

Today's card uses layered stencils to sponge this pretty design.  I used the technique in this video by Jennifer McGuire.  I was so impressed with how beautiful her card was, I went out and bought a stencil that I thought would work for this technique.  Fast forward to months later and I haven't used it yet. :)  That happens to me a lot.  Anyways, after deciding to make Sponging the challenge for this month, I immediately thought of it and pulled it out.

I didn't re-watch the video by Jennifer, so I may not have followed her instructions exactly, but I remembered the gist of it. :)  I'm really happy with how this turned out ... so pretty and delicate.  I used my clear Wink of Stella pen to go over the stems, and outline the leaves, flowers, and hello to add just a bit of sparkle.  :) Unfortunately, it doesn't show up in the photo.

I'm also entering this into the latest NBUS Challenge #4 - congrat to Darnell for reaching an amazing amount of followers.  This is the first time I've used this stencil.

and also entering it into ATS&M #136 - Anything Goes.

I hope you'll join us for our CAS challenge at Happy Little Stampers Blog.  There's only a few more days left to play along, so grab your sponges, make a CAS (clean and simple) card and join in the fun!

I hope you've enjoyed seeing all the lovely CAS sponged cards in the gallery ... and ones done by Susan, Kylie and me.  Looking forward to our next CAS Challenge which will be posted April 3  at 6am (AEST) ... that's 1pm April 2 my time (PDST). :)

Stamps:  Sunny Sentiments (Amy R)
Paper:  White (Neenah)
Ink:  Distress Inks:  Shabby Shutters, Peeled Paint, Picked Raspberry, Barn Door (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  Promenade Stencil (Penny Black), Textured Mesh Stencil (Memory Box), sponges, Clear Wink of Stella

HLS March CAS Challenge - Sponging
ATS&M #136 - Anything Goes


  1. LOVE your take on this technique Loll! I am hoping to get chance to join in with April's challenge, I unfortunately haven't had time to play this month ;( Thanks for always inspiring me! Hazel xx

  2. Something else new to add to my ever growing list of things to try Loll! Love this it's so pretty and the stencilling gives it so much texture. Carol x

  3. I Love your double stenciled sponged technique Loll. I have not tried that technique, but do have a new Stencil from STAMPlorations that would work...hmmm, you've got me Inspired again my friend :-) Hugs, Nancy

  4. These flowers are so delicate and I love the pattern you achieved! Pretty colors too.

  5. This is so fabulous Loll! I do love that stenciled pattern on those flowers. Looks like you did a great job remember how to do this. Your card is just stunning as always. Hugs, Brenda

  6. This is beautiful! Awesome job on your sponged stenciling, Loll.

  7. I must go back and look at Jennifer's video as I love the effect you got. Love the vibrant pink flowers - so cheerful.

  8. Love it, Loll! I remember watching that video myself but had forgotten that technique. Hmmm, maybe time to bump that technique to the top of the "to do" list.....Thanks for all your inspiration!

  9. Sort of forgot about this technique, Loll :) Love this beauty! Isn't it amazing how much texture this technique gives? Great colors...stunning CAS design as always!

  10. Your card turned out so pretty! I like that stencil and that technique. I bookmarked the video link you shared to look at later...Thanks for sharing.

  11. Morning Loll,

    Stunning card, love the stencil and the pattern it leaves, gorgeous.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  12. This is so pretty Loll .... I love that stencil and the added design on the flowers is gorgeous! Hugs ... Linda xx

  13. What a pretty effect you have achieved Loll, gorgeous. x

    1. PS thanks for sharing for sharing at ATSM !! :)

  14. Wow Loll, this is such a fabulous card and what a wonderful technique! Thanks for the video link, I think I will check this one out for sure. Great choice of stencil for this and your colours are so bright and cheery! Love it, hugs :)

  15. Sublime, Loll. I saw Jennifer's video a while ago so will have to give this a go some time, great technique. I love the rich colours you chose too. Thanks for sharing at ATSM this week, Anita x

  16. WOW! This is absolutely stunning!! Love those flowers and such a wonderful technique!! Coming back to check things out later! :) Thanks for sharing your creation with us at Addicted to Stamps & More! Hugs & Smiles - *Vicki*-DT member

  17. This is stunning Loll and have just been to look at the video and it is certainly a technique to remember for the future. Thank you so much for following my blog, I really appreciate it. x

  18. So delicate and lovely, Loll! Thank you for sharing this wonderful technique x

  19. Love the texture you got with the sponging! So pretty!

  20. Let me tell you, that WoS is so gorgeous IRL! And now I know how you achieved that pattern on the images. I was thinking kissing technique. Now I know better. Thanks again for this lovely card.

  21. This is sooooooooooo pretty !!

  22. Oooh, now that I'm a sponger (hee hee), I will check out this video. Your card is certainly inspiration and beautiful, Lolly!! Thank you so much for playing in my NBUS Challenge #4!! Hugs, Dolly

  23. This is fabulous.. I must try this.

  24. Your card looks so beautiful Loll and your sponging is amazing! Hugs xx

  25. Really GORGEOUS cad, Loll! I love the pattern on these pretty flowers and your CAS design is beautiful! So happy to have you playing along with us this week at ATSM!

  26. So pretty and delicate, Loll ... the overlaid stencilling adds such lovely dimension! Anita :)

  27. Beautiful eye-candy right HERE, Loll...the stencil over the stencil is stunning!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)