
Sunday, September 06, 2015

Snippets Card ... and Holiday Pics

Hi everyone.  Here a card I made a few weeks ago, but haven't had time to blog.  I made the monoprint background a while back and used part of it for another card, this was the cut-off and it made a perfectly little background for my flowers.  I cut the bottom edge to follow along with the line of the blooms and leaves which were stamped, coloured with my Zigs and fussy-cut from a snippet of mixed media paper.

I'm heading over to Snippets Playground for some fun.  Used two for this card ... snippet for the background, and snippets for the flowers. :)

I am currently away for the long weekend.  This is the only vacation this year as life has been busy with renos, getting air conditioning installed in the house, plus recovery from my injury.  Originally the plan was for the whole family to get away for a few days, but one part had to work during the long weekend, so hubby and I are here in Gibsons with the other half. :)  We have rented a house on the water with a beautiful view ... our favourite holiday places look out at water. :)  I'll include a few pictures ... one of the view from the deck, another of Alex taking pictures (he is starting a side business photographs and editing), a picture of Jer reading (he just got a one year contract on Friday morning before we left ... so Tuesday he starts and needs to come up with lesson plans for his English 8 and 10 classes).  Then there's hubby, assuming his favourite position --- reclining on the deck with a Cuba Libre. :)  And last, but not lease, a picture of our dinner last night.  Alex is an amazing cook and made Chicken Provencal with wild rice.  So delicious!!

It's morning here and Alex is making Chilaquiles (eggs with salsa, chorizo and feta) ... yummy!!!  Off to enjoy. :)

Update:  Here's a pic of this morning's breakfast.  Oh my gosh ... DELICIOUS! :)

Thanks for coming by for a visit.

Snippets Playground


  1. Looks like those boys are spoiling you rotten!
    Looks a fab place, kick back and relax, love the card as always! :)

  2. looks like the ideal relaxing spot - enjoy!

  3. Love the pretty blooms on your card! Sure looks like a fun vacation, and the food looks amazing!

  4. Love the pretty blooms on your card! Sure looks like a fun vacation, and the food looks amazing!

  5. I'm fairly new to your site and truly enjoy your artistry. You are so creative and it inspires me to be creative as well.
    Thank you for sharing your art and your life with us.
    Looks like you are enjoying family time and good weather this Labor Day weekend. Love that!
    God Bless.

  6. Wow, looks like you invited your favorite chef along for your holiday. My mouth is watering :-)

    TFS your beautifully colored card and time with the boys :-) Hugs, Nancy

  7. What a wonderful way to spend a few days! Enjoy yourselves, and your family...

  8. What card?! Geez Loeez, Lolly, you have me so jelly of your gourmet holiday on the water!! Just kidding! I'm so so happy for you and Gord that you got to get away with Jer and Alex for a few days! Oh, and you card is sensational!! Hugs, Dolly

  9. What a lovely weekend you're having - and wonderful food (the chicken Provencal looks fabulous!). And thanks for posting the beautiful card! Great monoprint background!

  10. Pretty card! Glad to see you're enjoying your vacation! Looks like a beautiful spot with fantastic dining! Enjoy!

  11. First your card is beautiful. I love the coloring of the flowers and the background is perfect. Thanks for the great pics of your vacation. The food looks so delish!!

  12. What a lovely place to enjoy a few days of relaxation! Looks like the weather was beautiful. Congrats on your two boys' jobs. Love you card, as always. And I sure wish I had someone to cook meals that look as good as I am sure those taste.

  13. Love your card Loll and your holiday good looks amazing it certainly made me hungry


  14. Such a beautiful and elegant card Loll and the angled edge with those lovely flowers is so pretty. What a lovely place to relax with the family and the food looks delicious and thanks too for sharing your photos with us. Enjoy the rest of your break. x

  15. Hi Loll,

    Sorry I have been extremely absent for some time just been too busy over the summer to even find time to craft, shame on me. Love, love, love all your creations. I have just looked over what I have missed, such beauty, you have been busy., I hope you have enjoyed your time away and got chance to relax a bit?
    Love & hUgs

    Jacquie J xx

  16. My dear Loll (waving wildly): with travel and work in quadruple doses over the summer (Delta-Seattle-Kelowna-home-Ottawa-driving back from Ottawa-Calgary-Edmonton, etc. etc.), I've fallen FAR TOO MANY posts behind! All your dazzling delights have been gazed at, admired, oohed and ahhed over, so hopefully my awe at your creativity has found its way to you. I'm going to start afresh and strive to stay caught up! Fingers crossed! My visits may be 'pop in's but letting you know your cards have caught my eye and heart is important! Your card here: stunning! Love it oodles! And the photos...oh my! A well-deserved break for you!

  17. I always love your backgrounds Loll and this one is perfect for those pretty flowers, Such a clean design. What a lovely place to take a break and compliments to your chef - the food looks as gorgeous as the scenery!
    Carol x

  18. Your card looks gorgeous. Love how you used that background and the way you have colored those flowers. Your vacation spot looks so beautiful and relaxing, and how nice that you have so many cooks around to spoil you.

  19. Your monoprint background is so beautiful, and works perfectly with your blooms, Loll! Love your CAS design, too!
    What a gorgeous view! Looks like the perfect place to get some much needed R&R...and a great meal, which I see you've had :) Best of luck to the guys on their latest endeavors...They certainly deserve the best!

  20. Oh, can I come holiday with you, Loll? The water, the food. It's all fabulous! As is your snippets card. I always love your dimensional blooms and the leftover print is the perfect background.

  21. The flowers looks so pretty :) and the vacation pics are so inviting !!

  22. Love the flowers against that green background. You are tempting me with those ZIGS :) Looks like a beautiful vacation...nothing like being on the water is there?


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)