
Friday, November 13, 2015

Day Ten ... Twelve Tags of Christmas

Hi everyone.  Welcome to Day Ten of the Twelve Tags of Christmas event.

This tag event is just flying by.  I hope you've been inspired by the tags I've shared so far.  Aren't my Guest Designers amazing??  Come play along!

Click HERE to see the Twelve Tags of Christmas Pinterest Board with tags from me, along with my wonderful Guest Designers and participants.  More tags will be added each day! :)

Rules and Prizes for the Challenge are listed in the right-hand column, just below the Twelve Tags Badge.  Thank you!!


Watercoloured spray background.  Stenciled over top with glass bead gel in Quatrefoil design.  Torn snow hills and die-cut silver glitter paper trees with gold foil stars.

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Guest Designers

Today I'm joined by my friend Deept (Dee's Art Utopia).  Deepti is an artist and makes THE most amazing cards.  She launched her own line of stamps a few months back called Dee's Artsy Impressions (sold through STAMPlorations) ... and she has started teaching on-line watercolouring classes through Craftsy Blog.  I'm so happy for her!!  Make sure to check out her blog.

Her stamps are beautiful, as you will see below.  She used her newly released Christmas Bell Medley stamp set to make her tag.  And she has generously donated the same stamp set as a prize for this tag event.  Thank you so much Deepti!!


GORGEOUS tag Deepti!!  Thank you! xx

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Also joining me today is my friend, Jenny (My Paper Epiphany).  I LOVE Jenny's mixed media cards.  She has such an eye for colour and design.  And I love the shading she'd used to give this sweet tag so much visual depth.  Such a wonderful mix of elements.  Check out Jenny's blog to get the full details on her tag.


LOVE the fun design and gorgeous colours of this tag Jenny!  Thanks so much! xx


See you tomorrow with more mixed media Christmas tags!


  1. Another gorgeous tag, Loll! I love how you used the Quatrefoil design on your background, and how you blended your pretty! Loving those sparkly trees, too!

  2. Loving the variety of tags today Loll....yours is gorgeous, great colour blending. Carol x

  3. what pretty sparkly trees on today's tag Loll! Your ribbon compliments all the snow and shimmer on your tag so nicely! Have a wonderful weekend! Julia xx

  4. Great idea with stenciling over your background with the glass beads...will be remembering that one! Liking Deepti's clear sealed tag with the large silver peace sentiment, colours and idea work so well and what a fun and colourful card Jenny's is. Another great day for inspiration x

  5. Such pretty tags today. Love how you blended the colours and stencilled over your background.

  6. The dimension and colors on today's tags are magnificent!! Your background sky is phenomenal, Lolly!! Hugs, Dolly

  7. Another fabulous tag from you Loll my friend, I MUST get some of that gorgeous glass bead gel! Also beauties from the other GD's too! Have a lovely weekend! Hazel xx

  8. I love the background on your tag, Loll. It's been wonderful seeing such a wide variety of artists posting tags. Deepti's is so soft and lovely while Jenny's is bright and whimsical.

  9. Oh my goodness that textured sky is truly amazing ! Thank you so much Loll for making me a part of this fabulous event :)

  10. Ahhh Loll, what a beauty, all that sparkle. You have managed to wow me again. To the extent I am going to have a play and see if I can come up with some tags. About to post my first, which is pretty basic but its a start. I am so loving all this inspiration and such wonderful guests.

  11. I'm really enjoying your tag challenge Loll, so much inspiration! Your sparkly trees are beautiful!
    Val x

  12. Cant believe how quickly your event is going Loll. So much inspiratiion. Love the cookaburra (think that's what it is) tag by Jenny.


    Karen xxx

  13. Cant believe how quickly your event is going Loll. So much inspiratiion. Love the cookaburra (think that's what it is) tag by Jenny.


    Karen xxx

  14. Gorgeous tags again today Loll. I can`t believe it`s almost over! Off I go for a closer look at these amazing tags. hugs :)

  15. Another beauty, Loll! I love that shimmery background and the sparkling trees!

  16. Loll, I am so behind on following all your wonderful posts and tags! I plan on catching up and playing along soon! I LOVE your tag today - Love the colors in the bg and that glass bead gel. I have seen you use that before and I think I need to explore that more. Love Deepti and Jenny's tags too. Looks like your event is doing so well - great job!

  17. Spectacular, Loll ... that glass bead gel background is beyond beautiful! Hugs, Anita :)

  18. So many gorgeous tags! Love these! X

  19. another wonderful creation - thanks for playing along with us at the HLS Mixed Media Challenge

  20. Simply love the variety from all the designers, much inspiration! And your tag is a knock-out! I love all the bling!

  21. The textures/dimension and colors on today's tags are so striking! Your sky..oh my oh my oh my!

  22. Lovely tags again Loll and I particularly love the background on your gorgeous tag.
    Carol x

  23. Love all the sparkle and shine, and especially the glass beads on your beautiful background!

  24. Me again! Just to say thanks for linking up to the STAMPlorations mixed media challenge and both HLS challenges. Carol x


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)