
Saturday, December 05, 2015

Joy to the World

Hi everyone.  It's the last ATCAS Challenge for the year.  Didn't 2015 go by fast??!! :)  Thanks to all our wonderful participants for a year filled with amazingly creative entries.

I have really enjoyed my three years on the Design Team for ATCAS.  I've worked with talented designers and have made some wonderful friends along the way.  I am stepping down and this will be my last Design Team card for ATCAS.  I will miss working with this fantastic group of designers.

On to the challenge.  This one is hosted by the talented Sarah G (Funky Fossil Designs) and she has chosen this fun code word ...

This is a very simple CAS card.  I used a piece of leftover smooshed inka gold from a previous project to die-cut the letters.  Then I cut out the letters again in white three times, gluing them together to create thick die-cuts with the smooshed layer on top. I die-cut two of the small snowflakes from dazzling diamonds glimmer paper (this paper is SOOOO pretty!).  I layered one glimmer snowflake on top of the other, offsetting it.  I only glued the top snowflake in the middle so that I could pull the ends of the snowflake forwards to create some depth.  Then I simply stamped the sentiment in soft gray and glued everything down to my card front.  Quick and easy CAS card. :)

I hope you'll click HERE to check out the challenge and see the beautiful "JOY" cards from the rest of the Design Team.  And I hope you'll play along. :)

Thanks for coming by for a visit!

Stamps:  Big Christmas Wishes (Amy R)
Paper:  White card base (Neenah); Mixed Media Paper (Strathmore) for smooshing; Dazzling Diamonds Glimmer Paper (SU!)
Ink:  Smoky Slate (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Inka Gold wax paste (Jade, Steel Blue, Platinum), water mister, High Rise Alphabet (My Favorite Things), Snowflake (Impresssion Obsession)

ATCAS #78 - Joy


  1. Wow,Loll! This card is just wonderful!!!! Love everything about it! Åsa xx

  2. Perfectly CAS ........ I love it!!!

  3. Cas perfection Loll - this is gorgeous! You'll be missed in that team.

  4. You have been such an inspiration to me with many wonderful techniques. I have learned a lot and had fun trying new things. Thank you for all your efforts and sharing your skills on Design Teams!! I look forward to following you on HLS CAS and Mixed Media.
    With warm thoughts,

  5. This is soooo lovely, the effect of inks gold paste is terrific :) I am going to miss you at ATCAS !!

  6. GORGEOUS!!! Love the touch of aqua, adds that wintery frosty feel that I love so much! The glittery snowflake looks like it's floating, so wondrous and magical!! hugs :)

  7. WOW! What a simply fabulous idea for a design! LOVE it Loll . . . probably going to have to CASE it sometime! Have a great day! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  8. Such a gorgeous CAS design, and I love, love, love that you used your Inka Gold leftovers for your alphas! Your beautiful snowflake is such a clever way to add the 'O' on your sentiment, too! Stunning card!
    I am truly going to miss having you on the team, Loll! Your inspiration, support, and encouragement has meant so much to me over the past year...Thank you! Of course I will still be stopping by here, and at HLS ~ (HUGS)

  9. Simply perfect CAS card Loll, love it's simplicity. Carol x

  10. Perfect and lovely CAS version of Joy! And beautiful colours too!

  11. Love, love, love! Such a beauty, Loll!

  12. Your flair for design is amazing, Loll! Love this! How beautiful to use a snowflake for the "o" and the gorgeous papers you created for the balance of the letters. Gorgeous!

  13. CAS perfection, my friend! I love how you've done the joy and the rest of the sentiment fits so perfectly!

  14. Gorgeous die cut j and y using your beautiful scraps. All so pretty with your die cut snowflake .TFS and inspiring us for the last 3 years with your beautiful and creative CAS beauties my friend.

    Hugs, Nancy

  15. Beautiful! I love the snowflake as the center, and that alpha is great too.

  16. Absolutely stunning the snowflake for the letter O. So sorry to hear you're stepping down from the DT, they're going to miss you very much. Can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for you.


    Karen xxx

  17. Hello Loll,
    Beautiful card, beauty concept. Replacement letter O on snowflake card gave so much lightness. And I love the color inhomogeneity cut letters. I read the message Kylie, you're leaving with DT ATCAS and I'm sad because I love your designs CAS. You always delight me. I hope that you will still be so active and I had a lot of inspiration from your blog.

  18. CAS perfection, so delicate and so very pretty x Such a clever idea to use a snowflake as the 'O'...just love it x

  19. As stunning, CAS and elegant as ever Loll. So serene and perfect.
    Sorry to see you leave the team at ATCAS - so enjoyed working alongside you this last 6 months but I'm sure I'll still be stopping by your blog for divine inspiration. All the best for Christmas and 2016. Sarah x

  20. Hello Loll: This is just classic CAS, just gorgeous!!!
    I'm new at participating in this challenge and i love it, I've learn the CAS style from all of you wonderful ladies of the DT.
    I want to wish you all the best as you step down from this awesome designer team, Merry Christmas and a fabulous and healthy 2016!!!!!
    Maria Rodriguez.

  21. Beautifully CAS, Loll! I love how you use all your snippets of smooshed papers. The soft grey sentiment is the perfect finishing touch.

  22. Inka gold smooshing and diamond glitter paper. What a fab combination for a glorious card, Loll.

  23. Simply splendid, Loll ... delicate, light and airy ... a perfect snowflake card! Hugs, Anita :)

  24. Your beautiful card fills me with joy, Loll...stunning!

  25. Loll, I am always amazed by your clean and beautiful designs. Sorry to know, that you are stepping down, you are such a great person and a teammate. Good luck and stay in touch! And Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year! - Hugs, Ksenija


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)