
Saturday, August 27, 2016

NBUS Challenge #7

Hi everyone.  Today I'm playing along with Darnell's NBUS  (never-before-used-schtuff) Challenge.  Can't believe this is already the 7th one!

I have a HUGE stash of NBUS ... and the pile seems to grow bigger each passing day.  I think maybe I need to stop buying for a while, but what is the fun in that??!! :)

This stencil is new-to-me ... just got it a couple of weeks ago and this is it's first time out of the package.  I do love stencils! :)

I sponged over top of this stencil in three colours.  The colour in the center (Abandoned Coral) has not been used before, even though I've had it for a while. :)

And I think this is the first time I've used black foam behind a die-cut (sentiment), even though I bought the foam a few months ago. :)

Thanks to Darnell, I was inspired to pull out some new (and old) items that have never been used.  Come play along and join in the fun!  We ALL have NBUS items just waiting for some love.  Click HERE to get to the NBUS Challenge #7.

* * * * *

Just letting you know that I will be MIA for a little while.  I'm taking a medical break to deal with some issues.  Have been super busy the past few months getting everything organized and cards made ahead for the CAS Mix Up design team.  Also managed to get several meals in the freezer, which will make life a little easier for hubby as he'll be on nurse duty for the next little while. :)  I expect with his wonderful care, I will be back on-line soon! :)

In the meantime, I have a few scheduled posts that will be going up so you'll be seeing those starting on Sept. 1st with the launch of the next CAS Mix Up challenge.

Hope to be back soon!

Stamps:  Sentiment - Bloom Sketches (STAMPlorations)
Paper:  White (Neenah 110 lb. card stock); Black (SU!)
Ink:  Distress Inks:  Abandoned Coral, Worn Lipstick, Spiced Marmalade (Tim Holtz); Black (Memento)
Accessories & Tools:  Large Flower Stencil - Hero Arts, sponges, shimmer mist, Small hello die (Simon Says), Rectangle Nestabilities (Spellbinders)

NBUS Challenge #7


  1. Another fun and stunning card! Hope you get well soon!!! Take care, Anja

  2. First, if you think you need to stop buying, we cannot be friends! Second, I love your beautiful card and the way you sponged and feathered it out to lighter and softer. Using the black really sets it off. And third, I will be thinking of you and hope everything works out just fine. Sounds like hubby will be great on nursing duty. Hugs to you.

  3. Love the colors and the stencil...stunning card. And, please do not stop buying because that means I may have to do so too! And, please take care of you...sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Hugs xx

  4. wonderful card Loll - i will miss your lovely cards so get better soon. was listening to a Jennifer McGuire online chat and she said something like "we used to get joy out of creating a card but now it seems that we get just as much joy out of getting new stamps" - i know i do but it's kind of a sad commentary on our need to acquire more and more cardmaking stuff.

  5. Gorgeous look on the NBUS items on this pretty card. Love the color choices and this is a beautiful stencil. Best wishes while you are MIA, and prayers too. TFS & Hugs

  6. Oooh! Such a pretty stencil, Loll! Love the colors you've used and that nice thick hello! You know you're in my prayers! xoxo

  7. Your cards always exude calm. I love to look at them because she was always calm. Beautiful Colours.
    Loll, you are in my prayers. Let the quickly again, everything will be the best.

  8. Such a pretty card with fabulous colours on the background and loving that stencil. Sorry to hear you will be MIA...You will be missed and will be thought about x

  9. Best wishes to you and I'll look forward to seeing you and your lovely cards whenever they post!

  10. Whoa, that stencil is amazing! I can see you using it with dozens of different hues like you've done here with these sensational warm tones. You really are the stencil-sponging Queen, Lolly! And it's funny you used the foam for your sediment. I just had to pull all my colored foam out of a drawer to get to a 12x12 sheet underneath and I thought, "Why don't I ever use this schtuff???" Thank you for the inspiration and thank you so much for your kind shoutout and dedicated post! I so appreciate your support of NBUS Challenge #7!

    I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a good and speedy recovery. Thank you for taking the time to do scheduled posts for us so we aren't wandering aimlessly around Blogland missing you terribly!! Much love and lots of hugs, Darnell

  11. LOVE these big, bold stencils you are using at the moment Loll! This is bright and beautiful and with that black sentiment, it really pops! Have a wonderful weekend my friend! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

    1. PS Forgot to say, I'm hoping for a very speedy and full recovery soon Loll! I will be thinking about you! Get well soon! xx

  12. You always choose such glorious colors when creating your cards. Your blending is impeccable! Love that stencil and love the way you added your sentiment. Will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery, Loll!

  13. Didn't you know? There is an unspoken pact we stampers have that we MUST continue to acquire more fun crafty toys - otherwise, the stores might be forced to close and we can't have THAT! So no talk of not buying more, OK? LOL! In any case, glad you got these NBUS items out and used - this card is stunning! We'll miss you while you are on hiatus, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Prayers and virtual hugs for a speedy recovery.

  14. A gorgeous card Loll and the red going to orange is so bright and pretty, and the black foam makes the sentiment stand out beautifully. Will be thinking of you and take care and let hubby pamper you. Wishing you a speedy recovery. x

  15. OMG Loll...Gorgeous stenciled card and colors with your black accents. Take care and be sure and say please and thank you to your nurse Gord :-) Wishing you a very speedy recovery my friend. Big Hugs and positive thoughts, nancy

  16. This card is stunning. I love to stencil also. Wishing you a speedy recovery. God Bless

  17. Another gorgeous card. Will be thinking of you during your "medical time out" and wishing you a full and speedy recovery. Thanks for doing some posts ahead for that we don't go through to bad of a withdrawal! You'll be missed till we get you back. Till then, thank your hubby for the marvelous care he's going to take of you!

  18. What a fabulous card Loll - love your colours, and the black sentiment really pops.
    All the best for your 'medical break' and hoping DH proves to be a wonderful nurse :-).

  19. Gorgeous card Loll and such beautiful colours


  20. Loll its a beautiful card and in my favourite colours so even better. I hope everything is okay and know I am thinking of you always with positive thoughts. Take care my friend. Hugs Aileen

  21. Popping in here to see what you have been up to Loll. Beautiful projects as always, you are such an inspiration to everyone! Savannah has been keeping me super busy, will be glad when this potty training is done! House isn't back together all the way yet as I'm to busy with Savannah, day. And one day I hope to make it back to getting crafty! Love this new stencil, you have made such a beautiful card with it. Oh Loll, I hate to hear that you are having health issues, I hope it isn't nothing to serious!!!!! I will keep you in my prayers sweet lady! Big hugs, Brenda

  22. Loll, thanx for such a beautiful and creative card before you take time to tend to medical issues. Will say a prayer that all goes well for you and that recovery is fairly "easy peasy", as you say of some cards.

  23. Loll, you always have such creative uses for stencils, this one is gorgeous! We will miss all your talent while you are recovering! I will keep you in my prayers and of course think of you often! Listen to your nurse and heal quickly!

  24. I hope all goes well for you with your medical issues - sounds like you have a great plan for recovery! BTW - this card is stunning!

  25. Beautiful card Loll. Take care of yourself and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Linda

  26. Simply beautiful, Loll ... those gorgeous corals and oranges are so wonderful with that yummy crisp white and bold black sentiment! Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers for a swift recovery! Hugs, Anita :)

  27. Beautiful stencilling. I love the colours and the pop of black from the sentiment is fantastic! xx

  28. Perfect "Loll colours" - and perfectly done with that lovely stencil. You know I'm thinking nothing but positive thoughts for you!


  29. Hi, I have popped over from Darnell's blog after seeing your beautiful stencilled card! It really is gorgeous, I love the colours you chose and I am a big fan of stencils myself, so can relate completely to your excitement pulling it out of the package. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Lisa

  30. Beautiful, Loll! Love the colors, that stencil, the layout, and the foam mounted word die cut!

  31. Oh, and I wish you a quick recovery from your medical issues! Thinking of you and sending you big hugs,

  32. Lovely card, as ever. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope you are back to crafting soon.

  33. Absolutely stunning card Loll! You really do these so very well.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery - ha, you neatly sidestepped my question in an email after you said you'd be MIA. Scamp!

    Love and hugs

    Di xxxx

  34. Just getting started on stencils, and I really love this one! Beautiful shading. Darnell is remarkable, and I have been inspired by her and have met some wonderful crafting folks through her blog. I am usually a CAS kind of crafter and am delighted to have found your blog and the CAS mixed media Challenge as well. Speedy recovery!

  35. Computer hugs to you. We will miss you, so mind your doctors. Take as much time off as you need and we will see you back happier and healthier than ever. You are the best.

  36. Gorgeous card as always from the Queen of Stencils ... great colour choice.
    I hope you're feeling better soon and that the break is just what you need. Do as you're told .... take things easy and look after yourself. Will be thinking of you .... huge hugs xx

  37. Another of your beautiful cards, I think you must be the Queen of stencilling! Hope you're well on the road to recovery and that your hubby is nursing you well!

  38. I'm so sorry for my late visit, Loll...I do hope you're feeling well, and that your medical issue is resolved! Sending big HUGS to you!

    This is such a beautiful card! I love how you blended your inks with this stencil and how you added dimension to your die cut! You always know how to inspire me...Thanks!

  39. I'm late here, but had to pop in and say that this card is gorgeous. What an amazing stencil used to perfection on this card. Happy to hear you were able to participate in Darnell's challenge. I was sorry to read that you are dealing with medical issues. I do hope you have a quick and full recovery. You are very sweet to work ahead so you won't be missed as much. Gentle hugs to you!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)