
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Hubby's Birthday Card

Hi everyone.  You  know how some cards that are pretty easy, just seem like they don't want to be made??  This was one of them. :)  It took me three tries to get this done.  I cut the "HAPPY" with my Silhouette Cameo cutting machine.  But when I trimmed it, it was very crooked.  Of course I didn't notice until after gluing it to the card front.  Into the garbage, made a new card front ... and again a problem with the sentiment. The second time the machine cut it weird, I didn't notice until it was glued down to the second card front.  Anyways, third times a charm (as they say). :)

The background was super easy (it's the best part).  Just taped the gears stencil over some white card stock and sponged with Evergreen Bough, Vintage Photo, and Rusty Hinge distress inks.  What a great colour combination.  And looks awesome with the black sentiment banner.

Hubby's birthday isn't for another week, but we are having a family dinner on Saturday, so needed to get it done early.  I think he'll like it.

Stamps:  Birthday sentiments (HLS)
Paper:  Neenah 110 lb. white card stock; Black (SU!)
Ink:  Distress Inks:  Evergreen Bough, Vintage Photo, Rusty Hinge (Tim Holtz); Versamark
Accessories & Tools: Mini Gears Stencil (The Crafter's Workshop), sponges, Silhouette Cameo, white embossing powder, heat tool


  1. You got there in the end! And it looks amazing x

  2. Awesome indeed. So glad you persevered. Gorgeous blended colours and loving the black die sentiment x Happy Birthday to your Husband x

  3. Very impressive outcome. Glad it came right in the end. It gets to a point where you have to keep going just to get it right for your own sanity! Hugs Mrs A.

  4. Your perseverance paid off, my friend! A wonderful card for Gord! Wish him happy birthday for me.

  5. Hello Loll: -) I am sure that the husband will be delighted with this card. When he learns the history of coming into existence of the card, will appreciate her all the more. Beautiful male card. Please attach the best wishes also from me for the husband
    : -)
    BożenA xoxo

  6. This card would qualify for Darnell's April Fools know all our "blooper" cards! What patience you have Loll, and so glad you stuck with it, yes I think three is the charm for sure! Love your 'camo' colors!!

  7. Wow! Love the masculine card you created with the gears stencil! So glad you kept at it to finish this! I think we've all been there too- those days where everything goes wrong.

  8. Third time lucky indeed, glad you persevered! :)

  9. Perfect male card, your perseverance certainly paid off!

  10. Awesome masculine card, Loll, and I'll bet your DH is going to love it!! Your ink colors have the colors of patinated metals, and those gears are amazing. Glad you stayed with this; it's so well worth all of your efforts. Fabulous card!!! Bev

  11. Why is it when you are trying so hard to get a card done that things goes wrong?!! Well the 3rd time was the charm Loll and it looks amazing!!! I can't imagine DH not loving it!! Sorry I've been MIA, finally getting my notifications once again, yay!!! So I'm back once again! Hugs, Brenda

  12. FABULOUS colors together Loll, and so glad you persevered with the black sentiment as it looks fantastic with all the clockworks! I'm sure hubby will love it! Have fun celebrating with the family dinner!! :0)

  13. Terrific blending Loll! This is one card worth all that effort I would say! Perfect as a masculine card! Love it! Have a great day! Luv n’ Hugs. Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  14. I LOVE your stenciled gears and color combo. Awesome cut sentiment. So glad you did not give up on your design. It really turned out great. I am sure Gord will love it. TFS and have a great time at your family birthday party.


  15. wonderful masculine card, Gord's going to love it and it's worth all the toil :) Loll I'm going to have to remember that colour combo, it's awesom.

  16. I think he'll LOVE it! What a fantastic manly card, Lolly! Way to go keeping at it until it cooperated! I hate those juvenile delinquent sediments!! Have a fun family dinner and Happy Birthday to hubby!! Hugs, Dolly

  17. Ooops to the glued layers not being correct - isn't it frustrating - just as well the background was somewhat easier. A stunning result Loll

  18. Super masculine card Loll a lovely stencil and great colours


  19. Third time lucky .... and what a result. Love the colour combination, and I'm sure hubby will appreciate all your hard work and love his birthday card. Give him a birthday hug from me, and enjoy your family get together xx

  20. Cool and graphic and wonderfully masculine, Loll ... so worth all the patience! The bold black is fabulous against the rich stencilling! Hugs, Anita :)

  21. Wonderful card Loll, bet he loves it. Great colour mix and love that stencil. Third time lucky, were you thinking of kicking the cat by that stage???

  22. So glad you persevered and got this fabulous looking card made! I think the stenciled gears look amazing! What a great masculine card. I adore how the black helps make everything pop. Great job! :)

  23. Love it! Happens to me all the time...usually it's try three or four that's the keeper....glad to know it isn't just me! :)

  24. Perseverance paid off Loll! Great masculine card love the gears, very steampunk. Enjoy your family dinner 🎂 🎉
    Val x

  25. Wonderful hubby card and those colors are fantastic together. Happy birthday to hubby. I'm glad you kept at it because this card is great.

  26. A SUPER DUPER and great colours for a masculine card, how could Hubby not like it.

  27. Fabulous masculine card, Loll - I must remember that design for my nephew - he'd think it was very cool. Great colour combination too!

  28. What a fabulous masculine card, Loll! I love the pattern and the color palette is perfect for a guy! He's sure to love it, too!!!

  29. WOW Loll! WOW. Oh this is so amazing and brilliant. Love it.

  30. How could he not love this card? It's super awesome with that stencil, the fabulous colors, and the cool die cut!

  31. Lucky hubby! This is a great card and very masculine in feel. Love your cut happy - just the perfect size to complement your stenciled gears.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)