
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Eat, Sleep, Craft, Repeat

Christine, Susan, Nancy, and me!

Just wanted to share a picture of the four of us from our Craft Retreat in Vancouver, all wearing customized aprons made by my DDIL.  Thank you so much Nikki!!  Don't we all look happy??!!  This was near the end of our time together.  We were all sleep deprived and our voices were hoarse from talking, but we couldn't stop smiling the whole time. :)

We took a short break from card making techniques during the retreat, to create Dirty Pour Canvases (acrylic paints).  Each of us is posting tonight with our favourite canvas (we each did two).

Here's mine ...

We have learned a lot from watching videos and feel that our canvas pours are getting better as we learn more about what to add to the paints, etc.  This time we added in some silicone oil, which helps to keep the cells separated from each other. More cells emerge with a torch.  Click HERE for a video tutorial.

Here's a close-up of part of the canvas above so you can see the details ...

So cool!

I hope you'll take a few minutes to check out the canvases done by the other girls. Just click on the links below ...

Thanks for visiting!


  1. It was such a fun week :) Love the amazing cells on your Dirty pour
    Hugs XXX

  2. Oh my gosh, we sure had a great time creating our Dirty Pours, Loll. LOVE your vibrant rich tones, swirls and amazing cells. I still can not believe the mess we made and yet did not get any drops on Christine's beautiful wood floors. I am sure missing you and thrilled that our retreat was the best ever! Hugs..

  3. Wonderful rich colours, Loll - and beautiful cells from the heat torch. I'm so glad you had us do this technique at our retreat!

  4. Looks like you all had a ball! And your canvas is amazing. I love the colours and it exudes texture x

  5. WOW! Love this canvas, the colours look amazing and what a fun technique .... we all like messy! Looks like you all had an amazing time xx

  6. Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous Loll!! LOVE it! You definitely need to hang this on the wall! Glad you had a wonderful time crafting with friends and your aprons are terrific, what a talented DIL you have! Have a great week my friend! Love & Hugs. Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  7. Looks as though you've had a fantastic time with your crafty buddies. Love it when you can get together with like minded people. :)

  8. Just a wonderful happy you all had a great time. I can just imagine the fun and the smiles and the laughter.
    Love how you canvas turned out, such an interesting look and so unique which I love. Off to check out the others.
    xx Karen

  9. Your canvas turned out so arty! I love the aprons your DIL made. That was very sweet of her. You all look great and thanks for sharing the picture and all your videos. Glad you all had a fun time together.

  10. Four happy crafters - love the aprons and the words are great advice. Will have to investigate the technique used on the canvas(s)

  11. I feel so redundant, but what a beautiful canvas, Loll. All the canvases are beautiful. And what a beautiful looking group to boot!

  12. Thanks for sharing this great picture of you all! The aprons were a fun idea! I love how your canvas came out! So cool!

  13. Outstanding results with that technique! What gorgeous colors you chose for this, Loll. I absolutely LOVE your acrylic canvasses! All of them were such a delight to see! What fun techniques you covered on your retreat!

  14. This is stunning. Like marble!

  15. Fabulous effect! Love the aprons your DIL made!

  16. What an amazing week that must have been, with friends simply doing what you love!! Your canvas is stunning - love the detail shot of it

  17. Looks like you all had fun, Loll, and your canvas is gorgeous, with the rich and vibrant reds.
    Cool aprons too!
    Marianne x

  18. I treasure this picture of my dear friends and wish I'd been there. I love these colors and the movement of each! The torch added extra interest! I especially love how each time you get a different look!

  19. Sounds like you guys had a great time! Is this Vancouver WA or the one in Canada? I live in Vancouver WA and would love to meet you all.

  20. Hi Elaine. We were in Vancouver, B.C. I don't think it's too far north of Vancouver, WA. :)

  21. Still all look like you had so much fun and loving the aprons X amazing and creative project, thanks for sharing x

  22. Oh my gosh, I LOVE this photo of you girls, and really, really LOVE your customized aprons...WOW! I'm sure you all had a great time, too! Your canvas turned out fabulous, Loll and I can't wait to see how you 'play' with it :)

  23. This is gorgeous, rather messy but the end result looks fantastic Loll. I love the colours and the way they mix and merge and also split. The best bit is every one is totally different and just random. x

  24. Amazing team of friends :-)
    I have long admired your cards, you are wonderful girls :-)))

  25. This is such a cool panel. What could be better than a crafty retreat?

  26. All of you together are too much fun in one place, and, WOW, look what you created! And that's just part of it. What a cool background!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)