
Friday, September 29, 2017

Watercolour Christmas

Hi everyone.  I just bought this beautiful Penny Black stamp a little while ago, and it's my first time inking it up. :)

I wanted to try the no line watercolouring technique again.  I'm happy with how it turned out.  I love to watercolour and find it very relaxing and therapeutic. :)

Turns out the challenge this month at Penny Black Saturday is One Layer cards.  Thanks Bonnie!  I'm heading over to add this card to the gallery. :)

I used distress inks for watercolouring my card, along with a waterbrush.  That combination seems to work the best for me.  I also used some watercolour pencils to add in a little detailing.  I struggle with using pencils for my main colouring, but for adding details, it really work well for me.

Since this is a NBUS stamp, I'm also sending this to Darnell's NBUS Challenge #12 (my third and final entry).  It's been great fun using new stamps and products to play along.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!

Stamps:  Bells & Berries (Penny Black)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.)
Ink:  Distress Inks:  Peeled Paint, Forest Moss, Abandoned Coral, Fired Brick, Vintage Photo, Faded Jeans, Chipped Sapphire (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  water brush, Derwent Watercolour Pencils

Penny Black Saturday - One Layer
Darnell's NBUS Challenge #12


  1. Gorgeous card, Loll! Your no line watercoloring is just beautiful and your details using your stencils are perfect! LOVE this card!

  2. Beautiful image Loll your no line watercolouring is amazing lovely card


  3. I have not seen this stamp and it is so striking. Love your combination of colours and so beautifully coloured. There are a lot of different mediums to water colour and you've shown it is best to keep what you are good at and boy are you good with the distress inks and hi-lighting with the pencils. A real beauty x

  4. Beautiful, Loll! Love the stamp set and your coloring is awesome!

  5. Watercolor without clear lines is a challenge. Loll But you're right, it's very relaxing job and requires leaving the problems behind the door craftroom :-) You really did a brilliant image. Both color schemes, as adding details, are delightful. White background makes the picture stand out even more. Such a beautiful Christmas card!
    BożenA xx

  6. This is even more gorgeous in a larger format, my friend! I need to get mine out and ink it up. I like the pencils for added detail! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. My eyes bugged out, Lolly! This looks like a beautiful print! You rocked the no-line painting and, as always, your nuanced shading is impeccable!! Thank you for playing three times in my NBUS Challenge #12! I'm grateful for the support!! Hugs, Dolly

  8. So fabulous! Can't wait to try using my stamp (though I'm not confident it will turn out like this!!). Love the shading, especially on the bell.

  9. Very pretty. Love that blue bell. [Bunny]

  10. What a beautiful card Loll - perfectly coloured to my eye :-)

  11. Lovely w/c Loll. I agree watercolouring is so relaxing, I often get so engrossed in a project time just flies! :)

  12. This is gorgeous Loll and your no line colouring has worked fabulously to give a stunning result. x

  13. Beautiful work, Loll! Looks like no line coloring and you are getting along quite nicely. The colors are rich and vibrant and adding a little extra something with the pencils certainly worked wonderfully. Delightful card! Thanks so much for sharing! Hugs!

  14. Oh my, Loll. Your no-line watercoloring is magnificent. The colors are so bright and the image wonderfully highlighted.

  15. Oooh .... this is stunning. Great job with the no-line watercolouring, and the pencil highlights work beautifully xx

  16. WOW...this turned out so lovely Loll! The no line water colouring obviously worked very well for you as this is just GORGEOUS! Love all the little details with the pencils too! Beautiful, beautiful card my friend!! :0)

  17. you have to show Susan and I how you did this when we get together next. OMG is is amazing :)

  18. Gorgeous, Loll. Fantastic no line watercolouring... then again your colouring is always amazing (well except maybe with the Tambi Gansai paints *lol* 😂😉). Oh what fun that was... not! Have a great time celebrating tomorrow.

  19. Beautiful job on this Loll!! I love the shading you achieved and the crispness of the image against the white! I love these Penny Black stamps and I have this one too, but haven't been brave enough to give it a try yet. Thanks for your kind comment on my Decorated with Snow card. I used the same technique with a watercolor one that I posted this morning!

  20. Beautiful image and water-colouring! x

  21. WOW! This is so perfectly done it appears to be a print! Your watercoloring is unbelievable on this, Loll. Just gorgeous!

  22. Gorgeous watercolouring, a really beautiful card :)
    Hugs Kaz xx

  23. Your card caught my eye at Darnell's NBUS challenge and I just had to come take a closer look. So gorgeous! What a beautiful image and your no-line coloring is perfect!

  24. Wow Loll, your did a great job on line coloring! I have not tried this technique yet, I can barely color with lines. lol Love how this came out, a very beautiful card indeed. Hugs, Brenda

  25. Wow, such a lovely image, so beautifully no-line watercoloured, Loll! The shading and detailing are fabulous ... love the hint of reflection of the berries in the bell! Hugs, Anita :)

  26. Beautiful no-line watercolouring, Loll!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)