
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

CASEing Susan

Hi everyone.  Today I'm sharing a card that I CASEd (copy and share everything) from my dear friend, Susan (Cardmaker's Garret).

It's also Susan's birthday!  I sent her the card above a week ago, but she hasn't received it yet.  Hopefully today!! Happy Birthday, Susan!!

Click on the link below to check out her gorgeous card that I CASEd.  And please leave her some happy birthday wishes!! :)
I started by die-cutting my partial circle die from regular card stock.  Don't do all the colouring and adding gel paste before die-cutting --- it will stick to your cutting plate.  Ask me how I know!! :)

This is my second time making this card front! :)  I placed my stencil over top, masking and sponging the different colours.  The stencil needs to be washed and dried for the next step.  Placed the stencil back over the image, lining up and taping to secure.  Then spread a layer of heavy gel medium over top (I used matte gel so it doesn't really show in the photo).

The gel adds dimension to the image, helps to intensify the colours, and has the side benefit of protecting the image if further work is being done on the card (example, adding a watercolour wash background).  Bonus!  

I popped up the die-cut with foam for more dimension and then added a black sentiment banner with white heat embossing.  Love this technique.  Have not used heavy gel (clear) for this before.  Usually use it to add colour when wanting to stencil with coloured gel.  You can mix with ink, paint, mica powders, etc. to create a beautiful coloured gel.  Another great way to use this product!

Stamps:  Many Everyday Message (Hero Arts)
Paper:  Neenah White card stock (110 lb.); Black card stock (SU!)
Ink:  Distress Inks:  Broken China, Salty Ocean, Spiced Marmalade, Fired Brick, Mustard Seed, Wild Honey, Peeled Paint, Forest Moss (Tim Holtz); Versamark
Accessories & Tools:  Flower stencil (cut with my Silhouette Cameo), sponges, Heavy matte gel (Golden), palette knife, white embossing powder, heat tool


  1. Simply gorgeous card Loll. x

  2. Gorgeous cas card Loll. Love the colour combination - so bright and cheerful.

  3. Beautiful card, Loll - even more so because I received it (it arrived last week but I don't open my cards till the actual day)!! I think I like the matte gel you used more than the semi-glossy gel I used. And I love the colours you used - it is so bright and cheery on this grey day.

  4. The blending is so pretty and love the dimension of the gel. Great to see that the gel didn't re-activate the distress inks and the colours intensified. I have done this before and lost all the hard work on the blending. Gorgeous card, and I think it's stunning x

  5. Something else to add to the list of things to try, heavy gel medium. The stenciling is wonderful, Loll, and adding the medium would be just what need to color the background.

  6. This is so pretty! I remember how taken I was with Susan's card! Love that die shape! I feel shopping coming on!

  7. Beautiful CASE. Never heard or used this clear gel before. It looks awesome b

  8. Gorgeous stenciled and colored flowers, Loll. I have never used my Golden's Heavy Matte medium to intensify and protect an image thru a stencil. LOVE the effect. I have a card ready to mail tomorrow. I am off to wish Susan a Happy Birthday. TFS your beautiful CAS designed cheerful card my friend. Hugs

  9. Beautiful card Loll! Love the stenciled flowers and their blended intense with the gel over them! Will have to give this technique a try!! :0)

  10. I love the idea of this! How neat to stencil then add the gel over it! Thank you too for the link to Susan's card! What a fun technique and one I have to try. This is such a beautiful card for her. I'm sure she will love it!

  11. Beautiful CASE of Susan's card, I can't wait to see the matte gel medium. I'm sure it looks stunning.

  12. This is a beautiful and elegant CAS card, Loll! I love colors of the stenciled flowers! I'm not familiar with heavy matte gel, so I wish I could look at the card in real life to see the effect. Hideko xx

  13. This is brilliant, Lolly! You did a magnificent CASE of Susan's card! Thanks for letting us know today is her birthday! I hope you're doing well. Sorry I've been AWOL! Hugs, Dolly

  14. Gorgeous card Loll - and thanks for the how to's on using the gel - I have just bought some!

  15. So very pretty! I hope the card made its way to your friend! You do so many fun techniques. The colors on this card are so bright and vibrant. Thanks for sharing. :)

  16. Well Happy Birthday to Susan! I love this card Loll, it is so beautiful and I love the partial circle die. And I love the stencil you used as well, it makes such beautiful flowers! You amaze me with the stencils you make. I have tried to make them but not sure I do it right. lol Hugs, Brenda

  17. So bright, cheery & just gorgeous. Orange pops of color with the blue, so very pretty. Again a new product to me, with the gel medium. Thanks for the info on that. Love the complete design & concept of this one, and such perfect stenciling too. Susan will adore this! TFS & Hugs

  18. This is a fabulous CASE of Susan's card! Great colors and layout! I am sure she loved it!

  19. This looks so pretty .... and stylish too. Love the die and the flowers look amazing. The gel really makes the colours pop! xx

  20. Those intense colours are just lovely, Loll ... such pretty florals ... and a fabulous CASE! Hugs, Anita :)

  21. Applying a gel to an image obtained with a template is not so easy. I tried this technique, but it turned out that the gel was flowing under the template. In addition, he blotted the DI ink, which sponge the picture. So all the more I appreciate your creation. I love how the gel intensifies the colors. A great card, I'm sure Susan was delighted.
    BożenA, hugs & kisses.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)