
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Twelve Tags of Christmas Wrap-Up

Hi everyone.  I'm excited to announce the winner, top tags, and honourable mentions for the Twelve Tags of Christmas 2017.  I'm so pleased that there were 120 entries this year.  THANK YOU for sharing your beautiful works-of-art!

Meet the Judge ---

Jeremy with Vi

About Judge Jeremy:  He has a degree in Visual Arts and a Master of Arts Education.  He teaches art classes at a Richmond high school.

Here's a few words from Jeremy about this year's tag event.

"It was a joy to review the tag designs this year -- I was blown away by the caliber of skills and abundance of creativity.

With such a wide variety of techniques and styles, selecting the top tags was an especially challenging task this year.  I carefully considered the parameters of the challenge (mixed media) and the building blocks of design (creativity, craftsmanship, composition, and colour) when choosing the winner, top tags, and honourable mentions."

Winning Tag
Congratulations Robyn!!

Jeremy:  "My pick for the winning design goes to Robyn.  This tag shows a unique point of view and a willingness to take risks.  The combination of the asymmetrical tag shape and the offset focal image is one of a kind.  As well, the royal purple and yellow-gold colour combination and exquisite watercolouring highlight Robyn's advanced design sensibility.  What a stunning creation!"

Make sure to grab your Winner's badge.

Top Tags
(in order of entry#)

Cathy #120

Congratulations Nancy, Marcia, and Cathy!!

Jeremy: "Congratulations to these three participants for their top designs.  I am always captivated by tags such as these that offer new design perspectives."

Make sure to grab your Top Tags Badge.

Honourable Mentions

Make sure to grab your Honourable Mention Badge.

Random Winner
(picked by random number generator)


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* * * * *

Thanks to everyone that played along or left messages of support.
I hope you enjoyed the fourth addition of the 
Twelve Tags of Christmas!
See you again next year!


  1. Congratulations Robyn, Your Top Tag is truly a work of art! I loved reading Jeremy's comments on your creative and unique tag.
    Congratulations to the top picks too! So much inspiration and mixed media talent. I am Thrilled to be chosen as an honorable mention tag this year, Loll. Thank you for hosting another awesome tag event and thank you Jer for your artistic insight. Happy Holidays and Hugs to you all...

  2. So many beautiful tags. Well done everyone, and special congratulations to Robyn. I agree with Jeremy's comment: this really is a stunning creation!

  3. Forgot to say: thanks Loll, for hosting this fun challenge and inspiring us all.

  4. Congratulation to all the winners and especially to the overall winner....Robyn x Fun challenge and so much amazing inspiration from the guests, the gallery and from you, Loll x Thank you for all the hard work too Loll and for being one of your guests this year, a great honour x

  5. Another fab set of entries and well deserved winners. Sorry that I didn't manage to make one but life got in the way! :)

  6. Robyn's tag was definitely a WINNING tag...absolutely loved it and so happy to see it take top honors! I was also so honored to have one of my tags be chosen as a Top Tags...thank you! I look forward to this event every year and am always blown away by all the incredible talent out there! I will definitely be looking forward to next years event again!! :0)

  7. Congratulations Robin, this is a great tag. I congratulate all winners and distinguished ones. The competition was huge and the entertainment was excellent. A real treat for the spirit and the eyes.

  8. Congratulations on your wonderful winners. Nice to meet Jeremy, and he did indeed have his work cut out for him. Loved seeing the winners, runners up, and the honorable mentions. So happy you had such a lot of participation, and you did have some considerable craft skills displayed this year! Nice to see some of my pals among these names. (wasn't a bit surprised at that though!) TFS & having the contest. Hugs

  9. Congratulations to Robyn, her tag is so eye catching, love the deep purples and gold! And I'm a bit amazed to see my tag up there too, what an honour, thankyou Jeremy and thankyou Loll for hosting such a fun event. There were so many amazing creations to see and so many techniques to try! Cathy x

  10. Congratulations to Robyn, Nancy, Marcia and Cathy! I know it was a hard decision for Jer! Thanks for including me in the honorable mentions! This is a fun challenge. I never made tags before and I've learned how much fun it can be.

  11. Thank you Loll for another fun year and to Jeremy who was willing to choose from all that talent that was submitted and donate his time. Robyn's tag is fabulous and so are her colors.

  12. Congratulations, all. There were so many beautiful tags. Thank you, Loll, for the fun time we had and the inspiration we came away with. [Bunny]

  13. Congratulations, Robyn, on your winning tag! And congrats to all the Top Picks and Honourable Mentions. And thank you, Jeremy, for choosing one of mine as an Honourable Mention - I'm thrilled! Loll, thank you for hosting the challenge again!

  14. another awesome tag event Loll, it's so much fun playing along. Congratulations to Robyn and all the honorable mentions. Jeremy this must have been a tough decision with all those amazing entries.

  15. Thanks Loll for the inspiration and hosting this fun tag event and to Jeremy for giving two of my tags an Honourable Mention I am totally delighted! Congratulations to Robyn, your tag is beautiful and to other HM's.

  16. Congratulations to Robyn for the win and to all the other deserving tag artists whose work was recognized! Thank you for all your hard work putting on this fun and inspirational event, Lolly, and please thank Jer for the brilliant judging!! Hugs, Dolly

  17. Oooooh my goodness I'm in shock, totally stunned on my win, thank you, thank you, thank you Jeremy. I just loved participating in Lolls tag challenge, thanks so much for hosting again Loll, wonderful to see some many fabulous tags, and congratulations to everyone especially the other winners....I think I'll keep this tag. Hugs, I'm on a real high

  18. Congratulations to all of the winners!!! I have enjoyed looking at all of the beautiful tags.

  19. Huge congrats to all who entered and all the winners too and Jeremy for his great selection, well done Loll too for running this quite a feat in itself, it brought us all a lot of inspiration! I really enjoyed it all.
    Thanks for sharing everyone!
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  20. Just another fantastic array of tags this year...well done!!
    Congrats to all the winners and to all the inspiring tag makers.

  21. Congratulations to Robin and all the winners. Amazing work. To all the participants thank you for your time and creativity!!

  22. Robyn's tag is exceptional and the other winners and honorable mentions should be proud of the work they did. Everyone is so creative. Thanks, Loll, for your work in hosting this fun challenge. See you again next year.

  23. Congratulations Robyn and all winners! Great tags all around!!! Thanks for the honorable mention!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)