
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Watercolour Christmas for charity

Looking for the Twelve Tags of Christmas Event??

Hi everyone.  I'm adding a few more cards to the CAS Watercolour November Challenge before it closes in three days.

I've done three smaller cards (square) with no-line watercolour.  I will be donating these cards to charity.

The cards are all done with the same technique, stamping the image in a pale colour and then watercolouring over top with distress inks.  I borrowed a beautiful stamp from my friend Susan, for the first card (above) and it has a little extra with heat embossing over the image in clear, adding a watercolour wash background, and white splattering.

Here's the second card using a Stampin' Up! image that I've had for several years, but this is the first time inking it up. :)  I need a LOT of practice colouring birds! :)  The background is sponged.

Third card is same technique.  I shared a card with this image earlier HERE.  I think I like this one better with the orange berries.  I'm happy with the shading and highlighting. :)

Stamps:  berry merry christmas (card 1); berry kissed (card 3) - both from Penny Black; Beautiful Season (card 2) - Stampin' Up!
Paper:  Mixed Media paper (Strathmore 140 lb.)
Ink:  Sahara Sand (SU!); Distress Inks (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  water brush, Watercolour pencils (Derwent), white gel pen, white acrylic paint for splattering

CAS Watercolour November Challenge - Holiday


  1. So pretty, Loll. I particularly love the last one. You make me want to play with my Inktense pencils. why are there only 24 hours in a day?
    Marianne x

  2. Wow you are spoiling us with these three beauties. Such gorgeous water colouring and of course you shouldn't have favourites but the the third card is stunning! x

  3. All are beautiful, Loll, but especially the third one - the shading on the berries and leaves is fabulous! Thanks so much for donating them (and many others) to my fundraiser!

  4. Your watercoloring skills are amazing, Loll! How I'd love to watch you do this! I do love all three cards but you outdid yourself on that third one. That shading- just exceptional! Can't believe you did this with watercolor pencils too. Gorgeous!

  5. Thanks Nancy. The pencils were only used to add finishing details. I watercoloured these cards with distress inks. :)

  6. Your cards are stunning as always Loll. I love how you no line color, it is simply beautiful. I don't think you need practice on your birds as your bird looks amazing to me. You are one gifted and talented lady my friend! Hugs, Brenda

  7. All three of these are gorgeous, Loll! I love both berry colors. You've done a wonderful job with the shading and I love the background on the first! Your chickadee is so sweet. I think he looks perfect!

  8. Gorgeous Loll your watercolouring is just amazing. I love all of them, the holly and the chickadee is superb and I agree the berries with the hint of orange are perfect. I have that old SU set and never realised it could look that amazing (perhaps not by me :))

  9. I am so in LOVE with all your no line stamping, Loll. All 3 of your beautifully colored cards are...Perfect!!! I so want to practice making more cards with the no-line technique. Have you thought of making a video?

    I just love your highlights on the berries of your 3rd card and your shading on the leaves of your 1st card (would love to know which DI's you used to get the blue tones). You used one of my all time favorite SU Christmas stamp image with the chickadee. I have cheated and looked in my bird book for the colors and markings. Right now we have about 20 flitting around in our ornamental maple trees out our front window. They are so entertaining along with the kinglets.

    Sorry about the chatty comment. Feels so good to be sitting down:-) Hugs

  10. These no-line wartercoloured cards are gorgeous, Loll! The watercolour washed background for the top one and the smoothly sponged background for the second one enhance the beauty of the main images. You've done a great job with the shading and highlighting for the third one. I loved the 12/19 card too, but I LOVE this one even more. Hideko :-)

  11. Loving this technique - three fabulous cards

  12. I love all of these Loll, your no line watercolouring looks amazing xx

  13. beautiful cards mf..each unique and wonderful.
    xx Karen

  14. Golly, Loll...your talents are tremendous! A trio of beautiful work!

  15. WOW...three GORGEOUS cards Loll! Your berries in the 1st and 3rd cards are shaded so beautifully, and your bird card is PERFECT! I too would love a video from you on no line water colouring...maybe a project for the new year?? Anyway, three lovely, lovely cards my friend!! :0)

  16. Fantastic job with your no-line watercolouring, Loll! Three beautiful cards!

  17. WOW WOW WOW for each of these beautiful cards Loll. Love the PB stamps and the red berries always look great but my favourite is the last one with those orange ones. Totally stunning and amazing blending of colours!

  18. Simply gorgeous, Loll ... a wonderful trio ... that last one is especially stunning! Hugs, Anita :)

  19. You are becoming a pro at no-line watercoloring, Loll. I love the little bird but the berries on the last card look amazingly real.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)