
Sunday, March 25, 2018

March Rudolph Days

Hi everyone.  Today I'm playing along with March Rudolph Days challenge.  The challenge runs every month from the 25th to end of month.  It's Anything Goes Christmas and run by the lovely Mo (Scraps of Life by Scrappymo!)

I'm made another card using this sweet die-cut of trees from Memory Box.  I love this die.  So easy to place a colourful background and stamp a sentiment.  This time I went one step farther and stenciled "falling snow" with white embossing paste.  I first placed my tree panel over my card base to get the positioning and stamped my sentiment (in blue).  Removed the panel, placed a piece of temporary tape over the sentiment as a mask and then stenciled with embossing paste over the front of the card.  Used diluted white acrylic paint to splatter some falling snow on the tree panel.  Once the embossing paste was dry, removed the mask and adhered the tree panel, popping it up for extra dimension.

Here's a close-up ...
Easy, peasy card!

I hope you'll come play along at Rudolph Days.

Stamps:  Snowglobe Sentiments (My Favorite Things)
Paper:  Watercolour (Arches 140 lb. Hot Press); White card base (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Watercolour sprays - Blue, Green, Magenta (Dick Blick); Distress Ink:  Salty Ocean (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  Evergreen Window die (Memory Box), Falling Snow stencil (Simon Says Stamp), White embossing paste (Dreamweaver), palette knife, white acrylic paint

Rudolph Days - March


  1. Beautiful card, Loll. I love the embossed background and the colours of the 'sky' behind the trees are gorgeous. xx

  2. Really super card with a gorgeous background behind the trees and the EF looks great.

    Kath x

  3. I LOVE your pretty background with the snow splatters. So pretty behind your trees die cut image. Love your falling snow stenciled EB paste background too. I need to add your die cut and stencil to my wishlist:-) TFS my friend. Hugs..

  4. If I had not read your description I would have thought the base was dry embossed. How cool this looks! Your sprayed background turned out beautifully and once again you combined colors I would never have dreamed to put together. The stark white die cut trees are so perfect with this. I spy a card to case!

  5. I love this die too and your background is perfect for it! Love the spattered snow and the stenciled snow on the card base!

  6. Another stunning card Loll, love that background the colours are gorgeous and the stencilled snow looks great too...I thought it was an embossing folder at first
    Hugs Kaz xx

  7. This is a beautiful card, Loll. I love the back ground and the white trees look so peace3ful against the falling snow!

    Thanks for taking part in the March Rudolph Days Challenge.

  8. A fabulous card - I love the sky background you have created.
    Kath x

  9. Gorgeous Christmas card, the inky background looks perfect behind those trees, and the stenciled snow really adds to the design xx

  10. Love the effect of falling snow Loll, a great idea and the panel of trees are gorgeous against that blue background. :)

  11. Hi Loll, Love the card and always love to read how you created it! The effect of falling snow is a beautiful touch! A perfect winter scene.
    Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my Christmas challenge post, and the kind comments about hubby. We look forward to a bit better year for him once we get (last years treatment) check-up appointments over with.
    Its lovely to be back and catching up on blogland. Always loved visiting you. xx

  12. Wonderful card, Loll. I love your sky background ...

  13. Beautiful card. Oh golly, that background behind the trees is gorgeous. Really like how you added the falling snow with the embossing paste, too. Lovely work, my friend! :)

  14. Easy peasy????? wish it would be for me LOL. LOVE this card.

  15. This is a lovely card!! made perfect by the sky you created Loll and the falling snow was the perfect touch!!


  16. This is such a beautiful Loll card! I love how you raised the colored panel on the distance foam. Your image looks like a TV :-) I love your wonderful background and the outline of Christmas trees. And adding the embossing paste on the card panel looks stunning. WOW! I love this card!

  17. Fun mixed media elements on your beautiful card Loll. Great colours, great texture and so gorgeous...loving the sentiment stamped in the blue too x

  18. love the blues for the sky, you have reminded me to pull out my Dick Blick inks. The stenciled background is a great addition. Beautiful card :)

  19. What a pretty background sky, Loll! I love the color combination - adding Magenta to Blue & Green is so effective! Both kinds of snowfall (embossing paste and acrylic paint) are pretty, and the tree window die works like a magic! Hideko xx p.s. Perfect backdrop too. ;-D

  20. What beautiful colours in the sky! Love the embossed, stenciled background too! Isn't that die just the best?

  21. Easy peasy maybe Loll, but absolutely stunning with it!

  22. Such a joyful card, with the northern winter sky. Beautiful Loll! xx

  23. Beautiful card , love that background

  24. It's gorgeous & icy! Love it. Thanks for reminding me I have this die & some previously created backgrounds. Just realized Rudy Day is open, so need a fast card. This one is splendid inspiration! TFS & Hugs. Happy Easter

  25. Loll, this is gorgeous ... crisp and fresh and frosty ... love how the falling snow continues into the background panel to those delicious trees! Hugs, Anita :)

  26. love your cards mf...great colours and interest
    xx Karen

  27. OOh so gorgeous the background you created is. Love those trees. Such a fabulous card Thank you so much for joining us at the Rudolph Days Challenge!
    Rudolph Days Challenge DT
    Dr Sonia

  28. Oh how I love your blue AI background. Adding the snow is a wonderful finish to your little scene. I really need to know what colour blue you’ve used so I can get ne some. Beautiful card. xx

  29. Just perfect!!! Love this! The addition of the embossed panel is just exactly right!

  30. Your watercoloring on your background is so pretty, Loll! I love your choice of colors and that you kept your design CAS! I can see why you love this die so's perfect on your card!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)