
Sunday, March 04, 2018

Mixed Media Play

Hi everyone.  I had some time recently and decided to play a bit with mixed media stamp layering.  I don't have a lot of experience, but I believe the only way to learn is to try and try again.  I think mixed media is an art genre where you are constantly learning new things and there are new products coming out all the time --- so FUN!

I'm starting out with just a simple panel and hope to add additional elements as I get more comfortable.

I came across a small card panel that I made when I first got my Distress Oxide inks. This panel had been sitting a long time because it was never quite right to use with my other card designs.  The colours were bright, but not bright enough ... and not subtle enough.  Somewhere in the middle.  I thought it would make a good base to add on top.

I'm happy with how my card turned out.  I used a NBUS stamp set I received from a dear friend.  I stamped the main image in black.  I randomly stamped some dictionary text in black and sponged white pigment ink through a small dot stencil.  I learned the white pigment faded when it dried, so stenciled again with white acrylic paint ... much better. :)

Here's a close-up ...
I'm adding this to the Simon Says Monday Challenge - In My Garden and to Craft Stamper's Magazine Take it, Make it March Challenge where Anything Goes..

Stamps:  Elegant Weeds (Hero Arts); Sentiments - Bloom Sketches (STAMPlorations); Dictonary (Stampin' Up!)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb. 400 Series); White card base (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Distress Oxides (Tim Holtz); White Pigment (Hero Arts)
Accessories & Tools:  water mister, white embossing powder, black embossing powder, heat tool, Mini tiny circles stencil (The Crafter's Workshop), sponge dauber, white acrylic paint

Simon Says Monday Challenge - In My Garden
Craft Stamper Magazine Take it Make it March Challenge - Anything Goes


  1. Love the background you've made Loll, those silhouetted heads look great against it. :)

  2. What an amazing background, Loll, perfect for the silhouette stamping. xx

  3. what a beautiful card Loll, I love the dark flowers against that amazing background,thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge, hugs kath xxx

  4. Great card Loll, love the silhouette stamp and the white on black sentiment :)
    Hugs Kaz xx

  5. SO BEAUTIFUL. I'm not a stamper, so always admire your work - A LOT.

  6. love this Loll....I have been doing a lot of this lately, dabbling in some mixed media and playing around with it. I recently made a card with a leftover that has a similar look to it...haven't posted it yet.
    have fun...good stress relievers.
    xx Karen

  7. This looks really neat. I like the silhouette of the flowers against the background. It is busy, but not too busy. A great balance for my uneducated in mixed media eye. I admire you for always looking for new ways to create and learning new techniques. :) Have a great day!

  8. Yey to mixed media. Fabulous Loll, great layering, fun colours and love that white through the stencil. The silhouette stamped flower finishes off your card beautifully. Wonderful mixed media card it x

  9. This looks like the perfect way to dip your toes in the mixed media waters! (Check out the Damsel of Distressed Card's blog for a mixed media master!) That Queen Ann's lace in black against all those gorgeous colors looks fantastic. And I love the dictionary text you've added. Great card! Well done!! : ) Bev

  10. Loll, that is a fabulous background! I need to do more of that kind of layering - love the circle stenciling over it, and good to know that it's better to use white acrylic paint than white ink. The simple silhouette wildflower is perfect on top.

  11. Kudos to you, Loll, for giving this a go. I've always envied people who could do mixed media and you're well on your way. I have a so-so panel on my desk right now. This may just be the inspiration I need to do something with it.

  12. I LOVE your mixed media background, Loll. TFS all your steps and your tip about using white acrylic paint instead of ink. I love your stamped silhouette flowers over your gorgeous background and heat eb sentiment. So perfect with your white framing. TFS my friend. Hugs

  13. What a wonderful background, Loll! So many interesting elements! A fantastic stamp for your background!

  14. This looks really fantastic, Loll! All the different elements work so well together! When I see panels like this I want to try it, too, but don't know where to start. But I'll keep in mind what you said "try and try again". A visit to your blog is always inspiring!

  15. WOW...this is Gorgeous! I can't wait to see what else your "Play Sessions" bring us! I really appreciate the steps and tips you shared...gotta try this!♥ (P.S. I love your work!)

  16. WOW! This looks fab-u-lous. I love your mixed media background, the added stenciling looks great. Thank you for playing along with Craft Stamped challenge too xx

  17. WOW! This turned out FABULOUS Loll!! Every little element worked together so perfectly for this mixed media the colors, the bits of text, that beautiful silhouetted image, and those wonderful little stenciled white dots! AMAZING card my friend!! :0)

  18. A great background Loll - you don't need any practice! x

  19. So inspiring, Loll! I wonder how many people try new techniques because of you. You're like a pioneer to the card making community! I love all your textures and enjoyed reading your process. Wonderful sentiment, too, which seems so fitting with the mixed media!

  20. This turned out marvelously. LOts of color and texture, and you picked out such interesting stamps to add the random stamping in black. I like the white dots. You've not only got the CAS down supremely well, but you're doing great with the layering too! Love the black floral silhouette. TFS & Hugs

  21. Wow, Loll ... extraordinary depth and dimension in your oxide-ink-smooshed-stamp-and-stencil-layered background ... it's fabulous ... a delicious foil for that delicate black silhouette! Hugs, Anita :)

  22. Fun times! This turned out so cool!

  23. The background is perfectly matched to the flower stamp. It is his great advantage that he is not too happy. I love how you added more layers to the background, it makes it very expressive. Beautiful card, Loll.

  24. Well, it looks like you've got the hang of mixed media stamp layering, Loll - this is gorgeous! I like how the white adds another layer. Thanks so much for playing along at Craft Stamper Take It, Make It :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)