
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Eat, Sleep, Craft, Repeated 2018

Hi everyone.  As I mentioned the other day, I'm away this week at a craft retreat in Vancouver, B.C.  Above is a picture of the six of us on a short break, enjoying the sunshine in Christine's beautiful backyard (courtesy of my son-in-law Alex - always great to have a professional photographer in the family!).

We also were thrilled to be joined for part of the retreat (via skype) by our good friends Bonnie Klass and Nance Salkeld.
We have been playing with all kinds of techniques, learning lots together, and having a LOT of FUN! :)

So far we have played with glitter, pan pastels, embossing folders, alcohol inks, watercolouring and different ways to make snow on cards.

We also did a dirty pour with variety of techniques.  I'm sharing a picture of some of our work, along with a close-up of one of the pieces I made using the swipe technique dirty pour.  :)

... a close-up of my swipe technique ...
Christine has been an amazing host for our event and we have enjoyed staying in her lovely home.

We also had afternoon tea yesterday in Susan's beautiful English garden.  The scones were DELICIOUS and the garden a sea of colour.

What a special time we've had together!

We still have one more day of play before we pack up and head home.  It will be a sad goodbye.  Hopefully we'll be getting together again next year to ... Eat, Sleep, Craft, Repeated Again!  :)


  1. Lucky Lucky YOU!!!
    Thanks for sharing this amazing experience with us!

  2. What total fun and crafting bliss!! Thanks for sharing this...the pics are great. Everyone looks so HAPPY. So nice Bonnie and Nance could join in via cyberspace. N-joy the rest of your precious time together. Life is good....

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time is being had by all. Lucky ladies for sure! Oh golly, that dirty pour swipe looks amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs!

  4. Lucky your are, Ladies ! Would love to be with you ! And I'm sure that you all will offer us gorgeous cards with the "dirty pour" we can see on your picture. Enjoy this fabulous time all together and thanks for sharing the beautiful photos ! Hugs x

  5. Thanks for organizing all this Loll, it's been awesome :)

  6. Wow! Good for you. And dirty pour, eh? THAT looks like loads of fun. And mess.

  7. How lovely! Your so talented girl!

  8. An amazing background, so diverse! Loll, as always, your backgrounds always knock me down. You are a sorceress :-)
    We envy you such a wonderful meeting. In Poland, we have no such tradition :-((

  9. That has to be one of the most intriguing and gorgeous backgrounds I have ever seen. I can't wait to see how you use it. What fun creating all those wonderful backgrounds too! It's fun to see the photos of your retreat too.

  10. So much talent in two photos! Looks like fun!

  11. I love your dirty pour scrape, Loll! I didn't get to try that but I did enjoy getting some beautiful canvases and backgrounds done with this technique! It was so much fun joining you via computer! Hopefully next year it will be in person!

  12. It's been so much fun!! It's going to be odd to be crafting on my own again once I get home. Love your dirty pour close up - you can really see the beautiful swirls and colours.

  13. You all look so happy and fantastic! Thank you for sharing this, Loll!
    Your dirty pour piece is amazing! Can't wait to see a card with this background! Hideko xx

  14. Oh my, but we had such a fun creative 5 day retreat. My head is swimming with ideas using new techniques:-) I so enjoyed my day with you and Gord too. You are a master organizer, Loll and special friend. Thank you again for everything. Our retreats happen because of you! Looking forward to another possible retreat next year. Love and Hugs...

  15. So much fun to craft and be with friends for such a lovely long time, Loll ... sounds wonderful ... looking forward to seeing all your cards with all the techniques you played with! Brilliant photo! Hugs, Anita :)

  16. Such a gorgeous setting to boost all your creativity. Looks like you gals had a blast. Can't wait to see all the cards that you'll be producing, so many to choose from. Definitely a beautiful group pic, memorable for all by all the smiles I detect. xx

  17. Wow! what a blessing! and so much talent in one place!!

  18. This looks like such a blast! All those friends creating together could be dangerous! So glad you are having a great time!

  19. How exciting that you could all meet up and craft and share ideas. It looks like so much fun and I love those aprons. The dirty pour is beautiful. That noise I heard these past few days must have been you guys laughing!

  20. You all look like you had so much fun and also learnt lots along the way. How amazing to be all together and so much talent to share....Great example of the dirty pour, unique and beautiful. I do so love an afternoon tea and with your crafty friends it must of been wonderful. Great aprons too Loll x

  21. How great that you all could be together to share and learn new techniques, Loll. That pour is fabulous.

  22. Well, hmmm, I did comment here, but it was at YVR, so I guess it didn't go or I closed my laptop abruptly. I had an absolute ball crafting with you, Lolly! Thank you for everything you did to make it possible and successful for me! Your pours were all so dirty and pirty! I only wished we lived closer...what fun we would have all the time!! Hugs, Dolly

  23. Wow.. only if someone adopts me...I'll be able to join this fun in the western hemisphere! So cool and fun!

  24. I always have so much fun and learn so much when we get together, Loll, but the retreat is fun on a whole different level! Looooooooved it! Thank you so much for your hard work in organizing and including me in this aaahhh-mazing event! Can’t wait till next year! 😉
    Your dirty pour swipe technique piece looks so cool! I wished I could have been there for that. And I hope you find all your encrusted pieces... especially that rectangle pendant piece you made with my excess melted ep’s. Have a wonderful weekend! xx

  25. When so many talented, creative, and kind ladies get together it must be an awesome retreat! The English tea and scones in a beautiful garden sound lovely! Thanks for sharing pictures and stories!

  26. Oh Loll, it looks like you gals had an awesome fun fun together. I love it! I will be very anxious to see all your backgrounds come to life!
    Have a glorious weekend! Heart Hugs, colleen

  27. Sounds like you had an awesome time! Looking forward to seeing your cards using these techniques. Your dirty pour looks fab too, Cathy x

  28. wonderful...such a great group of talents.
    xx Karen

  29. Thanks for sharing part of your fun with the rest of us. Very easy to see ya'll were having such a grand time, and learning new techniques from each other. So good to see that Bonnie & Nance were able to join in via Skype. Love those aprons, and it sounds like you had some beautiful garden scenery and good food! Loved the picture of all you beautiful girls. Hugs


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)