
Thursday, August 02, 2018

CAS Watercolour August Challenge

Hi everyone.  Welcome to the start of the CAS Watercolour August Challenge.  This month's host is Marcia (Marcia's Stampin' Pad), and she has a fantastic challenge for you this month!

I do love sunflowers.  They are such a happy flower with their sweet faces and bright colours.  I don't have a lot of sunflower images, so had an excuse to do a bit of shopping. :)

The image above is only the top of the stamp.  I stamped it onto mixed media paper in brown ink and heat embossed in clear.  Then used Distress Inks to watercolour.  I fussy-cut and added it to my card base with the stitched window card front over top.  I popped up a few of the petals of the sunflower for some added dimension.

This is such a happy card. :)

Here's a close-up ...
We are so happy to have Izzy (Izzy Scap) as our Guest Designer this month.  Please check out the challenge blog to see Izzy's card, along with the rest of the cards from our talented Designers.  Come play along!

We are also thrilled to have Jenny (My Paper Epiphany) joining our team!  Welcome Jenny! :)

Stamps:  Create Sunshine (Stampendous)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.); Pear Pizzazz (SU!)
Ink:  Distress Inks:  Squeezed Lemonade, Spiced Marmalade, Ripe Persimmon, Barn Door, Gathered Twigs, Walnut Stain(Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  Water brush, clear embossing powder, heat tool, Stitched window frame die (AliExpress)

CAS Watercolour August Challenge - Sunflower


  1. Gorgeous card, Loll! Your sunflower is so sweet, and I love how it's peeking up and out of the stitched aperture! Beautiful watercoloring, too!
    Thanks for your inspiration...I can't wait to play along again :)

  2. I love you Sunflower peaking out the window Loll, so pretty and perfect watercolouring.

  3. Love the way the sunflower is partly inside the opening! I agree it is a happy card. I think it's going to be a very cheerful gallery this month!

  4. What a fabulous job you did shading this beautiful sunflower! Love the way it's partially popped up in another one of my favorite frames. I love this theme too. Sunflowers are really happy flowers!

  5. Love that beautiful, bright sunflower peeping out of that sweet stitched window Loll! Have a lovely day! Hazel xx

  6. Your lovely little sunflower peeking out of the die cut window is fantastic Loll! The colours and CAS design are pure perfection...LOVE it!! Sorry I made you go shopping...hope it wasn't too painful!! Haha!! :0)

  7. This is such a happy card with that bright, pretty sunflower popping from the window of your card! Love the added dimension! It makes me smile to just look at it!

  8. I agree, such a Happy and sweet Sunflower CAS Card design, Loll. I love how your flower pops out of your window frame and your bright watercoloring. TFS Hugs...

  9. What a beautiful clean crisp colourful sunflower Loll. Love your peek a boo die and that perfect sentiment. Stunning!

  10. Sunny and vibrant and fabulous, Loll ... just like all the sunflower fields around here ... this one is so lovely popping out of the stitched window! Hugs, Anita :)

  11. I love this simple yet beautiful card. [Bunny]

  12. I was going to say this is such a happy card! It's so bright and cheery and one cannot help but smile! :)

  13. I love this beautiful flower peeping out. What a CASilicious card Loll. You rule in making simple and classy cards.

  14. You already know how much I love this card and It's even more beautiful IRL ! Love how the sunflower pops partially out of the window. As usual, a gorgeous CAS card. Thanks so much for inviting me as Guest Designer this month, it's such an honour ! xx

  15. Sensational sunflower stamp, Loll! Any excuse to do some shopping! 😉 As usual our watercolouring is beautiful. Love the partial peeking up out of the window design! So creative! xx

  16. Love the contemporary style of that happy sunflower. Great fussy cutting and such a fabulous layout. Yes I agree it's one happy, colourful and sunny theme this it...and your card x.

  17. Very warm and sunny, Lolly! I love the beautiful sunny bloom peekabooing out from the frame!! Hugs, Dolly

  18. I love sunflower and love how yours is peeking out of the frame!

  19. The Peek-a-Boo frame has lived up to its name Loll as I love the flower with some petals protruding over the top in those fabulous hot and spicy colours. A gorgeous card. x

  20. What a happy and pretty sunflower card, Loll! I love the sunflower peaking out the window and greeting "hey sunshine!" I'm always amazed by your fussy-cutting - between the petals close to the center. Whew!
    The double stitched window and the layered top panel add interest to the white space in a subtle way. Hideko xx

  21. I do love sunflowers, they're such happy blooms. I love your card too, beautifully CAS and the flower peeping through the window is so cute xx

  22. Such an uplifting, happy card this is. I love the look of it peeking out of the frame. Beautiful coloring and a great design.

  23. sweet and happy, love the way the flower is just peeking out.
    xx Karen

  24. Such a wonderful example of CAS! Your sunflower looks so sweet peeping out from the window frame! Thanks for inviting me to be part of this wonderful DT - the fun has just begun!

  25. I love your rising sun :-) Such a beautiful card, so joyful. Sunflower is such a grateful topic.
    BożenA xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)