
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Autumn Tree

Hi everyone.  One more card for the CAS Watercolour September Challenge - Tree.  The challenge is still open for a few more days ... come join us!

I do love to splatter. :)  I have made a similar tree like this done in pinks for a cherry blossom tree, but this time it's the autumn colours.  This is such a fun stamp set from SU! (retired) that was gifted to me by my dear friend Nancy!  LOVE IT! :)

Started by inking up my tree in a very light ink onto watercolour paper.  I use a waterbrush and dark brown ink to go over the trunk.  Next, I tear a hole in a piece of paper towel and use that for my mask ... you want the shape to be imperfect.  Then I splattered away with yellow, green, and orange inks in different shades.  Remove the mask and lightly splatter a bit more so it has more of a random look.  Then I added in small bits of branches showing through the leaves using dark brown ink and a water brush.  Sentiment is stamped in the same dark brown ink.

Stamps:  Branch Out (Stampin' Up! - retired)
Paper:  Watercolour (Arches 140 lb. cold press)
Ink:  Stampin' Up! dye inks:  More Mustard, Soft Suede and more colours that I have forgotten :)
Accessories & Tools:  Water brush, old paint brush for splattering

CAS Watercolour September Challenge - Tree


  1. Your tree is fantastic and love the idea of the mask you created to control the spatter. Great job on the spatter too. Love the fall colors on this one.

  2. Love this watercolour tree. Thanks for the tip about the paper towel to control the splatter.
    These fall colours are lovely.

  3. Love your spatter tree! Now that's how my spatters ought to look and don't. Pretty soon our trees will look just like this pretty one (and I think I have that set too!) YAY! TFS & Hugs (Oh - the smudged wreath is under the one I finally used! I called it 'dimension') LOL! TFS & Hugs

  4. Love, love, love this tree, Loll! The random look of the leaves gives this so much movement! I can almost hear the wind blowing!

  5. What amazing and perfect splattering! I could use another lesson or two! Love the idea of the rough ripped mask. I can just imagine your tree on a windy autumn day with all those leaves blowing around!

  6. Lovely, Lolly! That's some amazing schplattering and colors! You have captured how it looks when a big gust of wind lifts the leaves in fall and tosses them every which way!! Hugs, Dolly

  7. Oh wow--this should be framed, Loll! So artsy & gorgeous!

  8. WOW absolutely stunning, Loll. I love your splatter tree.


  9. What a great look you've got here Loll. Love your judicious use of paper towel!
    The trees here are still just about holding onto their leaves despite the strong winds and colours are still quite muted. Fingers crossed for an explosion of colour just like your card! :)

  10. Such a unique and artsy look to your fabulous card. What a versatile stamp with using it for the different seasons. Love the attention to detail with the extra splats after removing the loose mask and hi-lighting the trunk further etc. Eye catching card Loll x.

  11. Such a fantastic effect this technique has. Your tree is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing, Loll. Hugs!

  12. The tree is so pretty and the paper towel mask is so clever. You never cease to amaze me with the things you try. Your results are always awesome.

  13. Love, love, love this! Those colours are stunning. Thanks for the tip about the paper towel too xx

  14. Your spattered autumn tree is both perfect and perfectly "imperfect", Loll! I was wondering how you managed spattering - another great use of paper towel. Thanks for the idea! Love these fall colors and the movement of the leaves! Hideko xx

  15. A PERFECT Fall tree Loll...LOVE all the splattered color!! And love that tree of my favorites too!! Hope you're having a wonderful and sunny here and actually have a roast in the oven...loving it!! :0)

  16. Beautiful Loll, I love all those speckles of fall colours:)

  17. Incredible splattering, Loll! Splattering makes me so nervous as I’ve ruined so many projects when attempting to add them as my finishing touch. The colours are beautiful... perfect for fall! xx

  18. Autumn is my favorite season, so I am loving all those beautiful fall colors on your tree! I love the realistic feel you added to the leaves blowing in the wind...really striking card, Loll!
    Thanks for the paper towel tip :)

  19. Clever, gorgeous and full of impact, Loll ... seems the breeze is in those branches, bringing down those delicate splattery leaves! Hugs, Anita :)

  20. You went crazy with those perfect autumn colours. What an ingenious approach. I LOVE it! Must have been so much fun, would have loved to join you ;)
    The perfect autumn tree xx

  21. so clever and looks wonderful....great idea.
    xx Karen

  22. Your splatter is amazing. It looks like leaves carried by the wind. I love how you brush with a brush. I can not make a splatter according to my intentions. It's always chaos and coincidence.

  23. I love to splatter too Loll, lol, but never thought of doing splatters for leaves before! I love this card, I love this tree that you have made. I do not remember this tree from SU but you know how that goes. lol I really do love it though! And how you made it into a fall tree. Boy, I gotta try this sometime! Hugs, Brenda

  24. I remember and love your cherry blossom tree and am equally smitten by this spectacular version in fall colors! So beautiful!

  25. Great splattering, Loll. I love the paper towel idea.

  26. Very cool tree. Now I have to search my SU stamps to see if it’s in my forgotten pile. Thanks for your tips on how you did the spatter. I’m not a spatterer and this helped me a ton.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)