
Monday, October 08, 2018

Pink Christmas For the Cure!

Hi everyone.  I'm playing along with Jingle Belles challenge for a pink Christmas card in honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I admire Stephanie and Laurel bringing attention to this important month and being generous to donate money each time someone enters this challenge --- so please play along for this worthy cause!

Make sure to do your monthly self-examination and have a mammogram once a year.  It's so important ... I can't stress that enough.

Two years ago I felt a lump in my breast, and even though I was pretty sure the lump was not cancer (I have lumps under the skin --- lipoma), it bothered me enough to have it checked out.  Sure enough, the lump was a warning as there were cancer cells hiding underneath.  Luckily I didn't procrastinate, so my cancer was caught fairly early.  I had a successful surgery and have been on cancer meds for two years now (three more to go!).  It can happen to anyone.

Back to the card.  I was happy to make this in about 10 minutes!!  I had the pink piece (with a little bit of yellow) in my stash of backgrounds ... it's made with magicals.  It has a lot of shimmer, but doesn't show with just the colour peeking through this gorgeous die-cut tree.  That's another thing ... the die did all the work!  CAS design with an easy die-cut over a colourful background.  Sentiment is stamped in Silver Delicata ink that shines on it's own and doesn't need to be heat embossed. :)

Here's a close-up ...
Have fun making a card and then play along at Jingle Belles.  It's a win/win ... not only will you build your stash of Christmas cards, you will also be spreading the word about Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Stamps:  Christmas Sentiments (Penny Black)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.); White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Magicals (Lindy's Stamp Gang); Silver Delicata Ink
Accessories & Tools:  water mister, Corbel Tree Collage die (Simon Says Stamp)

Jingle Belles - For the Cure!


  1. Simply gorgeous pink Magicals background for your pretty pink holiday tree. Love your silver stamped sweet sentiment for a perfectly balanced CAS design. TFS my friend. Hugs..Nancy P.S. for such a worthy cause too:-)

  2. How I love non-traditional colors on Christmas cards and this is so perfect for the challenge. Love that die! What a wonderful way to showcase your backgrounds too. Beautiful Card.

  3. Very pretty card and looks like a fairly easy card to make!!!! TFS!
    Paper Hugs,

  4. Gorgeous die cut Christmas tree! Lovely pink color and pretty silver sentiment! Awesome message with your post! Happy to hear you caught it early and had a successful surgery! I agree it’s very important for exams and mammograms!

  5. Loll, I love the simplicity of the die cut and the beautiful non traditional Christmas colours. BTW I have that die but have never used it, guess what out it comes :)

  6. oh what a beautiful CAS card! I love the way you let the die do the work and it really shines! thanks for celebrating "PINK XMAS" with us at JINGLE BELLES! ♥

  7. So very glad you listened to your body & got it checked ... and I love that gorgeous pink in this CAS design ... so glad you joined us for our PINK for a Cure at Jingle Belles.

  8. Gorgeous card, Loll--love that die! You're so right about how important the annual mammogram is & so glad your cancer was caught early!

  9. What a stunning card Loll - and so glad to hear you had caught the cancer early - I have had/and have numerous family members and friends affected by the disease :(

  10. Beautiful card Loll. Gorgeous die and the background looks fab. x

  11. Gorgeous card, Loll! I'm so thankful that your story has a wonderfully happy result. I also hope that after you are all done with your meds you will remain cancer free! Hugs!

  12. Pink is a color that I love for Christmas, not sure why I do, but I do. So I am totally loving this card Loll! What a fabulous challenge, one I'd love to play along with...will see how Miss Kahlua feels about that! lol I so love that tree die you used, so beautiful and it shows off that beautiful background you have created. Love the sentiment as well. Wouldn't be lovely to have world peace, world love and joy?! Hugs, Brenda

  13. This card is stunning, Loll! I love the beautiful die and the shiny sentiment. Great to hear your breast cancer is under control. Enjoy your day!

  14. So pretty in pink, Loll! I have that die, too. Simple yet impactful. Perfect CAS card! xx

  15. This is such a beautiful die cut tree, Loll! The shades of pink and yellow peeking out make for a beautiful Christmas card and for a good cause too!

  16. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Loll!! For some reason my mom always wanted a pink Christmas tree but my dad always put his foot down on that! I'm going to show her your card...she will LOVE it! LOVE the die you used too! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! :0)

  17. Thanks for sharing your story Loll and raising awareness.
    Such a perfect pink CAS Christmas card and what a wonderful die x.

  18. Such a gorgeous card for this wonderful cause, Loll! I love how your pink background peeks through this really pretty Christmas striking!

    Thanks so much for bringing awareness to Breast Cancer through your personal's so important that we support each other. Keeping you in my prayers for a full recovery...Crafty hugs, Barb xx

  19. Beautiful pink background beneath that lovely tree, Loll,

  20. Another amazing CAS card. I love the message you have made in this card. Thank you for telling your story, she can meet every woman. But I am most happy that you can be considered a cured person because the disease was detected early. I'm so happy and I squeeze you tight, my friend.
    BożenA xx

  21. Your pink Christmas tree is totally lovely!

  22. what a lovely tree Die cut Loll! Your pink background peeking out is beautiful! Unexpected on a Christmas card - made for a wonderful reason!

  23. Beautifully CAS and I love your pink Christmas tree, what a pretty die. And what a great way to support such a good cause xx

  24. I'm catching up, Loll ... think you know I'm not home at the moment ... though have enjoyed wandering through all your recent cards! This one's especially gorgeous ... the yummy pink background is fabulous behind that lovely die cut tree ... and what a perfect length for the sentiment ... it's perfect! Hugs, Anita :)

  25. What a lovely Christmas tree card, Loll! I love the pretty Magical colors peeking through the beautiful die-cut tree, and the simple and elegant design! The colors are perfect for the donation cause.
    Thank you for sharing your personal experience. I'm so glad you're on the way to a full recovery.
    Hideko xx

  26. Susan in The Lake District England.

    Another so simple but such a beautiful Tree card.
    Just love it.

  27. Stunning die and a beautiful card, so pretty Loll

  28. A pink tree YAY :D This really works beautifully. It compliments the silver sentiment to perfection. Loving all the white space, no need for more. Love it! xx

  29. Beautiful card Loll, love the CAS yet pink and sparkly design. Perfect and thank you for sharing your story.

  30. what a lovely card, Loll! I will CASE it with similar tree dies and pretty ink. Thanks so much for sharing. I too promote cancer awareness in October and have for years. Blessing to you.

  31. So pretty, Loll. You really rocked that die cut.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)