
Monday, January 07, 2019

Origami Dragonfly

Hi everyone.  I wanted to share a card today using anther NBUS stamp.  I have a huge stash of NBUS and I'm determined to ink them all up this year! :)

I love this artsy dragonfly stamp and had to get it.  This image is called "Libellule Origami" which means "Origami Dragonfly.

I made this card specifically to enter the Craft Stamper - Take It, Make It January Challenge.  This challenge is embraces all things mixed media.

I started with a paper towel background from my stash ... bright blue and a little purple.  I stamped the image in black and clear heat embossed.  The design is intricate, so using the black ink gives me all the details.  Heat embossing in clear sets the design.  If I used Versamark and black embossing powder, I would loose some of the detail.

I painted the image with metallic acrylic paints (green, light blue).  I used a water brush to dilute the paint as it was being added.  I stamped the image on my card front as well as on a second piece of mixed media paper.  Both were painted with the acrylics and then I used a damp paper towel to lightly swipe over top to enhance the black heat embossed lines.  The separate dragonfly was fussy-cut ... just the top wings and body.  I then added crystal glaze to the body and let it dry before adhering on top of my card front dragonfly. :)  Hope that makes sense.  You'll see in the close-up below, the two sets of wings which add a lot of dimension to this otherwise one layer card.

I finished by stamping the dream sentiment in black and heat embossing in clear so that it matches the dragonfly image.

Here's a close-up of the shimmer from the pearlescent paints ...

Stamps:  Libellule Origami (Carabelle Studio); Dream (AliExpress)
Paper:  Bristol (Strathmore  2-ply 400 Series)
Ink:  Black (Memento); Pumice Stone Distress Ink (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  clear embossing powder, heat tool; Pearl Emerald Green and Pearl Turquoise acrylic paints (Lumiere), water brush, Crystal Glaze (Nuvo)

Craft Stamper Take It Make It January Challenge


  1. A fabulous card Loll - I love the dragonfly.
    Kath x

  2. What a fabulous and wonderful design on your beautiful card Loll. I love the mixed media elements and how you did that stunning dragonfly. What a fantastic image it is. Such a unique and gorgeous card, lots to look at and admire and the bling from the paints are stunning too x

  3. Amazing results with a stunning product!! You have brought this dragonfly to life!! : )

  4. Love dragonflies, reminds me of the ones that buzz along the edge of our pond and occasionally buzz me in the garden! :)

  5. WOW - gorgeous dragonfly - love the dimension, the colors and the glimmer!!

  6. OMG...WOW, so impressed with your mixed media Origami Dragonfly, Loll. TFS your detailed description. Yes, it did make sense and TFS also the close up of the gorgeous translucent shine:-) I have dragonfly stamps and a dragonfly die. You have me inspired, my friend. I do not have metallic acrylic paints, but do have Magicals. Hmmmm, my brain is spinning with ideas!!! Thank you again for always inspiring me, my friend. Love and Hugs, Nancy

  7. So beautiful. Like the technique you used.

  8. What a beautiful dragonfly, Loll! I noticed the dimension of the wings right away and I love all that wonderful detail! So beautifully colored too!

  9. Gorgeous, Loll - the dimensional wings with metallic paint is FABULOuS!!

  10. NBUs needing to be used here.
    Gorgeous Loll I love it.
    Must try you background technique.
    BTW you've successfully enabled me. I've tried the encrusted jewel technique. Ok looks nought like yours but love it.
    Will try more!
    Shaz in Oz.x

  11. Your card is amazing, Loll, the dragonfly is stunning. xx

  12. The dimension. The shimmer. The paper towel backdrop. They all add up to one fabulous card, Loll.

  13. What a piece of art this is, Loll! The ragged-look of the paper towel is perfect for the origami dragonfly. I love the dimension of the wings and body and the gorgeous shimmer. Thanks for your tip about using black ink and clear embossing powder for intricate images like this.
    Hideko xx
    p.s. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. :-)

  14. Stunning dragonfly Loll, the colouring looks fantastic, Cathy x

  15. the metalic acrylics look beautiful and your paper towel background is so soft. Love the card and that stamp :)

  16. GASP!! I just LOVE dragonflies so I'm crazy about this, Lolly! In fact, I just opened another window and clicked to buy it, so now the darn thing is going to come live on my NBUS mountain, lol! Maybe we can have a play date with them! BTW, I don't see how you could possibly NOT win the TIMI for January with this realistic looking spectacular critter and his dreamy background!! Hugs, Dolly

  17. What a beautiful libellule, Loll ... the detail, colouring, subtle shimmer and dimension you've added is stunning, perfect with the gentle wash of blue in the background! Hugs, Anita :)

  18. This looks fab ..... I love dragonflies and this stamp looks amazing.
    I love the inky background, and the shimmer from the pearlescent paints really bring the dragonfly to life.
    Thank you so much for playing along with the Craft Stamper Challenge xx

  19. Oh wow, this is a fascinating image, Loll. What a beauty, too. I love all the details you captured. The shimmer looks fantastic. Thank you SO much for sharing! Wow!

  20. The gorgeousness of this stamp design is multiplied by your artistry, Loll! I love the double wings and the clear embossing over black ink to retain the detail of the stamp. Amazing card!

  21. I love that image Loll! The way you did this makes it even better with the fussy cut wings. Wow, love the colors and the subtle background. Beautiful!

  22. Oh Loll, this is stunning. The dimensional wings and details are beautiful. The shimmer is captured by the metallic paint.

  23. Beautiful, Loll. I can see why you had to buy this gorgeous dragonfly image... fantastic job showcasing the imtracate details. Love the colours, dimensions and the shimmer. xx

  24. This is absolutely STUNNING Loll! Love how you double stamped it for some dimension and the colors are just BEAUTIFUL! What a great image!! Love that paper towel background too! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! :0)

  25. What a fabulous, gorgeous dragonfly! Beautiful shimmer from the metallic paints. I'm all about NBUS this year. Need to ink up these stamps and color all the digis!

  26. I want to at least put a dent in my huge NUBS stash this year too Loll. lol I will try at least! This is a stunning card, a stunning image and I am in love with the way you have given this dragonfly the shimmer and shine with the metallic inks. He looks to real looking. I also love the way you gave him dimension with the extra set of wings and the body. I love the paper towel back ground too. I saved my paper towels as I did some ink splating and need to try and use some of it. That's for the beautiful inspiration Loll! Hugs, Brenda

  27. You are the 'Master' of mixed media, Loll! I really LOVE this gorgeous've made him so realistic by creating dimension and adding shimmer to his wings...WOW! Love your 'paper towel' background, soft and lovely! Another gorgeous card to inspire us...Thank you!

  28. Fabulous card Loll, glimmery wings just like the real thing, love the dimension with the popped up section. Oh dear you are putting out a challenge there with the NBUS - I'm sure we could all benefit from these, maybe even use some of those old old old stamps, way in the back of the drawer.. have fun

  29. This is stunning thanks for playing along with the Craft Stamper Challenge, Good Luck xx

  30. Stunning card! I love dragonfly stamps!

  31. Thank you for the description of how this card was made. I love this stamp, it's beautiful. The wings of this dragonfly are made of crystal and for some reason crashed into small pieces ... A wonderful stamp, but even more beautiful is your dyeing. The details of the background are equally beautiful.

  32. This dragonfly is so beautiful Loll and love the paper towel background in the blue with some purple which complements the colours of the dragonfly perfectly, and a great sentiment too. x

  33. Dragonflies are my favourite, they definitely so shimmer as the one on this beautiful card. Have got to try that paper towel BG technique... or go over to see you do it ;) xx

  34. Congrats on being runner up at Craft Stampers :)

  35. Many congratulations on the shout out over at The Craft Stamper with this stunning card Loll...It's a real beauty x

  36. This is spectacular! Congrats on your Craft Stamper shoutout! I have some similar Carabelle stamps - gotta use them eventually.....


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)