
Tuesday, July 02, 2019

CAS Watercolour July Challenge

Hi everyone.  Welcome to the CAS Watercolour July Challenge, hosted by Susan (Cardmaker's Garret).  We have a special treat for you today ...

Special Event

Please join us in celebrating Darnell's Birthday!!

One more part to this special event.
The team has made special cards for Darnell's birthday,
along with our Guest Designer Leslie,
and several Featured Designers (friends from the retreat).

During our retreat, Darnell (Dolly to us) was up early one morning
and decided she wanted some frozen blueberries.
Some how she spilled almost the whole, Costco-sized bag of
blueberries all over the floor.

Bonnie snapped these pictures.
See the swipe of blueberries on the right photo??  Dolly panicked and grabbed
a large piece of card stock to "smoosh" the blueberry juice.

Well, without Dolly knowing, we kept that piece of blueberry smoosh and cut it up.
Each Designer has used one piece when making Dolly's birthday card. :)

I hope you enjoy your blueberry birthday cards Dolly!!  xx

Details of making my card:
I started by stamping my bouquet of flowers in black ink onto mixed media paper and heat embossing in clear.  I fussy-cut the bouquet of tulips before using distress inks to watercolour.  I popped up the tulips over top of the blueberry smooshed background to add dimension.  The sentiment is stamped with the same colour as the tulips.

Here's a close-up ...
Dolly ... I hope you are having a wonderful birthday and enjoying this special tribute to you.  I hope you got a laugh with us using the blueberry paper. :)  Happy Birthday to you, my sweet friend!

Please check out the challenge blog to see the wonderful cards from our Guest Designer, Leslie (Russing with Scissors), our Designers, and our Featured Designers.

Make a CAS Watercoloured birthday card with a Bouquet of Flowers to add to the gallery.  Hope to see you there!

Stamps:  Love is kindness (Stampin' Up!); Many Everyday Messages (Hero Arts)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.)
Ink:  Black (Memento); Distress Inks:  Seedless Preserves, Mowed Lawn (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  Clear embossing powder, heat tool, water brush, sponge

CAS Watercolour July Challenge - Bouquet of Flowers


  1. OMG!!! This is just genius. I love the story behind the blueberry card, I'm sure Darnell loves all of your creations.
    I love tulips, and these look so pretty xx

  2. How fun is this using the smooshed blueberries for the background - it looks great behind your wonderful newspaper wrapped bouquet Loll! Best birthday surprise ever I bet for Darnell!

  3. Oh my gosh, your smooshed blueberry juice background is perfect with your bouquet of tulips. Loll! Such a great tribute to your retreat and Darnell's mishap...I'm sure she is going to cherish all of your cards on her special day! Barb xx

  4. Can you believe your idea of a surprise Blueberry Birthday for Dolly is finally here and...she never had a clue and...discovered her surprise birthday card event right after it went live!!!! I LOVE your pretty tulips with splatters of blueberry in the background:-)

    TFS and organizing our fun surprise for Dolly! Happy 70th Dolly!

  5. Wonderful card for the Blueberry Queeen! x

  6. Loll your blueberry background is perfect with your gorgeous blooms. You ladies were so smart to keep the cardstock!

  7. Blueberry smooshing, sounds like a new concept/approach/technique. Maybe Darnell can make a video? LOL. You gals are special and so is this beautiful bouquet of tulips. Such an original piece and very special card. Beautifully done, as usually dear Loll! xxx

  8. Great birthday card for Darnell. So pretty. [Bunny]

  9. What a great card and thanks for sharing the story of the blueberries! xx

  10. What a fun backstory and what a kind and thoughtful gesture to make Darnell a beautiful card from your piece of smooshed blueberry's x. Your card is obviously made with love and Darnell will love it x. The teams cards and the guest designers have made a wonderful job of celebrating Darnell's birthday x Hopefully Darnell's bouquet of flowers card has arrived safely with her from me x

  11. Too funny! What a great idea to make the birthday cards with the blueberry smoosh cardstock. Your card is beautiful.

  12. Your bouquet of purple tulips is just lovely Loll and goes perfectly with the blueberry smooshed background...Darnell is going to get such a kick out of this post but also fall in love with all the beautiful cards created out of her BIG spill! Fun, FUN challenge and I was so happy to be a part of it!! :0)

  13. Oh, how funny and what a fun post!! Love those pretty tulips and the blueberry background!! What a great birthday surprise for Darnell!!

  14. You keep a good secret, Lolly! I love your beautiful purple bouquet of tulips wrapped in newspaper! The blueberry juice background actually looks very pretty and artistic with the tulips! And, can I just say, from seeing this card up close and personal, you are a master at fussy cutting!! Thank you so much for organizing this very special 70th birthday surprise for me! It will now forever be a part of my wonderful memories of ESCR 2019! Love, Dolly

  15. Not only do I love this card but I love this post. This one was just plain fun to surprise her. No clue how you pulled off getting the prints without her knowing it but bet this is the best birthday she ever had. This is just too fun! Your spatter looks like something we strive to achieve and never quite get it.

  16. What a lovely card!
    This is such a fun tribute
    to Darnell/Dolly.

  17. this was such a fun post Loll, and I can't believe Dolly only clued in today :)
    By the way love your bouquet, that stamp is one of my fav's.

  18. Aww, that's so precious! What a delightful birthday Darnell will have with such amazing memories put in so many cards. Your card is so beautiful Loll, it looks like an pattern paper to me and the tulips in the same color, looks great.

  19. It was so much fun to be part of this surprise for Darnell! Your bouquet is so pretty and thee background looks fab and artsy!

  20. What a fantastic way for you all to celebrate Darnell's birthday, Loll! And now she has several souvenirs of the retreat - she'll probably never look at blueberries again without thinking of the Incident 😄
    Fabulous fussy cutting, and expert sloshing from Darnell 😍

  21. What a story...and what a card!! Priceless!

  22. Oh Loll! This is just fabulous - and so clever to keep that blueberry card for Darnell's cards from you all. I'm so upset that I totally missed her Birthday - more so with it being a milestone one as well. I so wish I'd been prompted. I blame this goat business but am still kinda mad at myself!


    Di xx

  23. A Beautiful card and a great tribute.

  24. Your purple tulips look so pretty with the blueberry splattered background, Loll! That's some fancy fussy cutting! What a great idea for celebrating Dolly's birthday!

  25. Beautiful bouquet of purple tulips, Loll. Great use of the blueberry background... I struggled with mine.. Fun event to celebrate Dolly’s birthday. xx

  26. Loll, love your purple tulips. Such a pretty bouquet with the blueberry background. I also want to thank you for the gorgeous birthday card and the adorable thank you card. This is the first time in weeks that I am able to be in my craft room for a bit.

  27. Wow, your background looks perfect with this pretty bouquet, and I LOVE the purple/blue combo! Darn good fussy cutting, too. This was a lot of fun, Loll. Each card and background is so different. I might have to buy a bag of blueberries just so I can make more backgrounds. Who would have thought?

  28. Wonderful card Loll - and a back story almost as good as some of those Darnell writes!!

  29. what a fun challenge this was and a great surprise. I got quite a kick out of looking at all the Retreat photos (very jealous actually! lol) and all the fun you ladies must have had. It's so nice and you are so lucky to be able to get together like that!
    I love your card...I immediately thought of this stamp too when I saw the challenge posted. You did a great job of adding it to the blueberry mess...giggle.
    xx Karen

  30. Loll, this is such a thoughtful, fun, and special birthday surprise for Darnell! And what a pretty birthday card you made, using the smooshed blueberry cardstock! I’m sure she loved it.
    The color of the blueberry background is just perfect for the tulips and you did a fantastic job with fussy-cutting.
    Hideko xx

  31. Your card with that fun paper is amazing. Very cool image to pick to go with it (I love that image and your awesome fussy cutting). Wonderfully done and such a fun treat for Darnell. Hugz

  32. Tee hee ... that's what's called great use of Darnell's messy incident, Loll ... what a brilliant idea ... it might just start a trend of fruit flavour papers! Your smooshy blueberry background is fabulous with those lovely tulips ... and your fussy cutting is just so precise and perfect! Such a pretty card! Hugs, Anita :)

  33. What a wonderful story, and what a lovely way for you and your friends to surprise her! Happy birthday for Tuesday Darnell. You share it with a very special birthday in my family as my grandson was born on Tuesday! Love and hugs. Stef x

  34. Maybe we all should smoosh blueberries onto some cardstock. It made a great background for your lovely bouquet, Loll.

  35. Perfectly matched colors for the adventure with berries. Great image and so beautifully colored. I'm sure Darnell was delighted with this card. Such a great action for a friend :-)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)