
Friday, July 26, 2019

New Addition to our Family


Hi everyone.  No card for today.  Instead I'm sharing the lastest addition to our family.  Jessie is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel X Beagle.  She is the cutest, most cuddly pup EVER!  She is teeny, tiny ... weighing in just over 4 lbs. at 10 weeks old.  We only picked her up yesterday (she is from Lone Bute, just outside 100 Mile House in the Cariboo).

Jessie and I already love each other.  We hang out together, playing, snuggling, and even sometimes napping together. :)  She will be my constant companion, and I can't be happier. :)

Here's a few more photos ... and then I'll try not to inundate you in the future. :)  The one below is taken inside with no flash, so the colours are a bit dark.  The picture above, and the last picture below show Jessie's true colours.


  1. oh my gosh, that FACE! Congratulations on dding Jessie to your family, she looks to be just the sweetest thing ever.

  2. she looks such a sweetie, I can't wait to meet her :)

  3. I can see why you already love her - that is the sweetest face ever! So adorable! I know you're going to have the best time watching her grow up and become your constant loving companion. Looking forward to meeting her!

  4. Isn't she a sweetheart. Lovely coloring on her. [Bunny]

  5. Gorgeous pup, those eyes!! She is a sweetie Loll! Cathy x

  6. Oh my gosh that face! IT just stole my heart. I probably wouldn't stamp for weeks just playing with that adorable pup! He's adorable! That first photo is priceless. It should be framed. Have fun with you new addition to your family!

  7. Jessie is adorable and I know you are enjoying her! What fun!

  8. Aaawwwwww... hopefully you will bring her to Christine’s at least once so I can meet her! Cuteness overload. xx

  9. Aahhh...Jessie is the cutest, sweetest pup, ever! Her adorable face and beautiful markings and colors go with her sweet nature:-) You and Gord will both want plenty of cuddle time with Jessie. Thank you for sharing your adorable photos, Lolly. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  10. So happy to see Jessie again safely tucked in your arms and your home, Lolly! She really does look like a little stuffed toy and I'll bet you find it hard to put her down! Enjoy!! Hugs, Dolly

  11. Oh, Loll, she is so adorable! What a beautiful, sweet puppy she is. You can NEVER post too many pics of her! Enjoy every moment with Jessie! ❤️

  12. Oh, Loll...she is absolutely darling! You are so lucky to have such a sweet fur baby to hang out with...I'm sure you are already the best of friends! Enjoy, and don't be shy posting pics of her anytime :)

  13. Jessie is simply adorable Loll, and I'm sure we'll all love to see more pics of her in the future - so happy for you both - 'friends'

  14. Hello Jessie, you are very lucky little girl. You have got the humans, ever! And why not, you are the cutest pup too :)

  15. She is adorable. Enjoy her and know she'll love you so much.

  16. Jessie is such a cutie Loll congratulations!

  17. Oh Loll, she's beautiful - and that from a cat lover! :) Enjoy your love and cuddles

  18. Aww, she is absolutely adorable Loll, just want to cuddle her myself. :)

  19. AW! she is just like my Abbey, who passed many years ago, I hope you enjoy her as much as we enjoyed her.

  20. Congratulations! She is a cutie patootie! Puppy pictures are the best, so feel free to share (at least I don't mind a bit). Hugs to you both!

  21. My son and die have a King Charles who just turned 10. Cecelia is the most lovable sweet dog I’ve ever encountered. Also he doesn’t barks. Enjoy this bundle of joy.

  22. Oh my gosh, she is adorable. That sweet face and trusting eyes. I would love to cuddle her all day. Wait till she sees all that paper, ribbon and wonderful stuff in the craft room to play with, she will be so happy! This looks like a match made in heaven.

  23. She's BEAUTIFUL!!!! So many memories will be made with this adorable little gal.

  24. She is absolutely beautiful!

  25. Oooooohmygosh! She is stinkin' adorable!!! I think you will have many upset fans if you DON'T inundate us with pictures in the future!!! We just got a shelter dog about 9 months old and she's such a joy! I'm kinda sad I missed the cute, little puppy stages but I also haven't been bit, had anything destroyed, or struggle with potty training, so its a trade off. My dog sitter (I have another dog, a Lab) is a Cavalier rescue worker here in GA. We almost ended up with one through her when a breeder was closed and there were 2,500 neglected dogs removed. Super sweet breed!!! You will thoroughly enjoy her, though maybe not the grooming ;-) Congrats!!

  26. Oh my gosh could she be any cuter?! I would love to snuggle with her too! Enjoy every minute with your sweet Jessie Loll...she's a doll!! :0)

  27. Awwww! ........ just look at that gorgeous face, no wonder you fell in love. She's adorable Loll. I hope to see lots more pictures of her ..... enjoy xx

  28. OMG, Jessie is sooo adorable, Loll! She's like a stuffed animal. Aren't Gord and Violeta jealous about you two? (kidding!)
    Hideko xx

  29. Oh may! Jessie is adorable and you are so lucky to have her. Yes, please, show us lots of pictures. Today's post makes me smile and I'll save it.

  30. Oh Loll!! You are one very lucky Mama!!! As I told you before - I am always looking but not commenting. This is the sweetest dog I have EVER seen!!
    Sandy xx

  31. Precious and adorable dear Loll ...just like you :D xxx

  32. How lucky are you both to find each other?......She is absolutely adorable Loll and no wonder you both love each other. So glad you are so happy and I can totally see why x

  33. So, so cute, Loll ... she's got just the sweetest little face! Hugs, Anita :)

  34. awwhh….a fur baby!!! so sweet and she does look so very cuddly....congrats!!
    xx Karen

  35. I just had to come find your post about this puppy Loll - What a sweet little girl - you must just hug her all day! what a lovely addition to your family! xx

  36. Sorry I'm a bit late to the party, but did not realise that you had this little cutie Loll, and no wonder you adore her as she is the sweetest looking little thing and who wouldn't want to have a cuddle. x

  37. Gosh, she is just gorgeous! Hope you have a wonderful life together!

  38. The dogs of this breed are very smart and very attached to the owners. I'm so glad you have such a sweet friend, Loll. She is so pretty :-) I totally understand you that you love her


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)