
Sunday, August 25, 2019

August Rudolph Days

Hi everyone.  Time for the August Rudolph Days Challenge that runs each month from the 25th to end of month.  I've been playing along each month, building my stash of Christmas cards. :)

Before I get to the details of how I made this, I want to apologize for not getting around blogland to visit and comment, and I don't see it getting much better in the near future.  A couple of days after bringing Jessie home, a renovation was started on my house.  Not the best timing, but happy it is happening!  My house is now a construction zone which takes up time and is very challenging with a puppy!  Today the contractors are not here ... and Jessie was tired and needed a nap.  My chance to get a card made. :)

On to the card ... quick and easy (or clean and simple). :)  Won this Square framed Joy die from Memory Box and this is the first time using it.  I LOVE IT!  So simple, yet elegant.  I cut four and layered them together with glue to create a thick die-cut.  Added three glitter snowflakes to create a white-on-white card.  Happy with the results.

Close-up ...
Not easy to photograph an all white card with glitter, but did my best.  This would be a good design to make several for my stash and for donating.

Jessie's slept the whole time I was making my card, so that was a bonus! :)

* * * * *
Ozzy and Jessie (and Jeremy)

Went for a doggie playday at my mom's the other day.  My nephew just adopted a sweet Springer Spaniel pup, named Ozzy.  This is their second time together playing.  They took a break to cuddle with Jer.  Aren't they adorable together??
Violeta (Jer's dog - my granddoggie) was there too ... she's so pretty!

Paper:  White card stock (Neenah); Iridescent glitter paper (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Joy Journal Frame die (Memory Box), Small Snowflakes dies (Impression Obsession), small pearl

August Rudolph Days - Anything Goes Christmas


  1. Lovely CAS Christmas card Loll, --- I have that die and love that you added snowflakes, it really adds interest and sparkle... yes a good design for quick multiples and addition to the stash. Cutest pup photos, and do hope the renos although messy go to plan. We lived in the ongoing mess for 6 months here, which was trying at the time but ooooh so worth it in the end, hugs Robyn

  2. You know all those 4-legged furballs and Jer stole the show today, don't you, Lolly! Before I forget it altogether, let me say that your w-o-w card is really gorgeous! I can see the schparkle on the closeup and I love the pearl punctuation!

    It looks like Violeta was such a kind big sister with the little pups. What a good girl! As for Ozzy and Jessie, they look like brother and sister! When I look into Jessie's eyes in the photo with Jer, I think to myself, how are you getting anything done but cuddle her every waking moment!! Good luck with the reno! I'm glad it's finally happening for you! Hugs, Dolly

  3. Your card is so elegant and I love the sparkle, Loll! Your puppy get together looks like a lot of fun! Viletta is so pretty and being a good big sister or is it aunt? Ozzie is adorable as is Jessie! I'm glad she gives you a break now and then. Hope the reno is going well and will be done soon. xoxo

  4. This die would make beautiful batch baked cards Loll, and I love the way you have added the glittery snowflakes and pearl which fit in so prettily. I love your sweet Jessie and also the handsome Ozzy being well looked after by Jer, and Violeta looks lovely too. Hope all the renovations go well. x

  5. Love your pretty and sparkly snowflake Joy square die cut stacked image, Loll. A beautiful design for multiple creations:-) TFS the cute photos of all the doggies in your life and Jer. Hugs..Nancy

  6. Have to say all those pups (and Viletta) are sooooo adorable. Jer looks like he's having his hit of puppy time :)
    Now onto the card. I have to get that die, it's a stunning card Loll, CAS perfection with sparkle. Love it to bits.

  7. Gorgeous white on white, Loll ... with the perfect touch of sparkle ... delicious! Sweet pups ... hope the renovation goes well (and quickly!)! Hugs, Anita :)

  8. Gorgeous Christmas card ..... I love white on white. Such a pretty die cut and the added snowflakes give a beautiful sparkle.
    The pups are adorable .... I'm surprised you get anything done with Jessie around, I would just want to cuddle her!
    Good luck with the renovation xx

  9. Loving this elegant card Loll - and of course you have to start the reno's immediately Jessie arrived - not!!

  10. Amazing, it's a perfect CAS-card!!! Love it.
    But I love more your puppy!! We also have a Kavalier King Charles Spaniel, his name is Kaito and he is 15 month old. Now he is a big boy, but a year ago he also was such a lovely puppy. We have many fun with him and we can't remember to live without him.
    I wish you all the best and enjoy the time with your puppy. Time flies so fast.

  11. It's hard to have your home upended while renovation is going on - but, oh how happy you will be when it's done.The card is lovely and I do think white on white is so cool. The dog pictures took center stage for me. I love the two together and Molly sleeps the same way in her bed, with her head on the floor.

  12. A fabulous WoW card and such a cute puppy too!
    Kath x

  13. Beautiful card, love the CAS and I'm a sucker for those dogs.

  14. Love the white-on-white card, simple yet elegant! Love those pups, too! So fun to have at that age, though a handful :) Thanks for sharing!

  15. Beautiful CAS card, Loll. Glad you're managing to get a little crafting done, despite the building works you have going on. Love the photos of Jessie - SO cute! xx

  16. I so enjoyed reading your post Loll x. your card is CAS perfection and the white on white is stunning with great texture x.
    I sure know how life can get really busy x
    Ozzy and Jessie are adorable and of course Violeta x.

  17. Beautiful white-on-white and gorgeous sparkle! Adorable puppies:)

  18. Your card is so pretty, but the pups are even prettier ! adorable

  19. Oooo what a classy CAS card and I'm loving the sparkle too, thanks for joining us at Augusts Rudolph Days Challenge, Luv Sam x

  20. So simple but so beautiful too.

    Sue xx

  21. I love this simple and elegant card, Loll! The white-on-white framed sentiment die-cut and the glitter snowflake die-cuts are so delicate and beautiful.
    Jessie, Ozzy, and Violeta are so adorable!! I hope the renovation goes smoothly.
    Hideko xx

  22. The quintessence of elegance! I love this card, it's brilliant!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)