
Sunday, September 01, 2019

CAS Mix Up September Challenge

Hi everyone.  It's the start of the CAS Mix Up Challenge for September.  This month is hosted by our very talented Designer, Joanna (Jo-Jo's Spot).  Joanna is challenging us to use ...

Inchies were a very popular size of stamps years ago and aren't as common today.  But there are so many ways to create your own inchie works of art.  Check out the video tutorials that Joanna has included on the challenge blog.  You'll be AMAZED!!  Thanks Joanna for this very fun challenge!!

For my card I started by creating a mixed media panel about 2 1/4" by 3 1/4".  Using Liquid Metals, I smooshed Ruby and Quartz (purple).  Once dry, I stamped my thistle image in Versamark and heat embossed in white.  I used a tiny circles stencil to add more white on my panel.

I cut the panel down to 2" x 3" and then cut it into the six inches.  These were mounted onto a piece of black card stock which is slightly bigger so that there's 1/16" spaces between the inchies.  A fun, creative sentiment is stamped in black onto white card front, then the panel was added, popped up on foam for dimension.

This CAS card has smooshing, stamping, heat embossing and stenciling. :)

Close-up ...
We are so thrilled to have Stephanie (my ink well) as our Guest Designer this month.  Please check out the challenge blog to see Stephanie's awesome inchie card, and the amazing inchie cards from the rest of our Designers.  Also check out the video's ... you'll be inspired!  Then some join us in the gallery!

If you've been to the challenge blog you will see that we are sad today to say good-bye to our wonderful Mac.  She is stepping down from the team and we will miss her terribly.  All the best to you Mac!  We love you!

Stamps:  Elegant Weeds (Hero Arts); Create (STAMPlorations)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.); White card base (Neenah 110 lb.); Black card stock (SU!)
Ink:  Versamark; Black (Memento)
Accessories & Tools:  Liquid Metals by Ken Oliver (Metallic Ruby, Metallic Quartz), water mister, white embossing powder, heat tool, Mini tiny circles stencil (The Crafter's Workshop), white acrylic paint, sponge

CAS Mix Up September Challenge - Inchies


  1. Gorgeous take on the challenge, Loll! Your thistles are so striking against your beautiful background, and I love your color palette! You have totally inspired me to check out the videos and play along...Thanks! xx

  2. The purple with white embossing for the square is so pretty Loll, and the black background you have them on together with the black sentiment works brilliantly and offers wonderful contrast. x

  3. Love the harmony to this piece. The white embossed flowers just glow on that delicately textured background. Quite the beauty. xxx

  4. My dearest friend....Thank you for your very kind words x I so love these little inches and how you've designed your card. The thistle looks fabulous and the background is stunning x. A very striking and unique card....Mixing the medias and keeping it CAS....I love it x.

  5. A gorgeous 'inchie' card Loll, love that background to the white embossed thistle with the black framing - really striking, hugs Robyn

  6. Your background is gorgeous, Loll! I keep thinking I need some of those liquid metals. The white thistles are so pretty on the rich jewel background and I love the bits of stenciling that give added depth!

  7. This is such a terrific take on inchies! What a gorgeous color too, Loll! I love how your image pops with your black framing. This is gorgeous, Loll!

  8. You did create your own inchie works of art, Loll! Love the gorgeous smooshed background with tiny circles stenciled, and the beautiful white embossed thistle image. The colors are rich and fabulous. I'm off to check out Liquid Metals. ;-)
    Hideko xx

  9. inchies make a great layout Loll, love the card and the colours. That's the perfect sentiment :)

  10. Oh, this is beautiful, Loll! What striking richness in the background. The embossed floral looks beautiful set against it. Wow! The inchie format looks wonderful here.

  11. How cool that you made a whole picture from inchies. This is lovely, Loll.

  12. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Loll and I'm loving your colors! :0)

  13. That artsy sediment is perfect with the artsy background of your inchie panel, Lolly! And the thistle is the best image choice to go with it! A very rich and vibrant design! Hugs, Dolly

  14. This is gorgeous. The rich colours look fab with the white embossing xx

  15. Beautiful background - purple is the perfect colour to go with the thistle image! Love the panel cut up into inchies, love the stenciling, and love the sentiment! An all round fabulous card!

  16. Those thistles look beautiful against your vibrant background. Love how your inches were cut from one panel. Kinda like the cut-up technique, but in inches firm. xx

  17. Simply stunning Loll - love the colour of your background, and the stamping over it and then heat embossing is so dramatic.

  18. This is so gorgeous, Loll. The purple hues are so rich, and the white thistles embossed on top is so striking. The stenciling adds even more beautiful texture. Your choice of sentiment is perfect. Thank you so much for the opportunity to Guest Design this month at CAS Mix Up. It is a joy.

  19. Rich, artsy, striking and so gorgeous, Loll ... so lovely! Hugs, Anita :)

  20. Love the Thistle image Loll and the colours you used for your beautiful card.

  21. Your card gives a funny impression as if I was looking at the world through the window :-) Beautiful contrasts and colors


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)