
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Penny Black More Exhilaration

Hi everyone.  I'm back with another card using the beautiful exhilaration cling stamp (40-745) from the new Penny Black Release Secret Garden.

This is a very CAS card using only a small part of the stamp image on a small panel that is popped up over the card base.  This is done with no-line watercolouring.  Happy with the bright spring colours, using Distress Inks.  

Close-up ...

Since this is CAS design and it has Spring Flowers, I'm adding this to the CAS Watercolour April Challenge.
Lots of amazing cards in the gallery ... come take a look.  And join us with your CAS Spring Flower card.  The challenge is open until midnight April 24th.

Penny Black Products
exhilaration 40-745

* * * * *
Jessie went for a sleepover at Violeta's house yesterday.
Gord and I missed that sweet face right away!
Alex sent a photo of them after only being together for about an hour.
Already pooped out from playing together! :)
... and then another at the end of the evening.
They are the best of pals!

Stamps:  exhilaration; million thanks (Penny Black)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.); White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Sahara Sand (SU!); Distress Inks:  Mowed Lawn, Picked Raspberry, Fired Brick,  (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools: water brush

CAS Watercolour April Challenge - Spring Flowers


  1. Beautiful Loll!
    The pics are gorgeous too! x

  2. I love how you've colored these flowers, Loll! And the little one in the top corner highlights the sentiment beautifully! I know you missed your baby but it looks like she had a great time. Bet she'll be glad to see you when she gets home and she'll stick real close!

  3. Your dog is sooo dang cute!

    Loll, may I ask you a question unrelated to this post, please? I was looking at Fiddling Around’s post in which she used sticky-back vellum. I have never heard of this, do you know where I could purchase this please? Only reason I ask you is because you commented on it.
    Thanks so much!!

  4. This is so crisp and lovely, Loll. I love the mixed font on the sentiment.

  5. Stunning card, Loll. Love the photos of the best of pals! xx

  6. Just the kind of post I love most, a brilliant card, and a side of adorable!

  7. A wonderful bright and pretty look with the flowers and a great sentiment Loll. What great photos of Violeta and Jessie..such pals. x

  8. Beautiful card Loll, I love those spring colours and also love that sentiment.
    the dogs look as though they are having a good time together on Jessies sleep over :)

  9. Beautiful water color look, lovely flowers and that big sentiment is amazing!

    It's wonderful that Jesse has a "snuggle buddy"!

  10. This is such a beautiful spring card, Lolly! It looks like you painted it directly as if on canvas! Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos of Jessie and Violeta, both really gorgeous girls! As much as she loves her pal and the guys, I'll bet she was so happy to see you two when she got back!! Love and hugs, Dolly

  11. Your card is so beautifully CAS Loll... I love it ... fresh Spring colors and that fabulous sentiment 🌷🌷🌷 just wonderful. I have biggest grin too with those gorgeous puppy photos.. they do look like best of friends, so special. Have a wonderful day and stay safe, hugs Robyn

  12. What a stunningly gorgeous card Loll. Wee Jesse is such a sweetie.
    Stay safe

  13. Gorgeous card, Loll and so fun to see a pair of happy pooches! Hope you are doing well!

  14. You are at your CAS best with this one. I love it xx

  15. So beautiful in it's simplicity and bright colors Loll - what a sweet little flower you used on this! xx

  16. Beautiful coloring on the flowers and a pretty design. I love the font of the thanks. The pictures just warmed my heart. It is wonderful to have a best friend even as a dog. They are so sweet together and lucky not to have to shelter in place.

  17. CAS and absolutely BEAUTIFUL card Loll! Love, LOVE the greens and pinks together...definitely says SPRING to me! And looks like Jessie had a great sleepover with her best friend! (Well, best friend next to you and Gord that is!!) :0)

  18. Beautifully done, Loll! I haven't done this technique in a while but you have mastered it! Love the partial stamping with that fabulous image. I also love the font of your sentiment too!

  19. So pretty the way you did this with the partial image and all that lovely CASness! Your green backdrop is perfect for it, too. And, ohhhhh, those beautiful dogs! The photos are very professional looking. How is it that the two of them are so perfectly coordinated (not to mention clean)? Love!

  20. Super lovely CAS card, Loll! Love the bright spring colors, the way you used the stamp (partially), and the big white open space! Every time I see your beautiful no-line watercoloring, I think I should try it next time.
    Violeta and Jessie look so adorable sticking together. Did she run to you and Gord when she came back home? I bet she missed you too.
    Hideko xx

  21. Simply beautiful flower image and love your pretty colors. Wonderful sentiment and font too.

    It has been so much fun seeing how Jessie and Violeta have become the best of friends. Always Love seeing Alex's awesome photos too. Thank you for Sharing, my friend. Stay safe and creative. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  22. Beautiful floral card! But it is taking a back seat to the fabulous photos of Jessie and Violeta! It's lovely that they are such good friends and curl up together! Tessa sure misses her visits to your house and her romps with Jessie and Violeta.

  23. Oh my your card is a stunner and I adore the lovely sentiment with your beautiful flowers! Terrific design!

  24. Fresh and gorgeous, Loll ... what stunning jewel colours against the crisp white! Sweet photo's too! Hugs, Anita :)

  25. Beautiful no-line watercoloring, Loll! I love your color palette and your CAS card design is perfect for these pretty blooms!

    Thanks so much for sharing more pics of Jessie with us! I think it's so nice that she has a great friendship with Violeta, the way is Violeta smiling in that first photo? It sure looks like it :) Barb xx

  26. Wow, this looks like spontaneously watercoloured flowers. Loving the clean look to this special card. The thanks font compliments this stylish card. Beautiful ...again xx

  27. Love your pictures of the dogs and your card is picture perfect!
    Sandy xx

  28. Dearest Loll the photos of Jessie and Violeta are adorable and no wonder you both missed her x. A beautiful and striking CAS card, which looks so very pretty x. Staying safe our end and sending hugs to you x.

  29. What a great card. Another pearl in your collection, Loll. I love the wonderful white broken with a few flowers in intense colors. Oh, I love this card.
    BożenA xoxo


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)