
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Happy Birthday Susan!

My dear friend, Susan (Cardmaker's Garret) is celebrating a milestone birthday today.  I would like to celebrate along with her and hope that you do too!


There is a linky birthday party below to honour Susan, which will be open for two weeks.  Please help make this a special day for Susan by joining in and sharing a birthday card for her.

I needed to make a second birthday card for her because I forgot to take a photo of the card I mailed Susan over a week ago, duh! :)  Seems like I do these kind of things more often now ... I'm blaming Covid, not the fact that I'm getting older. :)

Susan, I hope you enjoy this card just as much as the one I mailed to you!  I'll be sending the above card to you as well!

Susan's Linky Birthday Party is closed!


  1. This is just beautiful, what a wonderful thing to do for a special friend. Never blaming your age for anything is a good tactic in my book xx

  2. I am thrilled to join in your special birthday blog hop Lolly for our dear sweet and very talented friend, Susan:-) Thank you Lolly and wishing you, Susan a very special birthday for the entire month:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

  3. Lovely card! And best wishes to the birthday girl.

    BTW, what stamp did you use?

  4. Thank you so much, Loll - I’m looking forward to seeing all the cards that get linked! And your card is totally beautiful and totally me! What a gorgeous shade of blue!

  5. Fabulous card ...Loll ...a really pretty card ....and colour ...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  6. What a beautiful bouquet of blue, Lolly! So perfect for our Susan! She sure loves blue! Wonderful shading in these flowers!

  7. Thanks for organizing this Loll, I know Susan will love it :)

  8. Beautiful card! You and water coloring always amazes me! Happy Birthday to Susan too

  9. Once again I did not realize this is a milestone birthday for Susan and sent her a card from my stash. 🙁
    I’m sure she won’t mind getting a second card. Your beautifully watercolored blue floral card is perfect for her.

  10. Thank you for doing this to celebrate Susan's special milestone birthday, Lolly! Your card is so pretty and so her, especially in blue! (It's so funny that neither one of us took pictures!) Love, Dolly

  11. What a lovely card, and a lovely thing to do for your friend xxx

  12. A very beautiful card for a beautiful lady and the water colouring looks so pretty Loll x.

  13. Happy birthday Susan... what a sweet thing to do Loll and your card is beautiful as I'm sure the one you sent her is.

  14. Happy Birthday to Susan! This card is gorgeous, Loll. A lovely sweet bouquet for your friend. :)

  15. What a lovely, thoughtful party you're giving to Susan. I can't wait to see all her birthday cards linked up. Your card for her is so pretty and in her favorite color. I burned up a pan of potatoes the other day because Covid made me forget about them. Thank you for reminding me it was Covid!

  16. What a beautiful card Loll and I'm sure Susan will love the 2nd card too! I'd never been much of a "blue" person until this past year and now all of a sudden I just can't get enough of it...lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  17. Your flowers are sooooo beautiful and I know Susan will be plenty happy to receive a second card from you. This is so dreamy, so watercolory, so lovely! Happy birthday to Susan!

  18. Such a beautiful bouquet of blooms, Loll! I love how you designed this card and that you chose blue for the flower petals and sentiment ~ xx
    Happy Birthday to Susan!!!

  19. Happy Birthday Susan ...... I hope you have a fabulous day.
    Such a beautiful card Loll, I love the soft watercolour look to the bouquet xx

  20. Beautiful Loll, such a soft and pretty blue watercolour look and a great idea to have this linky birthday party to celebrate Susan's milestone birthday. Wishing her a very Happy Birthday! x

  21. This is so pretty, Loll! Love the no-line soft watercolor! Blue is Susan's favorite color and she must be so happy to receive TWO beautiful cards from you. :-) Thank you so much again for having thoughtful linky party!
    Hideko xx

  22. What an amazing bouquet! These flowers look like airy blue poppies. Such an amazing sight!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)