
Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Happy Birthday Mom!

Hi everyone.  Today is my Mom's 94th birthday! :)  I made this especially for her.  She loves flowers and used to spend hours every day in her garden.

I stamped the Statement Flowers (Altenew) in black ink before heat embossing in clear onto Fabriano Mixed Media paper (first time trying this paper).  I watercoloured the image with distress inks before outlining the image with gray watercolour pencil and then adding water to the outline.  It's subtle, but does make the flowers stand out a little more on the white background.  I stamped Simply Sentiments (Lawn Fawn) for the sentiment in black ink, also heat embossed in clear.

This is my second larger-sized card.  It was easier to photograph because of the landscape orientation.  Still not as comfortable as I am with A2 sized cards ... I'll keep trying.  :)

Close-up ...
Later today hubby and I will be having dinner with Mom, along with Jer & Alex and my nephew and his girlfriend.  It will be a nice evening.

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Stamps:  Statement Flowers (Altenew)
Paper:   White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.); Mixed Media paper (Fabriano 108 lb.)
Ink:   Black (Memento); Distress Inks:  Mowed Lawn, Rustic Wilderness, Saltwater Taffy, Candied Apple (Tim Holtz); Gray watercolour pencil (Derwent)
Accessories:   Clear embossing powder, heat tool, watercolour paint brushes



  1. A lovely card, Loll. Happy Birthday to your mom.

  2. Gorgeous stamped, heat embossed and colored floral birthday card for your sweet mom, Lolly! She is going to LOVE it!! I loved how you outlined the image with light grey watercolor pencil and then went over it with water to give a soft effect that added more depth. I have never tried that technique. You have me always, my friend. A 94th birthday is a huge accomplishment. It was wonderful how your larger format made your flowers really stand out with the added white space:-) TFS your beauty, my friend. Love and Hugs and...Happy Birthday to your sweet mom:-)

  3. What an amazing lady she must be and how special to have reached 94. I hope you enjoy a very special time together. Your card is just perfect and that little grey shadow has done wonders for making the image pop xx

  4. Gorgeous! Love the pink and the subtle shadow.

  5. Such a pretty card Loll, sure your Mum will love it. Hope she has a great birthday! :)

  6. Gorgeous card Loll, beautifully coloured image. Happy Birthday to your Mom! xx

  7. Beautiful job of watercoloring, Loll. Happy Birthday to your Mom. Enjoy your time together.

  8. Happiest birthday to your dear Mom, Loll! How lucky are you to still have her? I'm sure she will cherish your beautiful card - bet she has quite a collection of those made with your loving hands!
    I love this stamp - a gorgeous floral for your mom, beautifully water colored!

  9. Such beautiful flowers that I'm sure will bring back happy memories for your Mom! You did a wonderful job of watercoloring these flowers, my friend! Enjoy your evening and a wishes for a very happy birthday to your Mom!

  10. A beautiful card Loll, for your mums special birthday (my mum will be 93 this year). Love the soft colours, so pretty and yes the soft gray outline lifts the flower on the card.. happy birthday to your mum, hugs Robyn

  11. What a beautiful watercoloured floral image and am sure your Mom will have loved it, so gorgeous in pink, and hope you enjoyed your dinner with her and the family. x

  12. WOW! This is beautiful and even though I don't know her, please give her a big 94th birthday hug from me! That's an amazing milestone birthday!

  13. Gorgeous card for your mom! Beautifully coloured! Have a great birthday dinner with her.

  14. What a beautiful CAS card, love those big blooms! Happiest Birthday wishes to your mom, Loll!

  15. Your taking a beautiful paper bouquet to your Mom, Lolly! It's very pretty in pink and I love the outlining. I'm sure you are going to have a wonderful celebration of this big birthday! Love, Dolly

  16. Gorgeous! Happy Birthday to your mom, what a feat.

  17. Congrats to your Mum on this milestone birthday Loll! Beautiful card, love the effect the soft shadow gives, it does make the flowers pop, Cathy x

  18. An exquisite card Loll, so beautifully designed and executed. What a privilege to still have your Mum on your life

  19. Happy Birthday to your Mum, I'll bet she had a fabulous day and that she loved her card.
    The large bloom is gorgeous, and beautifully coloured xx

  20. A Very Happy Birthday to your Mum, I hope you all have a wonderful day together. She will love her card, who wouldn't? It really is a lovely flower, so beautifully coloured. Thanks for the tip on the shadow. I shall try that.
    Faith x

  21. How beautiful this is with the statement flowers and your watercolor! Against the white they really shine. I know how the gray outline shading makes a difference. I have trouble getting the photos to show those subtle touches, but in hand it is such a nice effect. Happy birthday to your mom, only a day late! I hope you had a nice dinner with your mother and family. I plan to plug along for a good many more years, enjoying my garden and everything else. About those larger cards... lately I've made a few that are 4 1/2 x 6 -- just a tiny bit larger -- and am comfortable with that size. It does use more paper. I like how I can get 2 cards from one sheet when I make A2. You always inspire me and give me something to think about.

  22. Happy birthday to your sweet mom, Loll! I bet she loved your card, and you all had a wonderful dinner yesterday.
    The light pink flowers are so lovely, and the subtle gray outlines are effective in making the flowers stand out. I wish I could do watercolor shading & highlighting like you do!
    Hideko xx

  23. CAS and absolutely BEAUTIFUL Loll!! I bet your mom LOVED it! I do too!!! Your coloring and shading on these blooms is so pretty...lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  24. Wow on the painting, Loll! Love the loose watercolor look. Your shadow is so well done too. What a fabulous card for you mom! Outstanding work!

  25. What a lovely card to remind her of her love of flowers and her garden. Happy birthday to her on her 94th. The water color looks beautiful and the outline really sets it off.

  26. What a gorgeous flower card, Loll - birthday wishes to your Mom! Mine also loved to garden back in the day; I'm sure yours enjoyed this beautiful card and a dinner with family!

  27. Wow - happy 94th to mum! What a lovely card for the gardener - beautiful watercolored Loll! Julia xx

  28. What a gorgeous card for your mother's birthday Loll! I love that you made it a big card, it's a big age. Of course I just love your watercoloring, the subtle shadow really does make a difference. Glad you didn't give up on the larger sized card because this one is fabulous too. Hope your mother had a wonderful birthday! Hugs, Brenda

  29. Gorgeous card Loll. Love your watercoloring on the pretty blooms. I bet your mom love the card. Thanks for sharing with us at seize the Birthday.

  30. Such a subtle and really beautiful card for your Mom Loll. I'm sure the card delighted her and was an expression of your love.

  31. I am doing a little catching up
    Sandy xx Loll -- You have made your Mum a gorgeous card -- 94! WOW!!


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