
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Stencil Fun!

Hi everyone.  The other day I watched a 5-minute card video by Gina K called Magic Masking Strips with Stencils.  I really like the design of the card she made so I decided to try it for myself.  I basically copied Gina's card.  It was a fun and easy card to make.

I used three stencils (Flourish Layering by Tim Holtz; Crisscrossed Stencil by STAMPlorations; and Bubbly by Kaisercraft ) along with three colours of distress inks (Salvaged Patina, Mowed Lawn, Mermaid Lagoon).  To finish the card, I added a die cut sentiment (Painted Thanks - Simon Says Stamp) in black and coated with three coats of melted UTEE.

I'm sending this card to the August Stencil Fun Challenge.

I wanted to try another card using softer colours of ink and changing up the design.  I came up with this CAS design ...
With lots of masking, I used the Flourish Layering Stencil (Tim Holtz) only for this version.  And I used Salvaged Patina distress ink again, along with Saltwater Taffy (my FAV distress ink colour!).  This card makes me happy.  :)

I could see me making more of these, changing up the stencils, colours, and angles of sections. :)
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Paper:   White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.); Black card stock (SU!)
Ink:   Distress Inks:  Salvaged Patina, Mowed Lawn, Mermaid Lagoon (Tim Holtz); Black (Memento)
Accessories:   Masking tape, 3 Stencils:  Flourish Layering (Tim Holtz), Crisscrossed stencil (STAMPlorations), Bubbly (Kaisercraft); blending brushes, Painted Thanks (SSS) die-cut, UTEE


  1. OMG..Lolly...You have me inspired to try the masking stenciling technique. I LOVE both your cards and especially your choice of colors and angles on your 1st card and your CAS card design for your 2nd card. TFS my friend...Love and Hugs...Nancy

  2. Fabulous cards Loll, I especially love the first one. Thank you for the link to the video. xx

  3. This is a fun stencilling technique Loll using narrow strips of removable tape and three different prettily patterned stencils in that great wedge shaped design, and the black sentiment using three layers of ultra thick embossing powder really stands out. The second version using the TH Flourish stencil and the strong salmon pink and soft blue inks in different sized rectangular layers also works beautifully and the black stamped scaled down sentiment works perfectly. x

  4. This looks like a fun technique and I love the various strips of colors and design! Great colors too!

  5. What a fun technique, I might have to give this a try! Two pretty cards, Loll!

  6. Love the mix of stencils and colours! Two fabulous cards using a great technique!

  7. Love how this turned out and the fact I have the card :) I will have to give this a go, it looks like f fun technique xx

  8. Ohhhh these are REALLY fun! Love the colors but also the technique, now to remember it. Really fun, Loll!

  9. Looks a fun technique Loll, it would be great with any stencils. Your embossed die cut sentiment on the first really stands out against the busy background. Two fab cards. :)

  10. What a wonderful technique with a fabulous result. Both beautiful cards Loll.
    Faith x

  11. This technique produces fab results Loll. 2 great cards. x

  12. I remember watching Gina's video when it came is such a fun technique and you totally made it shine on both cards Loll! I'm especially loving the CAS design one!! Amazing how one quick little video can give us all so much inspiration! FABULOUS cards my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  13. OMG both cards are just awesome! What a fun technique (will have to view that video) and your choice of colors are perfect! Beautifully done my friend! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our STENCIL FUN challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth,Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B

  14. What utterly fabulous cards with a stenciling technique that looks super fun! Thank you for the link. Bookmarking!

  15. How fun, Lolly! It's nice to have different ways to use stencils and I especially like the patterns and colors of the first one! Love, Dolly

  16. What a great technique, Lol and you really rocked it with these designs. I too, prefer the softer colours but the first one would make a great masculine or teen card.
    Hope you are well and over the virus,
    Carol x

  17. That's a great and effective way to use your stencils. I love the look and will look forward to seeing more xx

  18. I love both cards, Loll! The partial stenciled areas are fabulous! Hope you're feeling better! Sue N

  19. Cool set of cards. Great technique for incorporating multiple stencils.

  20. What a dynamite idea Loll! This card looks fun and what a great idea for a card for anyone. How many times we need one in a hurry too. LOVE THIS and plan on casing it if and when I get back to cards.

  21. What a fun stenciling technique, Loll! The technique has lots of possibilities, and gives your stencils a new look. Thanks for sharing Gina's video link. I love the combination of stencils, the ink colors and the design of both cards!
    Hideko xx

  22. This is so cheerful and colorful and a fun card for any occasion. The strips on the second card look like fun too.

  23. Well this certainly looks like a fun way to use stencils Loll!!! I love the bright colors in your first card and the fun stencils you used. Very cool look. Love the second one, the soft colors, the CAS design and the beautiful stencil. Just beautiful. I can see you coming up with lots of designs using this that I need to try myself. My list is long of things I want to try.....LOL Give little Jessie girl a hug from me. Hugs, Brenda

  24. WOW! A great way to use different stencils in one card. I love both ways of setting up templates.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)