
Thursday, March 21, 2024

J-O-Y #6

Hi everyone.  I'm back with my sixth card using the Immense JOY die from Penny Black.  I smiled the whole time I was watercolouring this image.  It is so sweet! :)

The stamp is Hopping By (Penny Black).  I used black ink, heat embossed in clear, and watercoloured with my Zigs.

For the background I used kraft card stock dry embossed with a snowflake embossing folder (Cuttlebug).  I used my white pigment ink pad to lightly swipe over top to catch the highlights of the embossed design before adding the JOY die and watercoloured bunny over top.

Close-up ...
I'm sending this card to the Merry Little Christmas Card Challenge #55, where it's Anything Christmas Goes.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stamps:  Hopping By (Penny Black)
Paper:   White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.); Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.); Real Red card stock (SU!)
Ink:   Black (Memento); Zig markers
Accessories:   JOY die (Penny Black); Clear embossing powder (Ranger), heat tool; Snowflake embossing folder (Cuttlebug); watercolour brushes, diluted white acrylic paint for splattering



  1. I get a big grin seeing this JOY again - Mr. Bunny is an adorably colored, extra treat, Loll!

  2. That sweet little bunny fills the O perfectly! This is a darling card, Loll!

  3. Another really pretty look using this die Loll, and I love the cute rabbit with its parcels against the bright red letters, and I think the embossed craft card with the added white ink makes the snowflakes look beautifully icy. x

  4. And I'm smiling looking at this sweet image Loll...he is just too CUTE and beautifully colored too! And I am still enjoying each and every card you make with this wonderful JOY die!! Your background is perfect for this card too! Sweet, sweet card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  5. These cards are working so well. love that background and your cute rabbit. Excellent snowy effect too. I can see why you smiled all the way through creating this one xx

  6. So pretty! You really are tempting me to get this die!

  7. Another fun design with this JOY die cut! Love the sweet bunny!

  8. Loving the JOY designs, this little bunny is adorable ♥

  9. He is definitely sweet and brings a smile to my face too! I love his countenance, little gifts and the twinkle in his eye (that be my imagination)!

  10. Keep it up, Loll. Every image you have put in the JOY has been incredible and given me a smile.

  11. Oooooo, this is gorgeous, Loll, Jo x

  12. What gorgeous soft coloring on your sweet little snow bunny Loll! The snow fall splatter is wonderful - love the white rubbed over the embossed kraft background and, of course, that awesome JOY die! Julia xx

  13. I love seeing what you do with this die since mine is still sitting here collecting dust. Such a cute image and beautifully painted too. Beautiful card!

  14. OMG I am going to have to get that die...these cards are all so darned cute Loll. Love each and everyone of them.

  15. Such a sweet colorful Christmas card, Lolly:-) I am Loving all your wonderful Christmas cards, Lolly:-) Love and Big Hugs...dear friend:-) We are looking forward to Springtime:-) Nancy and Denny :-)

  16. I have loved every one of your cards using that neat die! The scenes are wonderful! You always inspire me! Sue N

  17. That jumbo JOY was a great addition to your dies, Loll - you've made it shine on every card you've made with it!! Love this sweet bunny colored so beautifully!!

  18. This is your card suggestion using this die, and I am totally convinced that I should have this die. You present so many ways to make stunning cards, Loll!

  19. So very cute! Thank you for sharing with us at Merry Little Christmas.
    Annie (DT)

  20. This is a great card. Love the use of the word and image. Thanks for joining the challenge at the Merry Little Christmas Challenge Blog.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)