
 We adopted Jessie and brought her home from the B.C. Interior on July 25, 2019.  She has the most amazing personality and keeps us entertained. :)

Jessie is a Cavalier King Charles Spanel mixed with Beagle (3/4 cav; 1/4 beagle).  She definitely looks like a Cavalier but her howling is definitely Beagle. :)

I've added all the photos of Jessie that I have posted throughout my blog since bringing her home,
plus a few more.  I hope you enjoy.  It's very uplifting to see that adorable face!

The photos are in reverse chronological order with the newest photos at the top.
Most photos are taken by my very talented son-in-law, Alex!

More will be added as time permits ...

February 2025
Walk in the snow after getting a short haircut.  Jessie needed to borrow
Violeta's coat to stay warm. :)

November 2024
Lazy afternoon - lots of napping!

May 2024
Out for a morning walk in the park - Jessie & Violeta

Jessie is 5 years old!

December 2023
Christmas Portrait by Alex

November 2023
Yearly Portraits of both Jessie & Violeta
(Photos by Alex)

October 2023

March 2023
Jessie's Portrait
Acrylics by Jeremy Thompson

December 2022

August 2022
Jessie Chillaxin'

July 2022
Jessie and Violeta portraits by Alex

June 2022

May 2022
Jessie found a big stick! :)

April 2022
Jessie and Vi chillin' after playing hard.

January 2022
Jessie always picks up sticks larger than her. :)

December 2021
Christmas Portrait
Photo by Alex

November 2021
Visit with Fran, Deb, and Emma

Sleepover at Violeta's
Jessie looking out the front window looking for squirrels
October 2021
Jessie resting by the fire after Thanksgiving turkey dinner. :)

Jessie & Violeta's yearly portrait under the red maple tree
Photos by Alex

September 2021
Jessie out in the backyard enjoying the rain.

August 2021
Jessie has first meeting with Attalie,
(a Bernese Mountain Dog about 10 times larger than Jessie!). :)
They liked each other right away.

Left Hip Surgery

July 2021
Jessie cuddles with Auntie Dee and meets Tucker for the first time.

June 2021
Belly Rub Time

May 2021

April 2021
Jessie meets Emma for the first time.

Some pampering from Alex ...

March 2021
Sharing an ice cream cone with Vi

January 2021
Right Hip Surgery

December 2020
Christmas Day - new bandanas

November 2020
New glove to play with - red is Jessie's favourite colour!

October 2020
New toy - Jessie LOVES squirrels!

September 2020

July 2020
      Haircut - before ...                                              ... and after

June 2020
Jessie loves Nana - gave her a kiss on the ear.

May 2020
Bad Hair Day!
Sharing lunch with Daddy


April 2020


March 2020

February 2020





January 2020
Three short videos of playing in the snow with Violeta

New toy

First time seeing snow

December 2019

November 2019
Surgery                                                 The National Dog Show on TV!

 Deb                                                           Fran

Jessie's First Photo Shoot (Nov. 2, 2019) - Photos by Alex

October 2019
The Gang (Tessa, Violeta, Tika, Jessie)
               Christine                                                        Susan


                                                  Parker & Jessie

September 2019
I stepped away for a minute and Jessie helped herself to my coffee.

 Waiting for Mommy to finish commenting.          
It's bed time!                                   
August 2019
                                                                           Meeting Ozzy for the first time.                                                
Jer, Ozzy, Jessie

                                               Alex                                                                         Nana
with Violeta

July 2019 - Jessie is Home!



Papercraft Boutique said...

I remember all of the pictures. It's so good to see Jessie's growth and her adorable (and sometimes funny) facial expressions all in one page!
Hideko xx

Darnell said...

I'm not very observant am I, that I have never noticed this tab until tonight? What a fabulous idea, Lolly! It's a wonderful permanent photo album with excellent professional photos of sweet Jessie!! Love, Dolly

Mac Mable said...

Ohhhh I so enjoyed scrolling through these cute, adorable and fabulous photos. What a great idea to put them all in one place Loll x. Love Mac xx

Brenda in IN said...

I just saw this tab today and I love all the sweet pictures of Jessie and all her friends. She is a sweetie.

Judi Gray said...

I so look forward to your postings and the wonderful info you share with them. So much work on your part, keeping track of items you use to create your fabulous cards and then posting same for our viewing pleasure. Thank you.

Jessie is about the cutest thing, Ever. Her facial and eye expressions are over the top. Sometimes she appears to be saying or thinking: I'm ready for my closeup now and other times it seems to be 'Oh! Bother, not again.!

Do you have a designated craft room? How Do you keep track of your goodies? What are the storage secrets for your stash? How many hours a week do you stamp/craft?

Have a wonderful holiday season, stay safe, well, and warm. PS: scratch Jessies ears, please.

Loll said...

Judi, thanks for your comment. I don't have your email, so I'm hoping you check back to see my response.

I have a designated craft room, although I've outgrown the space and really need to have a bigger room. :) Hubby won't let me knock out a wall, darn it!

Most of keeping track of my supplies is in my head, although I do tend to forget once in a while and end up with duplicates. :) I keep my stamps, dies, and stencils listed in Evernote so I can add a link to where they can be purchased, but the files are so large now, it takes forever to save the file when I signout. I need to find a better way.

Most of my supplies are in bookcases. I have lots of small storage boxes. I stamp just about every day for a few hours, sometimes many hours. It's my main hobby.

Jessie doesn't mind having her photo taken. She is very patient about it. Wait until you see her Christmas photo (going live on my blog on Dec. 20th). Alex does amazing work!

Loll xx

Jeanne H said...

Just noticed this tab about Jessie. What fun to see all the pictures. Jessie is such a beautiful dog. Thanks for sharing. I sure miss my dog Willie.

Leslie Miller said...

What's wrong with me that I just now noticed this tab. What a nice visit I had, looking back through the years with Jessie. Thank you!

Di said...

I just found this tab Loll! Reminds me I must update Dudley's page over at Pixies. Jessie is so, so cute! xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous photographs. She is beautiful.

Nstiz said...

Just found this tab. THAT is the cutest dog EVER!

shag said...

I just noticed Jessie as I was studying your gorgeous card. Every picture of her is gorgeous. Alex is an excellent photographer. All the dogs are so beautiful. I had to send my 12 year old Sheltie to the rainbow bridge just before Covid. He had mouth cancer. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him. Thank you for sharing your fur babies!!! And teaching us how to make your card!

nancy littrell said...

OMG..such cute photos of Jessica and her furry friends and 2 legged friends, Lolly. I can't wait to see more photos of all her 4 legged and 2 legged friends:-) Love and Big Hugs to all the precious photos. Thank you so much for sharing. Love and hugs..forever friend..Nancy Littrell:-)